InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Jealousy Sucks ❯ A Hardheaded Girl ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n- Hey everyone!!! I'm a new user, and I'm not as good as Youkai Yume, Angelbabe17, or any of the popular authors… But I hope you still like my fics!
Disclaimer: ::I'm only going to say this once throughout the whole story:: I do not own Inuyasha and co.
Jealousy Sucks
Chapter One: A Hardheaded Girl
Summary: Inuyasha and Kagome were best friends since they were in diapers. Everyone but Kagome knows that Inuyasha had fallen head over heels in love with Kagome. Can Inuyasha tell her how he feels before its too late?
“Come on Inuyasha! It's just two dollars!” Kagome whined, tugging Inuyasha toward the small booth.
“No! That's just a rip-off! All they do is take your picture and then just print it in black and white!” The boy tried to release his arm from her grip, wincing as her nails dug in his arm.
“Please?” Kagome pouted and blinked her eyes several times. “Do it for me?” she pleaded.
Inuyasha looked at her and a blush stained his cheeks. `So cute….' His thought made him blush even deeper, and he looked away from her face. “Fine….” Inuyasha sighed and she released her death grip on his arm.
Kagome grinned and pushed away the green curtain that served as a door to the photo booth. She quickly sat down and waited for Inuyasha to come in. “Hurry up, slowpoke!” Kagome taunted, smiling.
Inuyasha mumbled some incoherent words but walked faster toward the booth. He dug out two dollar bills from his pocket and fed them to the machine. He put the green curtain back into place and sat down next to Kagome.
The machine explained that their will be 4 pictures to take and you only have a few seconds to get ready. “Great.” Inuyasha muttered, He crossed his arms and pouted.
“Hey, get ready its about to take our picture!” Kagome turned to face him and yanked one of his white dog ears. Just then, a flash blinded both of their eyes.
“Ouch! What'd you do that for!?” Inuyasha yelled and stood up his form towering over hers.
Kagome glared and stood up as well. “I was just making sure that you were ready! You were mumbling to yourself and you were pouting about something!” Kagome yelled and then another flash erupted from the machine.
“Now look what you've done! You've wasted 2 pictures!!” Inuyasha huffed and crossed his arms.
Kagome growled as best as she could and with all her strength, punched his back. As he fell, another flash came from the machine.
Inuyasha howled in pain. “Ouch! You have one hell of a punch Kagome!” Inuyasha groaned and slowly rose to his own two feet. “Let's just take the last picture without arguing or anything alright?” Inuyasha groaned and sat down.
Kagome blushed and nodded. “Sorry Inuyasha.” Kagome whispered and put her arms around his broad shoulders.
Inuyasha felt blood rushing to his cheeks and nodded, wrapping an arm around her waist.
Both smiled as a flash blinded their sights. Inuyasha reluctantly released her waist and stood, walking out of the small booth.
Kagome walked after him and stood near the printer, eagerly waiting for the pictures. “Sorry Inuyasha, I forget how sensitive your ears are.” Kagome shyly apologized, shifting foot to foot.
Inuyasha sighed and nodded. “It's okay…” Inuyasha sighed and sat down near the bench that was beside the booth.
Kagome giggled and gingerly stroked his snow white ears, gently massaging it. A purr radiated of his throat and his chest rumbled.
Kagome laughed and released his ear only to grab the pictures from the machine. Kagome grinned and gave the pictures to Inuyasha. “You can have it.” Kagome offered.
Inuyasha shrugged and took the pictures, briefly scanning over it. The last picture made him smile and he tucked the picture away into his pocket. “Let's eat.” Inuyasha said as his stomach grumbled, Kagome slightly laughing.
“Okay… same place?” Kagome asked, weaving her hand with his.
“Uh… Yeah…” Inuyasha stammered his heart beating wildly as her baby soft skin came in contact with his.
Both begin to walk out of the mall, hand in hand.
A/n- I decided to cut it off here. I have no clue why…. I'm weird, huh? Ha-ha... Yeah... Well please review! Ja!