InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Jerry Springer Interviews The Cast Of Inu Yasha aka Free For All! ❯ Jerry Springer Interviews The Cast Of Inu Yahaaka Free For ALL ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

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Jerry Springer Interviews Inu-yasha Cast aka Free for All

*Note from Editor: Some characters here are from the Inu-yasha Mailing List and not actually IN Inu-yasha...*

JERRY: Today's show, Demons and the... people... who love them. Inu-Yasha, our first guest, is in a few bizarre love triangles...
INU-YASHA: Hmph. Why the **** am I here?
KAGOME: I don't know why I'm here either!
JERRY: So... uh... Inu-Yasha, I understand you're in love with this girl, Kagome, is that right?
INU-YASHA: Where the **** did you get that fool idea? The wench's helping me look for Shikon Jewel Shards, that's all! All!
::audience boos::
KAGOME: Inu-Yasha, you *****! I thought you cared about me! Why else would you save my life over and over, even when the shards weren't involved?
JERRY: Excuse me. This.. Shikon Jewel, you keep mentioning... why is it so important?
INU-YASHA: Once I have the jewel, I'll become a full demon. Then all of you had better look out!
KAGOME: You could also use the jewel to become human, you know... that's what you told Kikyou you were going to do!
JERRY: So, Inu-Yasha, you had a love affair before this one with Kagome?
INU-YASHA: BAKA! I didn't love EITHER of them!
JERRY: All right, bring out Kikyou!
::arrows flying::
KIKYOU: INU-YASHA! Why did you betray me?
INU-YASHA: What--you betrayed me, *****!
KIKYOU: You *****! How can you lie like that?
KAGOME: Hey, he isn't lying!
KIKYOU: Shut up, *****! You are NOT my reincarnation!
KAGOME: Was that supposed to be an insult? I wouldn't have wanted to be a judgemental, nasty person like you!
KIKYOU: YOU--- ::more arrows::
INU-YASHA: ::whisking Kagome out of the way:: Stop it, wench, she's not part of this!
KIKYOU: You left me for her! You ******! She's nothing but a ****** s****!
KAGOME: I'M A *******? Look who's talking! ::throws chair::
::security guards break it up, take Kikyou's arrows away::
JERRY: So, Inu-Yasha, you claim to feel nothing towards either of these women?
INU-YASHA: They're nothing but ***** wenches.
JERRY: I see. So, Inu-Yasha, you have a brother?
INU-YASHA: Half-brother, actually.
JERRY: Ah. So, your half-brother is a full demon, is that right?
INU-YASHA: Yeah. But I've beat him before, and I can do it again!
::audience boos::
JERRY: I understand your brother has a... uh... sexual interest in you?
::audience explodes::
::look at eachother::
::both throw chairs at Inu-Yasha::
::security guards...::
JERRY: Okay, bring out Sesshou-Maru!
::audience half-cheers, half-boos::
SESSHOU-MARU: Ah, dear younger brother... I see you still carry the Tetsusaiga? Not for long. Jaken!
JAKEN: Hehe. Yes, my lord! ::turns staff of heads::
::security guards take staff away::
JERRY: Uh... Have a seat, Mr.--
SESSHOU-MARU: LORD, Jerry. My title is LORD Sesshou-Maru.
JERRY: Ri-ight. So, you have an.. uh, interest, in your brother?
SESSHOU-MARU: If you say I do... I just find the way he always escapes... alluring. ::licks lips::
JERRY: It doesn't bother you that he's your brother?
SESSHOU-MARU: It doesn't seem to bother him, either--
INU-YASHA: That's a lie! You forced me--
KAGOME: You--did it--with HIM? I HATE YOU!
KIKYOU: YOU **************!
JERRY: Uh... guards!
::security guards drag Kikyou and Kagome from Inu-Yasha's neck::
KIKYOU: Not so fast! ::uses demon power--blocked by Tetsusaiga's aura::
KAGOME: No, silly--like this! ::throws shoe--knocks IY unconcious::
JERRY: While Inu-Yasha recovers, let's bring out Kagome's secret-- ::handed card:: Er, excuse me. Kagome, Kikyou and Sango's secret admirer.
MIROKU: Hey, people!
KAGOME: ::mouth agape:: You.. uh, have fun in the wardrobe room?
MIROKU: ::dressed in pimp suit:: Yeah. Do you like it?
KIKYOU: You sick ****!
JERRY: Hey, guys, we have a question from the audience.
LILITH: Excuse me, uh, Miroku, was it? Do you enjoy--
::Miroku suddenly grabs her hands and goes down on one knee:
LILITH: What the--
MIROKU: Your beauty has captivated me. Will you bear my children?
NANASHI: ::smacks Miroku over the head:: She's not bearing anyone's children!
LILITH: Nanashi, you're so controlling! You don't even LIKE me!
KIKYOU: Yeah, you--leave her alone! ::throws chair at Miroku and Nanashi::
SARINA-CHAN: Hey, they're out cold! That means they're free for ME! ::grabs Miroku::
LILITH: NO! My Nanashi! ::commences tug of war::
MONKI-CHAN: Hey, Sarina--got something better than that! ::holds up unconcious Sesshou-Maru--an overturned chair rests behind her::
SARINA: Woo-hoo! Party! ::dashes out with Miroku, Monki-chan and Sesshou-Maru::
AAILEENA: Me too! Meee toooo! ::follows::
LILITH: uh... okay...
JERRY: So, uhm... Kagome, you have another secret admirer?
KAGOME: What are you talking about?
JERRY: You'll see in a minute. Bring out Shippo!
SHIPPO: Hi everybody! ::jumps into Kagome's lap::
KAGOME: What are you doing here, Shippo-chan?
SHIPPO: I have something to tell you... uh... Kagome...
KAGOME: Yesss?
SHIPPO: Will you be my mommy?
KAGOME: Of course! ::hugs Shippo:: You're such a cutie.
SHIPPO: Thanks...
JERRY: How sweet. But we have one more guest, everyone. Bring out Myoga!
::no one sees anything::
JERRY: Can we get a closeup of Myoga?
MYOGA: Aw, thank you. 'Tis hard being a flea.
JERRY: I see. So you're a companion to Inu-Yasha?
MYOGA: Yes, I have known him since he was a little one. His father was my companion for ages, and his mother--
INU-YASHA: DON'T MENTION HER. ::squashes Myoga::
MYOGA: Urgh...
JERRY: Uh... let's bring out another guest. Blue!
BLUE: Hi! Has anybody seen my demon? He gets turned on by pink lingerie.
::audience all raise hands::
BLUE: uh... You!
BANANA-CHAN: Yeah, he's locked up in my basement.
BLUE: Wow! Can I come get him now?
BANANA-CHAN: Sure thing. ::exit::
JERRY: And now, our final guest for today, Nazuna!
JERRY: So, Nazuna, I hear you hate demons?
NAZUNA: They killed my father! But Inu-Yasha saved me and helped me get revenge on his murderers. I still don't necessarily LIKE him, though.
INU-YASHA: What did I ever do to you, wench?
NAZUNA: Call ME a wench, will you?!?!?!? Take THAT! ::throws chairs::
::random fighting::
JERRY: I... I see. Uhm, That's all for today!
JERRY: Now it's time for Jerry's Final Thought. Sometimes, it seems, relationships with demons, even half-demons, can be hard. ::closet door falls open::
SARINA-CHAN: Um... sorry about that! ::pulls Sesshou-Maru back into closet:: ::muffled thuds and moans::
JERRY: Ri-ight. Anyways, relationships with demons is tough. But sometimes, if you just stick it out, it can be very rewarding--uh! ::shoe thunks on head::
KAGOME: Inu-Yasha, I hate you!
INU-YASHA: What the hell do I care what you think?
KIKYOU: You'd better care about what I think! ::shoots arrows::
SHIPPO: Eek! ::runs away::
::ten minutes later, the brawl has moved out into the hallway::
MYOGA: Erk... did anyone forget about me?

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