InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Joining Forces With Who?! ❯ New Companion ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own Inuyasha.
* Flash Backs *
I think that's it…
Chapter 9: New Companion
Hisa left Naraku's quarters a short time ago. Naraku had promised that she would see the miko later that evening. Hisa had heard rumors of a miko, monk, demon slayer, neko, and a fox traveling together seeking the destruction of Naraku. Out of what she heard this miko… Kagome was powerful. She had herd she was also the reincarnation of the miko Kikyo. It made this venture even better for her. Hisa rarely excepted jobs requested of her, yet she made a big exception to this miko.
`She will definitely be a great miko whether good or evil' though Hisa. She took the three small objects and placed each in her robe and smiled.
Kagome and Kagura had been talking when Naraku summoned Kagura. Kagura asked Kagome come with her. Kagome agreed hoping to see who her trainer was going to be. They both reached Naraku's quarters Kagura was the first to enter followed by Kagome.
“Kagome just the person I wanted to see. Kagura leave I wish to speak to Kagome alone.”
Kagura turned and left. She didn't bother standing outside the door. She knew Kagome would tell her of the discussions she had with Naraku.
“Kagome I have summoned a miko to train you since you lack the training of a normal miko”
“When do I get to meet this miko?”
“We will meet her outside,” said Naraku walking out the door of his quarters. Kagome followed behind silently.
Both Naraku and Kagome made it outside the castle. They didn't have to wait long before Hisa emerged from the doors of the castle. Kagome watched as she came closer to them. Kagome also noted the neko by her side. Once Hisa made it to were Naraku and Kagome stood Naraku broke the silence.
“Kagome I would like to introduce you to the miko I was telling you about Hisa, Hisa this is the miko in question.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you Kagome,” said Hisa with a bow.
“The pleasure is mine Hisa,” she said returning the bow.
“I will be inside if you need me,” said Naraku. He then left for the castle.
“Well Kagome lets begin your training shall we. We will begin over here” she then walked over to a tree stump and placed the three small objects down on it. Kagome admired each one. The first one was the shape of a square. It had a red color with a symbol that Kagome couldn't help but notice was close to the same as the moon on Sesshomaru's head the only difference was it faced the wrong direction and was purple.
The second object was a circular shape and was blue. This one had the symbol of a flame on the top. It was yellow. This also had a gold trim surrounding it. It looked more expensive than the first object.
The last object was less decorative then the other two. It was in the shape of a triangle. The color of the object was black. The shape on the triangle was a diamond and it was a silver color.
“The first thing you must do is chose one of these objects.” `This test will see how powerful the girl really is.'
“May I ask what these are? They're give off a strange energy.”
“So you sense it that's good. Follow your instincts chose the one you think will be the most rewarding.”
Kagome gave her a confused look but did as she was told. She looked at the three objects in front of her. Kagome was drawn to the black triangle object. She picked it up and examined it.
`Just as I thought. She sensed the power in it. Let's see if she can weald the power that lies inside.'
“So you have made your choice it see. Open it.”
Kagome looked at it but again did as she was told. She carefully lifted the lid of the dark object. It instantly began letting out black smoke. The smoke began to surround her just as it began it started off in front of her. It began gathering together in front of Kagome. It formed the shape of a dog. It was then engulfed in a light and a dog stood in place of the smoke. The dog bared its fangs and let a low but fears growl.
“You have chosen well Kagome. This animal in front of you is a shadow demon. Half wolf, half dog. The box you hold in your hand is a device I have come up with in order to collect demons. It holds them until there is a person strong enough to over power the creature that lies inside. You have chosen from the strongest of the three. Now you must tame it.”
Kagome looked at the wolf dog in front of her. She noted it had the same diamond shape on its forehead as it did on the box she held in her hand. Kagome placed the cover back on the box and put it over with the other two objects.
The wolf dog watched her carefully as she did this. He still bared his fangs. He watched as she approached him. He growled louder.
Kagome was hesitant when it started growling louder. She continued anyway. Kagome was still a good fifty feet away from the wolf dog. As she got closer the growls grew louder.
`I mine as well try talking to it see if it works'
“It's ok I won't hurt you” said Kagome extending her hand. She was now only a few feet away from the wolf dog.
Kagome stopped after she had said that. She knelt down and continued to have her hand extended. She would let him come to her, `it will be safer that way' she thought.
The wolf dog had stopped growling and watched her hand. He noticed she had stopped coming forward at him and was waiting for him to come to her. He cautiously walked forward to her hand and sniffed it.
Kagome was surprised he even came up to her hand she slowly brought her hand on his head and stroked his fur. She noted it was like touching silk.
The wolf dog was a bit shocked when the hand stroked his head. He had never had anyone touch him
before. Even the miko (meaning Hisa) had never touched him she just captured him and kept him locked away. He was beginning to like this girl. Her touch was gentle and she didn't seem to want to harm him.
Hisa had watched the seen with interest.
`She tamed him quicker than I expected' She then went over to the three objects and grabbed the other two, which were not chosen. She placed them in her robe. Hisa picked up the back on and smirked. This was going to be worth while. She looked back at the two.
“Very good Kagome, you did very well,” said Hisa as she approached the two. The wolf dog immediately started baring his fangs at Hisa. Hisa stopped in her tracks and smirked. The neko at her side assumed an attack position. Hisa didn't advance any further she just tossed the object to Kagome. Kagome caught it with ease and looked down at it. The wolf dog looked cautiously at her. She held the box in which he had been imprisoned.
“If the need be you can put him back in if you so wish it.”
Kagome looked from the box to the wolf dog.
“I don't think I need this” Kagome simply stated and tossed it back to Hisa. Hisa caught it with ease.
“As you wish. You have completed the first part of your training, He is your companion from now on, and he will join you with the rest of your training. My companion Azatoi will in a way train yours. You many name him as you see fit. Your training will be at dawn.” At that she turned and headed to the castle. The neko followed at her side.
Kagome turned back to the wolf dog. She gave him a small smile. He looked up at her curiously. She bent down and tried to pet him again he was hesitant but excepted the hand that extended in his direction. Kagome couldn't get enough of his for it was so soft, a lot softer than any dog in her time.
“Do you happen to have a name?” Kagome asked then remembered she wouldn't be able to understand him.
“Sorry that was stupid of me… well if you don't mind I would like to name you something” the wolf dog nodded his head in agreement.
“Now what to call you… I don't think you would like it very much if I called you Cuddles or something like that” Kagome received a small growl at that.
“I figured as much… lets see you fur is back with a white marking on your head… dark… but dark what? Oh I got it how about Kokuei?”
The wolf dog looked at her. He seemed to like the name he was given and nudged her arm in as a sign of approval. The name seemed to suit him perfectly.
“Ok Kokuei it is then… we better head back into the castle. I know someone who would like to meet you. She's nice I would also like you to meet some of my other friends but that will have to wait until later.”
Kagome got up and started to head towards the castle. Kokuei followed not far behind. He liked the vibe he got from this girl it was nothing like the evil coming from the castle and from Hisa. The one who had captured him so many years ago.
Kagura waited patently for Kagome's return. Since the girl arrived at the castle Kagura didn't' feel so alone anymore. She had Kanna and Kohaku but neither seemed to have a free will of there own they just did as they were told. It was nice to just have someone to talk to. To know friendship and more of a hope in being free.
At that moment Kagome walked into the room but she was not alone. A smaller demon was with her.
“I take it that he's the reason Naraku wished to talk to you?” asking a bit cautiously in case the demon was meant to spy on them.
“Well yes and no… Naraku wished to introduce me to Hisa my instructor for my miko powers. She gave him to me saying it was going to be part of my training. I'm not worried about him siding with her he seems to despise her. She traps demons in boxes and keeps them there. Such a cruel thing to do.”
“So it's safe around him?”
“Yeah… let me introduce you. Kokuei this is Kagura Kokuei.” Both nodded in a friendly gesture trusting Kagome.
“So what happens now?” asked Kagura.
“I wish I knew myself” was the reply.
Kagome woken at what looked to be an hour before sunrise. She figured it was better that way so she could get started with the training. She got up out of bed and looked around her room. Kokuei was sleeping at the end of her mat. She smiled.
Kagome was careful to get ready without disturbing Kokuei. She was all set to go with in 20 minutes. She sighed. `I wonder how everyone else is doing without me.'
Kokuei woke at the sound of Kagome's sigh. He sensed her sadness. He walked over to her and nudged her arm. She smiled at him. Kagome patted his head softly and scratched his ears.
“Thanks for the support Kokuei. Come on we are gonna start our training today” Kagome said sounding a bit happier than before.
They both headed out side to meet Hisa for there first day of training. When they got out their Hisa already stood waiting.
“Let's begin shall we. You will learn all that I know, from what I've heard you have no training what so ever so we will begin with basic training of what a child would be taught. You should learn quickly.”
“Will I learn healing?” Kagome asked thinking of Kohaku.
“Yes you will begin that today.” (I think I would bore everyone with all the training crap so I'll skip most of it there's a few things here and there that I'll mention. K)
Kagome's training continued for the next few weeks. Hisa was impressed by how much Kagome learned and how fast as well. She was able to learn the basics in two days, which impressed Hisa greatly. Kagome began to learn thing that she would if she had trained since the proper age.
Naraku watched as Kagome improved over the few weeks. `Lets put her to the test I think she's finally ready to face her little friends' Naraku called for Hisa. She arrived shortly after.
“Naraku, you wished to see me?”
“Yes, how do you think Kagome will do in a real battle?”
“If your thinking of the final battle between you and Inuyasha then you are mistaking she still has much to learn.”
“I meant nothing of that sort, I was thinking more on the lines of her just having her fun with them.”
“It could pose to be a good experience for her… yes it sound like a good idea just as long as she has some others with her.”
Hisa when back to Kagome to inform her of the up coming event.
“Naraku wishes you to meet up with your old friends, I agree that you should it will be a good practice especially with all that you have learned.”
Kagome just nodded. She headed into the castle Kokuei followed as well. She reached her room and sat down in the corner. Kokuei went over to her and snuggled against her. Both had gotten close over the past few weeks it had been like they were together all there life. Kokuei understood what was going on. Kagome talked to him about most of her problems. He knew about all of her family and friends. He slightly had a small hatred toward Inuyasha for hurting Kagome.
Their connection had grown more than they knew. They were now able to sense each other's feelings. Thanks to Hisa's training Kagome was able to communicate telepathically to Kokuei. It was not needed most of the time but it did help.
Hey everyone I'm back. Hopefully I'll be able to continue it better this time. Sorry for the long wait but school sucks and so did my classes. Schools over for the summer now and I got a job *sigh* though from what I know about it I'll get some time to write when the kids have “homework time”.
Thanks to all my loyal reviewers and all who are still with me. Sorry if I forgot to thank anyone it's been so long that I can't remember.
Next time I'll tell a bit from were I left of with Inuyasha and Kagome will meet up with her old friends.