InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ just for my friend ❯ the beginning ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: heartbraker 
The first day of high school the day every one fears. For me and Songo it was the last year we would ever talk.You see it all started when we walked in to to the school and had no clue what to do,that is when we met Miroku. "look at that hotty" wispered Songo, u see Songo and i have a thing for tall guys with brown hair. When he walked up to us and started to talk to us we were stun because a guy that cute had never talked to us.
He asked if we need help around we said yes so him and his friends showed us to every class. By the end of the day I was in love so when he asked me if I wanted to see a move or something I jumped up and hugged him. We saw the move called "Cry_Wolf". When i got home i ate and went to sleep the next day Songo found out i went out with him and she was mad. " You knew i liked him and u just had to take him away from me," she was yelling so the whole world could hear, " if u were a really friend u would have never gone out with him."
I went home alone that day but when i got to my door their was a suprise waiting for me. " Miroku what are you doing here?"
" i heard u and your friend got in a fight over me dose she really like me?"
" no she just likes every guy i have ever dated"
"oh, ok do u want to go out with me tonight"
"shure i would love to"
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Drama | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 01.20.2006 | Updated On: 01.22.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1 | Visits: 224 | Status: Completed

The first day of high school the day every one fears. For me and Songo it was the last year we would ever talk.You see it all started when we walked in to to the school and had no clue what to do,that is when we met Miroku. "look at that hotty" wispered Songo, u see Songo and i have a thing for tall guys with brown hair. When he walked up to us and started to talk to us we were stun because a guy that cute had never talked to us.
He asked if we need help around we said yes so him and his friends showed us to every class. By the end of the day I was in love so when he asked me if I wanted to see a move or something I jumped up and hugged him. We saw the move called "Cry_Wolf". When i got home i ate and went to sleep the next day Songo found out i went out with him and she was mad. " You knew i liked him and u just had to take him away from me," she was yelling so the whole world could hear, " if u were a really friend u would have never gone out with him."
I went home alone that day but when i got to my door their was a suprise waiting for me. " Miroku what are you doing here?"
" i heard u and your friend got in a fight over me dose she really like me?"
" no she just likes every guy i have ever dated"
"oh, ok do u want to go out with me tonight"
"shure i would love to"
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Drama | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 01.20.2006 | Updated On: 01.22.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1 | Visits: 224 | Status: Completed