InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Just tell me ❯ where is she? ( Chapter 1 )
Chapter 1 Where is she?
"Now where is that damn girl" Inuyasha yelled as he ran towards Kaede's village. "Is Kagome here?" He asked
"No, why would should Kagome be here, Inuyasha" kaede answered curiously.
Running toward the bone eater well he wondered what went wrong. When I kissed her did that tick her off? No that couldn't be that we were so close then what did I do. "Damn that kagome."
"Now that's not very nice." A familiar voice said
"Kagome, is that you?" Inuyasha asked
"Yes, why do you want to know." she answered in an angry tone.
Noticing that she was angry he asked "why did you runaway?"
"Why should I tell you? You should already know you idiot" Kagome yelled at him.
"Well I don't, so just tell me Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled back. Clueless at what she meant by he already knew.
"No Inuyasha! Now sit boy!" At that she ran away.