InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome...A demon?! ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey guys! Well I just notice that I forgot to answer a question from WTP (I think that's her name) to tell ya the truth I don't know if I'm gonna have it be a Sesshoumaru/Kagome pairing or if I'm gonna have it be an Inuyasha/Kagome pairing. ::ponders:: hmmm….how `bout ya'll vote on it? I know I had Inuyasha and Kagome kiss in whatever chapter but I think she is gonna fall out of love for IY. But I don't know. I'm just making this all up as I go along. Soooooooo now I think I'm gonna get to chapter 9 now. ^.^;;

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha…never had and never will.

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Stuff to know:

"…" Talking

`…' Thinking

*…* Telepathist

~*~*~*~ Scene change or end chapter

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Last time:

At that point Inuyasha was blushing like crazy. "Heh, c'mon you guys, leave him alone." Kagome said blushing.

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Chapter 9:

"Ok, fine we will leave as soon as he does his dare or he will have to take off a piece of his clothing Kagome. You even said it." Inukaya said.

"Yeah, yeah I know, I know." Kagome said looking defeated.

"Inuyasha you have to do the dare or you have to take off a piece of your of your clothing." Miroku said looking apologetically at Inuyasha.

"Yeah, whatever." Inuyasha said taking off his red fire rat coat. (that's what it's called right? I forgot ^.^;;)

"Ok thank you Inuyasha, now we can get on with the game." Sango said.

"Ok whatever! Let's continue with this already!" Inukaya said frustrated like.

"Ok!" Sango said/yelled.

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So the game went on. So far it was:

Inuyasha: He was down to his red fire rat pants only on (::gives all the girls napkins:: c'mon don't drool on the keyboard!!).

Miroku: He was down to only his black kimono (the black part under his purple kimono).

Sango: She was down to her green thing off and the upper part of her kimono off (she has those bandages on that they had to wear under the kimono since there were no bras ya perverts!!)

Kagome: She was down to her socks, and handkerchief thing off.

Inukaya: She didn't really loose anything because she was doing everything that she was dared to do (she's a real rebel. Lol).

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"Ok Kagome Truth or Dare." Inukaya said.

"Um…I'll go with…Dare."

"Ok I dare you to…great I'm outa ideas…hmm…sing that song that you're always humming. I don't know." She said trying to think of something for her to do.

"Um…Ok sure I'll do it." Kagome said trying to think of what song she was talking about. Then it hit her, she was talking about the American song she heard (is that the right heard? Or is it herd? >.< I'm sooooo confused!) on the radio that one time.

`What's that song called again? Oh yeah! Now I remember it's called `Where the Dream takes you.' Oh man…I hope I can sing the song for them and they will understand it. I only know it in American. CRAP I'm in trouble!' Kagome thought

"Hello Kagome! Are you in there? Earth to Kagome!" Inukaya yelled in her face.

"Ok yea I can sing it for you, but I don't know if you will be able to understand it. I only know it in American." Kagome said to all of them.

"What's American?" Inukaya asked very, very, very, very confused like.

"It's a different language. It's from another land far across the ocean." Sango said unsure if she was right or not (A/N: I keep wanting to type `write' instead of `right'. >.< I don't know why though. Well ok whatever GET BACK TO THE STORY!! SRRY 4 INTERUPTING!!...again).

Kagome nodded. "Yes that is right Sango, you listen well…unlike some people here." She said looking at Inuyasha and Miroku evilly.

"What?" They both said at the same time.

"Never mind ya guys…" She (Kagome) said shaking her head.

"Ok well whatever. C'mon Kagome sing the song PLEASE!!" Inukaya begged wanting to hear the song very, very, very (you get it -.-;;) much.

"Ok." Kagome said and began the song.

~*~*They'll try to hold you back
They will say your wrong
But they will never understand
The journey that your on

They'll try to change your mind
They'll try to change your heart
But they will never understand
Who you are
And you'll still believe
And you know, you must go

Where the dream takes you
Where your dream takes your heart
Where your heart longs to be
Your dream will lead your on
When you finally find that place
You'll find all you need
Where the dream takes you

There's something in your soul
That won't be denied
It's the faith to dream that keeps
The dream alive
So you'll still believe
And you know, you must go

Where the dream takes you
Where your dream takes your heart
Where your heart longs to be
Your dream will lead you on
When you finally find that place
You'll find all you need

Where the dream takes you…

Go where your heart is meant to be
And you may find somebody there
So won't you share your dream?

Where your dream takes your heart
Your dream will lead you on
When you finally find that place
You'll find all you need

Where the dream leads you
Your dream will lead you home
Where your eyes can see
Your dream will lead you on
There's a world that waits for you
Can neither hold
You'll find your home
Where the dream takes you

Where the dream takes you~*~*~ (A/N: when I was in 7th grade I sang that song ^_^)

She ended the song perfectly. She looked at everyone and blushed. `Was I really that bad?' She thought as she looked at everyone who had their mouths wide open.

"Wow Kagome, that was great!" Sango said and Inuyasha had his mouth still hanging open…that is until Miroku closed it. "It's not polite to have your mouth hanging open like that in front of a beautiful lady and two lovely demoness.'" Miroku said politely.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

Outside Sesshoumaru (told ya he would be back in the story.) looked through the window and was staring in disbelief. Though it didn't look like it. `This girl…she's amazing…" Sesshoumaru thought.

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Kagome sensed someone outside and saw him. `What does he want now?' she gowned inwardly.

"Hey guys…I'll be right back."

"Ok, but hurry up." Sango said.

"No probs." She said walking outside.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

"What do you want now Sesshoumaru?" she questioned.

"Well, you see I need a favor…" He said.

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Ok I think I'm gonna stop here and let you all suffer the cliffy. Not a really good one….but o well.

I wrote 9 pages this time!! ^___________________^ I'm so happy!!!!!

Well peace out,
