InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome And Her Crazy Blood-line ❯ Ivy who? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello everybody. By the way, Anubis_Himura is the one who gave me the vampire idea. You should read her stories they are good. Sorry for not updating sooner but I was going crazy drawing pictures of Inuyasha and the gang. And before you ask, no I don't have a scanner so I can't show you my creations. Not yet at least

~Chapter 3~


"What!?" Kagome's face drained of color. "But how can she be a vampire, I would of smelt it" Inuyasha said making sense. "Ah, you would of smelt it if not for the fact that her father put a spell on her to make her seem and smell human to all beings" said a disturbingly cheery Ms. Higurashi. "Mom! How can you be so happy? How can I be part vampire? Why did you hide this from me? Why is the sky blue?" said Kagome in a cracking voice. "Kagome relax before you lose it, shh shh its ok I am here for you" Inuyasha said in such a soothing manner that Kagome almost fell asleep in the embrace he now held her in.

"Mom, how come you didn't tell me I was a vampire?"

"I was just doing what I promised your father I would do, he told me to let you find out about it on your own honey"

"Umm Ms. Higurashi, what did you mean earlier by a spell" asked Inuyasha in a very polite-like way. Very un-Inuyasha like. "Oh thanks for reminding me Inuyasha! Kagome your fathers cousin, Ivy, knows how to get rid of the spell so you can look like your true self, if you want to know your true self" "Of course I want to know my true self! Promise or no promise how could you do this to me? I have been living a lie!" screamed an agitated Kagome. "Oh Kagome I am so sorry, please don't be angry with me" said Ms. Higurashi in a voice that can even make Inuyasha cry, with her eye filled with unshed tears.

"Its ok mom but don't do this to me again" Kagome said letting out a sigh. "Well Ms. Higurashi, where can we find this Ivy so that Kagome can get her other half back" asked Inuyasha. "Inuyasha, you don't mind that I am not all human?" Inuyasha let out a chuckle. "What is so funny?" said Kagome in a hurt voice "Kagome do you care that I am not fully human?" "Of course not! I like you the way you are and I wouldn't change you for the world Inuyasha" Kagome ran to him and gave him a hug that showed her words were true. Inuyasha was in shock. He only expected Kagome to say a simple no and instead got all that. `Kagome, you really feel that way? If only I could tell you that I love you so that I can be with you always and not just until the jewel shard quest is over' after that sad little thought passed he returned her hug and said "You don't care that I am a half breed and I don't care that you're a half breed"

"Aww how cute, so when do I get to be a grandma" "MAMMA!!! HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT!!" said a red faced Kagome breaking away from the embrace. Inuyasha with a face that matched Kagome's had forgotten, along with Kagome herself, that Ms. Higurashi was still there.

"Oh hush, now in order to find Ivy you must go to the Poison Berry forest, she is a weather which with long vibrant green hair and deep sea blue eyes"

"Weather witch? My God mom how many different blood types do we have in this family?" "My guess is about 38 or so" "WHAT!?!" yelled Kagome and Inuyasha in unison"

OK people I am done with three. The chapters are so short because I am one lazy ass son of a bitch. As I said earlier I suck at fics but I will do better after practice and as for my artwork I have made my own characters to Inuyasha such as Ivy and whenever I get my scanner you all can see them k. Till chapter 4 piece out