InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome and Kikyo:Soul Switchers ❯ No hesitation ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 11

She had walked quite a ways before she broke down crying, so he wouldn't hear nor sniff her tears. She couldn't believe he had done to her, or that she let him.
Her first kiss stolen, by the one she loved and he thought she was somebody else.
Oh how much that hurt, does anyone know how much pain she had gone through this week? She thought not. She wished she was dead, anything would be better than this hell, no evan hell would be better.

She heard a twig snap, she froze thinking it was Inuyasha. When the person spoke
she froze again, this time for a complete different reason.

"So I see Inuyasha's little miko and Kikyo have switched bodies, aye? How interesting, I wonder how he's going to react to all of this. Do you think he'll hate you? He'll forgive Kikyo, but would he forgive you?
He's forgiven Kikyo for killing me, but this would break his heart more than it already is. You know he loves Kikyo more, so why do you put yourself through this? Humans are such fools about love, I can't wait until I dispose of my human heart.
Well little miko, your coming with me for awhile, I have a couple of jobs for you."

That said he proceeded in taking her, she did not fight back for she had know strength to, all was lost to her, she had only one thought. 'Inuyasha, I hope you're happy with your decision.' Then Naraku and Kagome disappeared, not a trace left.


Eventually Inuyasha made his way to the village, his mind in pieces and his emotions a jumble. "Inuyasha, are you back?"

"Yeah Kagome, I'm back."

"That's all very well, do you want som-" she stopped in mid-sentence and keeled over, arms clutching her stomach.

"Inuyasha! It's Kagome, she's in trouble! Naraku has taken her!"

"What do you mean Naraku has Kagome? You're right here!"

"No!! Kagome and I switched bodies five days ago, we were going to tell you the seventh day, buy now Naraku has Kagome and something's wrong. She's not fighting back! Its like she's not herself anymore, I don't know how I know this, but I just had a vision."

Without any hesitation, he said "Let's go get her, NOW!!!"

A/N Thank you all so much for reviewing, I love you all so much!! I have a twist in the story for you guys, so I hope you like it.
See ya later, review some more to make me happy, I got depressed yesterday, I just got dumped by my boyfriend so make me happy so I'll update sooner.