InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome goes to Hogwarts! ❯ WHAT?! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Harry Potter and Inuyasha cross over!
A/N: Ok guys this is after the jewel is completed and it was put into Kagome's heart until she can think of a selfless wish to make good use of it. Inuyasha and her are betrothed, or future mates, but neither is really ready for that yet. Kagome's cousin is a witch in training at Hogwarts and applies for Kagome without her knowledge and this would be her last year if she went their all the time needed. And she was accepted. Harmoine is her second cousin and they are both 17. Watch out Hogwarst are they ready for a miko instead of a witch or wizard?

Chapter 1: What?!
"Mushi Mushi?"
"Cous? Hey it's Heromine, I've got great news!"
"You been accpeted to Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry!"
"WHAT?! I'm not even a witch!"
"Yea, but you are a miko and they need training too."
"I'm getting my training already."
"Yea, but like you said Kiade said she can't teach you much more and sometimes you have trouble controling your powers. And now that the shikon no tama is complete there's nothing stopping you."
"Heromine! I have a life here! Two lives here! And a mate!"
"Mate to be! Come on Kag just for a school year and you get to stay at Hogwarts and the whole deal! I'm sick of being around guys only, I want someone I can trust and just be a giggly teenager with, you." Heromine said holding her breath as she heard her cousin sigh.
"Fine, ok, but I get to come home on breaks right? And I have to be able to be myself and they have to know I'm just a miko, not a witch."
"Check, check, and check!" Heromine squealed into the phone. "Awesome just get to London and go to London Train station and be between platforms nine and ten on Sunday and we'll get all your goodies and then Monday we go to school for the opening cermonies!"
"Ok see you Sunday, bye." Kagome sighed into the phone as she slowly set the hand set back into it's cradle. "Hogwarts... great." She said blowing her bangs from her eyes. 'Now all thats left is to tell Inuyasha.'