InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome goes to Hogwarts! ❯ pervs! Pervs! And more PERVS! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Guys I really am not really liking this so tell me if you want me to keep going or I'm gonna quit at the end of this one! I know U said that last time, but I just wat you all to make sure and putin you input good or bad and I'll like do this as an election which ever decision has the most votes I'll do that.

Chapter 5:
~~~ Skipping until that Sat.! So like a few days!~~~
I woke early like I did every weekend usually because of Inuyasha and everyone was mostly up except for few people. I quietly dressed and wlked down to the common room to meet Heromine and another new girl that came this year but from another magic school in the states. Her name was Kaily and we soon became best friends, well me, her, and
Heromine. "Where's Ron and Harry?" I asked through a yawn.
"They left earlier with Inuyasha, I think they said they weregoing down by the lake to train or something, like any of them would be that un lazy." Kaily said and me and Heromine giggled.
"Hey wanna go watch?" I asked and they gave me strange looks and both said in unison.
"Because their guys they're probably talking about us, or some otherthing, and then we could hold it over their heads forver!" We all giggled as we all three walked side by side out of the common room, stopping in the great hall to grab something to eat on the way. "Where did they say they were going again?" I asked as we stepped out on the grounds and I squiented my eyes to see through the sun shine beaming down on us as did they.
"The lake I think." Heromine said and me and Kaily just looked her not knowing where it is. Heromine led towards the lake, and saw them as we ducked behind some bushes just far enough away for Inuyasha not to hear us if we whisper quietly, and we were down wind thank Kami for that.
"I don't know it doesn't seem so bad here." they heard Ron said as he was chewing on something. We quietly peaked through the bushes just able to see them as we smiled at each other.
"Not to you, you're not like me. I mean I smell every single thing within ten miles of here and most aren't so pleasent. And the noise constant noise at all hours does this plac ever shut-up?" Inuyasha complained as he tossed away the hoddy he was wearing now wearing baggy jeans and a white t-shirt. Harry caught it before it hit him in the face, and sat it dow between him and Ron. "Anyway." Inuyasa said untying his sword scabored and tossing it between them, with tetsiaga still in it.
"Do you carry this thing everywhere with you?" Harry asked picking up the sword still in it's cabored.
"Pretty much." Inuyasha said and glanced over to see Harry wanted to take the blade out, but didn't want to intrude. "You can look at it if you want." Inuyasha, knowing it wouldn't transform for them, not knowing the secret he had to learn about how to make it tranform. Harry smiled and Ron scooted closer as Harry slowly pulled it all the way out and held it a foot or so btween him and Ron. The both frowned at the rusty sword.
"How in the bloody hell are you supose to fight with this piece of junk?" Ron asked taking another bite of his apple. Inuyasha glanced over to the sword, then slowly took the few steps and kneeled down by his friends.
"Yea, how does he use it like that?" Kaily asked and Heromin clamped a hand over her mouth, then slowly let go of her friend when she was sure she wouldn't talk, but the both still tsared at me.
"Watch he'll probably show them." And we all looked back at the boys.
"I don't fight with it like that?"
"Then how do you fight with it, or is it just to impress the girls?" Harry asked smirking at his friend and raising an eyebrow.
"Let me sow you. but stand up first and walk away you don't want me to cut Ron in half do you?" Inuyasha said leading Harry about a yard away from Ron. "Let me see it." Inuyasha said outstretching his hand. Harry layed the hilt of tetsiaga in his hand the Inuyasha signaled to him to go stand by Ron, which he did. Inuyasha took the dull old blade and gave it a swipe and it transformed into it's huge version. I swear Ron and Harry's jaws hit the groundon that one. Then Inuyasha gave it another swipe and it transformed back and he walked over placing it back in it's scabored. Inuyasha smirked at his new friend's faces. Then sat down in front of then tetsiaga resting against his shoulder, traditional indian style nd crossed arms.
The girls face were exactly the same, except the both had to hold back their awes. I couldn't help, but giggle at them, but stopped quickly not wanting to get caught.
"That was awesome." Harry said and Ron nodded his agreement. "where did you get that?"
"It was my father's, but he died and left this to me and it's twin, but for a different cause to my half brother."
"Oh..." Ron and Harry just looked at each other not wanting to talk about Inuyasha's DEAD father. It was silent for a minute or two then Ron broke the silence. "So... a... are you and Kagome like having sex?" Well now it was my turn for my jaw to hit the ground and blush like hell as my two friends tryed not to giggle too loudlyat me, but Inuyasha's expression wasn't much better.
"NO! No, were just, I think she calls it going out or boyfriend and girlfriend."
"But aren't you engaged?" Harry asked, remembering the big deal about Kagome's ring and Heromine.
"Well yea, but that doesn't mean we've had sex, that just measn we're going to." Inuyasha said still a slight redness in his cheeks, but it was going down a lot faster than mine was.
"So you'r going to marry her without having sex with her?" Ron asked a little surprised.
"Well weren't even going to get married before."
"What do you mean?" Ron said through his apple.
"I mean, we were just going to be mates, but then she wanted to get married, well more of her mother wanted her to get married." Inuyasha said not embarassed at all anymore, when I was still tomato red.
"Wo, wo, wo... you're telling me you and Kagome were just going to have sex, but her mom is making you guys to get married, doesn't seem like that much of a loving relationship." Ron mumbled the last part.
"I don't think you guys are picturing... well understanding this mating thing right. When demons or half demons mate they do it for life. Those are their partners for ever. The relationship in mating is way strong and trustworthy than just getting married." Inuyasha explained.
"Ohhhh." They both said in unison. "So does that mean you love her or just want to have sex with her for the rest of your lives?" Ron asked seriously and Harry just smacked the back of his head. "What?! i was making sure."
"Yes, I love her." Iuyasha said quietly meeting their gazes without hesitation.
"And she'd be awesome in bed right?" Ron asked with a smirk and Harry just hit him again. "What? I mean have you seen her?" Another smack. "Stop smacking me, I'm just saying I wouldn't mind having sex with one woman the rest of my life if it was with her, she's got great curves."
"Ron, angry half demon with super strength and giant sword." Harry said warning his friend as Inuyasha was getting a little red in the face, but not from embarassment.
"Oh, yea sorry man, but congrads." Ron whimpered as Inuyasha was very clse to just killing the little man, but not if I beat him to it. I jumped out of the bushes, before Heromine or Kaily could stop me and was racing for the red headed young man as he turned to face my angered face with a horrified look plastered on his still boyish features. I tackled Ron pinning his back to the ground and straddling his waist as I tryed to ring his neck, but a few second after I got a hold of his neck I was ripped away by Inuyasha as he held my back to his front and just high enough off the ground so me feet couldn't touch.
"You HENTAI!" I screamed at Ron as Heromine and Kaily came out of he bushes trying to hold me back too. I swatted at them if they got within hitting range, but Inuyasha threw me slightly in the air making my spin so hecaught me my feet stil not able to touch the ground as my chest was smashed aginst his and I met his eyes and started to calm down. After I stopped struggling he slowly lowered me to the ground. We stood there just looking at each other until we both heard a little choking. And turned to watch ron unsteadily stand up.
"Sorry Kag, boy am I sorry."
"Just don't be a perv ok?" He nodded still rubbing his red neck. I felt Inuyasa wrap an arm around my waist. I gave everyone a bright smile. And they all sighed knowing that, that little hiccup was over and probabily never happen again. I slowly turned back around in Inuyasha's arms and he leaned hid forehead against mine, as we calmed each other. "Any other problems are coming this week?" i asked laughing lightly and Inuyasha smiled giving me a peck on my lips then straightened up again. All of us slowly walked back to the school and into the dining hall where many were hanging out chatting with friends.
"Ack, you smell that?" Inuyasha said scrunching his nose.
"Sorry not all of us have the nose of a dog." I said sarcastically stopping from alking with Heromine and Kaily a few feet away from Inuyasha.
"It smells like Rotting shit." Inuyasha said burying his nose in his fore arm as he held it to his face. Heromine, Kaily and I giggled at his disgusted face then Harry pocked Heromine and pointed towards the door where three young men the same age as us were waling towards us, and Heromine and Ron rolled their eyes turning away from them. Kaily and I just glanced between the on coming boys and our friends, while Inuyasha was obvious still trying to find whatever was making that scent so he could get it awa from him.
"Look what we have here another mudblood to add to the already stinking lot." A bo an inch or so taller than me said smirking down at me with two on the chubby side boys doing the same on either side of him.
I turned to Heromine who was glaring at the boys and asked quietly, "Is a 'mudblood' a bad thing to be?"
"No, it's just what stuck up pricks call human borns." Heromine sneered in their faces.
"Yes, so I'll give you the only good advice you'll ever get, leave this school and never even think about coming back. As for you priestess you might have magicin your blood, you'll never fit in, but I can change all that if you want to come with me." The blonde haired boy said trying to be suductive at what I gathered, though he wasn't very good at it, in fact bringing up another emotion other than lust, more like nausea. And he took another step closer to me still being about two feet away, but with this boy that was way to close for comfort. Inuyasha slowly slidded between us pushing the boy back easily.
"And who the hell are you?" Inuyasha asked taked taking his arm from his nose, but stil was scrunching it.
"Drako Malfoy, and this is Crab and Goyle." He said pointing to his side kicks. "Who might you be then?"
Inuyasha totally ignoring his question and went right on with what he wanted to say. "You see this girl right behind me?" Inuyasha said talking about me, as he reached around pulling me to the side of him and wrapping an arm around my waist as I put both my arms across his shoulder and leaned my chin on them. "Do you know her name?"
"Kagome or something, doesn't really matter, what I want to do with her , her names not important." He smirk at me with a chuckle and giggled burying my face into my arms, at this boy, he obvisiously didn't know who or what Inuyasha was.
"Well Drako you see theres a little problem because, Kagome is my girlfriend, and these two 'mudbloods' as you call them are my friends so if you even look at them the wrong way, or even think another thing about them good or bad, there won't be anything keft with you when I'm done other than a smear on the ground. Got it?" Inuyasha said keeping surprisable cool the whole time.
"Ya, I got it, but you didn't answer my question who the hell are you?"
"My name's Inuyasha and you better remember it too, you be hearing it a lot."
"Well Inuyasha, just stay out of my way and you won't get hurt, and maybe I'll let you borrow little Kagome here when I'm done." Malfoy said smirking at me then walked away with his cronies.
"The stink of a kid better watch his back." Inuyasha growled as he watched the three assholes walk away. "who does that guy think he is? Talking about you like that?" He asked me still growling at the boy's back.
"That's Drako Malfoy, biggest asshole at hogwarts and his goons, they hav had it out for us ever since Harry wouldn't be their friend first year." ron said glaring at them as they sat down at SLitheren table clearly talking about them, as the stared at the group with smirks and laughed. Inuyasha could hear them clear as day and didn't like what they were saying about him and his friends.

A/N: Hey guys going to try to get in a little action for Inuyasha or Kagome or both.