InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome in Inu Yasha Land! ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

People, I got REALLY bored and decided to just write this. Tell me if it's at least a little funny, and I may not delete it. If I don't get feedback, it WILL be deleted. Also, some of you seem to have a problem with the fact that this story is in script form. Well, I usually don't write in script form, but since this IS a play… DEAL WITH IT!
Disclaimer: I do not own anything except for the stupid outfits I force the cast to wear. *Evil grin*
*Curtains part and beautiful teenage fox demon walks on stage and bows*
Kitsuneluvuh: Ladies and Gents, demons and beings with no discernable gender1 Welcome to my production of the Wizard of Oz: Inu Yasha style!
Audience: *applauds and cheers loudly*
Kitsuneluvuh: Thank you, thank you. Anyway, we have a great show for everyone! Remember, snacks will be sold during the ten-minute intermission, and bathrooms are located down the corridor to the right. Uh… and we do have facilities for all races…
*mumbled approval from audience*
kitsuneluvuh: Right! Now, let the show begin!
*Curtains rise on a scene from the Feudal Era. Kagome enters stage left*
Kagome: Auntie Kaede! Auntie Kaede! Where are you, Auntie Kaede?”
Kaede: Over here, child. I be feeding the chickens.
Kagome: Auntie Kaede, Inu Yasha says he smells Naraku coming over the hill. You'd better tell the villagers to evacuate!
Kaede: Aye, child. *raises voice* Yo! Lissen up, dogs! Kagome says dog-breath smells Naraku comin' over da hill, so ya'll better scram, yo!
Kitsuneluvuh: *smiles proudly* I wrote that part myself!
Inu Yasha: … You're an idiot.
Kitsuneluvuh: Thanks.
Villagers: *stare openmouthed at Kaede*
Kitsuneluvuh: *eyebrow twitches* GET RUNNING, MORONS! *bursts into flames*
Villagers: *begin screaming and running*
Kitsuneluvuh: Much better.
Kaede: I leave this to you, child. *rides away on white horse*
Kitsuneluvuh: *sweat drops* She'd better be the one paying for that horse…
Kagome: riiight…
*lights dim and super-cool miasma effects appear. Naraku and Kagura enter stage right*
Naraku: *really POed* You will regret the day you force me, the great and powerful Naraku, to perform in such a moronic form of amusement!
Kitsuneluvuh: *throws script at him* THAT'S NOT YOUR LINE!!!!!
Naraku: *rubs head* owie… Fine! Well, Inu Yasha, seems we meet again. Hand over your jewel shards and I may kill you quickly.
Inu Yasha: Whatever, stupid. How `bout you hand over YOUR jewel shards, and I'll kill YOU quickly?
Naraku: I SAID IT FIRST!!!
Kitsuneluvuh: God… My play's going down the toilet… SOMEONE'S GONNA PAY!
Kagura: Lets just get this over with. Hyah! *sends gust of wind out at Kagome and Inu Yasha*
Kagome: *Is fighting wind* No, it's too strong! Inu Yasha, let's get into Kaede's hut! It should shelter us from the wind somewhat!
*Kagome and Inu Yasha fight their way over to hut and get inside*
Kagura: Oh, no you don't! *sends strong blast of wind at hut, which tears it off its foundation and sends it hurtling into the sky*
Inu Yasha: You are so going to pay for this!
*House drops in strange land*
Kagome: Owwww… Toto, I don't think we're in the Feudal Era anymore.
Inu Yasha: Who you callin' Toto?!
Inu Yasha: … I mean, woof.
*Inu Yasha and Kagome exit house and see a pair of legs sticking out from under the house*
Kagome: Hey, isn't that Kikyo?
Inu Yasha: … woof.
Kagome: *bends down and picks off Kikyo's shoes and puts them on* Huh, not too uncomfortable. But aren't they supposed to be ruby slippers?
Kitsuneluvuh: Hey, they cut the budget. Deal with the brown sandals.
Monkey Sprites: *crowd around Inu Yasha and Kagome* You did it! You did it! The wicked priestess is dead!
Kikyo: … I resent being called wicked.
Kitsuneluvuh: Well, you're still dead. Now get back under that house!
Monkey Sprites: Anyway, we're the Monkey Sprites of Inu Yasha land, and you are our saviors for destroying the evil priestess. How can we repay you?
Kagome: … Giving us a way home would be nice.
MS: *are staring at acorns* … huh?
Kagome: *sighs in exasperation* kitsuneluvuh, couldn't you get anyone else for this part?
Kitsuneluvuh: *filing claws* Nope. I tried to book the munchkins, but there was a little incident and they couldn't make it.
Homer Simpson: Mmmmm…. Munchkins…
*tiny screams are heard from backstage*
Kagome: …Right. Anyway, let's keep going.
MS: Oh, right. Anyway, you wanna get home, you'll have to meet the great Monk of Oz! Just follow the red brick road to his palace!
Kagome: *sweat drops* Uh… Isn't it the YELLOW brick road?
Kitsuneluvuh: Budget cuts.
Kagome: Oh… Um, right! Come on, Toto!
Inu Yasha: *furious* I TOLDJA NOT TO CALL ME TOTO!!!
MS: *snicker* Toto… heh…
Inu Yasha: Grrrr… *beats up monkey sprites*
MS: Owchie.
Kagome: *also furious* Inu Yasha! Heel!
Inu Yasha: What the… *finds himself walking towards Kagome against his will*
Kit: *filing claws* I trust Kagome to follow the script more than you, so I put an extra spell on your necklace. Tough luck being you, huh?
Inu Yasha: I'll kill you!!!
Kagome: SIT!
Inu Yasha: Oomph. I hate you…
Kagome: *ignoring him* Now, on to Oz! *starts skipping down the road humming cheerfully*
Inu Yasha: *peels himself out of the road* You are all gonna pay! *follows Kagome*
Kagome: Weeeeeeeee're… Off to see the monk, the wonderful monk of oz!
Inu Yasha: *grumbling*
Kit: *Hits him with the script* SAY YOUR LINE, DUMB#*@!!!!
Inu Yasha: STOP DOING THAT! Fine… Arf.
Kit: Good boy. I'll throw you a bone later.
Inu Yasha: Whatever.