InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Band ❯ Writing Music and Hot Tubs ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ch. 4 Writing Music and Hot Tubs
“How about we write music now while we are here and then we take a dip in the hot tub” said Kagome. “Ok works for me” said Inuyasha pulling out some blank sheets of music for him and Kagome also 2 pencils and both of them took there instruments over to different couches and started to play. Kagome wasn't having any luck but Inuyasha had come up with a lot of songs. Finally Kagome came up with a song called `Jesus Take the Wheel'.
“How did you get the idea for that song” asked Inuyasha. “Well I just thought about the times I got mad at my life and wished someone could help me out of here” said Kagome putting that in the consider pile. “Well I made some new songs too one called `Holiday' and another called `Have A Nice Day'” said Inuyasha. “Cool” said Kagome. “Do you want to write more or just chill or what” asked Inuyasha. “Chill I suppose because im having writers block” said Kagome.
“What do you want to do in the meantime” asked Inuyasha. “How about sleeping it is 10 at night and we stayed up late last night so we should get some sleep” said Kagome. “I guess your right” said Inuyasha. Kagome and Inuyasha put away there guitars and the music where they belonged and went upstairs. “Hey before we go to bed I need to take a shower” said Kagome. “Me too” said Inuyasha. “Well I will go first and while im doing my hair and stuff you can go ok” asked Kagome. “Ok” said Inuyasha.
They both walked into the bathroom, Inuyasha sat patently talking to Kagome from the toilet and Kagome took a shower. “Hey Inuyasha can you hand me that towel please” said Kagome sticking her head out of the shower and pointing to a towel within Inuyasha's reach. “Nope, you should have thought of that before you got in the shower” said Inuyasha still sitting there. “Please Inuyasha I will do anything” said Kagome.
“Fine get it yourself” said Inuyasha as Kagome turned off the water. “Fine just close your eyes” said Kagome peaking out to make sure that Inuyasha's eyes were closed she walked and grabbed the towel wrapping it around her body. “Ok you can look now” said Kagome turning around. “Towel looks good on you” said Inuyasha laughing. “Ha ha very funny now get in the shower dog boy” said Kagome laughing. “You did not just call me dog boy” said Inuyasha walking up to Kagome and grabbing her around the waist and picking her up.
He took her into the bedroom and laid her wet on the bed. He started to tickle her and tickle her over and over again until she was out of breath. “Ok I give” said Kagome through giggles. “I win” said Inuyasha retreating into the bathroom with Kagome following. Inuyasha got in and Kagome started to dry her hair with the dryer. Finally Kagome was done drying her hair and she just sat there brushing it. She brushed it over and over until she was happy. Then Inuyasha got out hair already dry with a towel wrapped around his waist. “How did you get dry so fast” asked Kagome. “I just shook like the dog I am” said Inuyasha walking out of the bathroom with Kagome following. Both of them were still wearing towels.
“So what now” asked Kagome? “Oh wait I have a great song idea” said Inuyasha running downstairs and starting to work on a song. Kagome followed slowly behind and grabbed out a piece of lined music paper. In the end Inuyasha came up with one song called `The Only Difference between Martydon and Suicide is Press Coverage'. “How did you get the name for that song” asked Kagome. “I don't know I just thought of it, what did you write” asked Inuyasha. “2 songs one called `Girl Next Door' and the other called `Walk Away'” said Kagome.
“Ok let's do what we were suppose to be doing and tomorrow is a Saturday yeah, that means Miroku and Sango will leave us alone” said Inuyasha. “That also means that we can go pack your house” said Kagome. “Yeah but bed first” said Inuyasha. Inuyasha and Kagome both went upstairs still wearing the towels around there waists. They both sat on the bed and talked. “Bed now” said Kagome getting mad that they were staying up to late. “Fine let's go to bed then” said Inuyasha getting up and walking over to Kagome's drawer to where the boxers she stole from him were supposabley hidden. “Hey how did you know where thoughts were” asked Kagome when he pulled them out. “One I have a very sensitive nose and another you always hide things from me in this drawer” said Inuyasha.
He went into the bathroom and changed while Kagome picked out another pair of boxer and put them on with a tank top. Inuyasha came out and Kagome was no where to be found. He went out to the deck where her sent was coming from. “What are you doing out here you were the one that was complaining that we needed to sleep” said Inuyasha. “I know just looking at the view before bed” said Kagome. “Ok you did now let's go” said Inuyasha dragging Kagome back inside. Inuyasha got into the bed while Kagome turned up the AC because tonight was suppose to be hot.
Then she sat on the bed. Kagome faced Inuyasha who at the moment had his eyes closed. “How am I supposed to get any sleep if you keep staring at me” asked Inuyasha. “Uhh… good point” said Kagome lying down on the bed facing the ceiling. Inuyasha flipped over so that he was elevated above Kagome and staring her right in the face. When she opened her eyes he kissed her on the lips. Kagome was shocked but kissed back strongly. Finally after what seemed like forever they broke apart. “I love you Kagome” said Inuyasha flopping over to the other side of the bed and facing her.
Kagome backed into him and he put his arm over her and pulled her close. They fell asleep like that. Kagome woke up in the middle of the night with a great song idea, the idea occurred from a dream she just had. Kagome quickly got out of bed making sure not to disturb Inuyasha she ran downstairs and wrote two songs one called `I Must Not Chase the Boys' and the other called `Only Hope'. After that she snuck back upstairs to find Inuyasha sitting up on the bed gazing out the window. “Inuyasha” asked Kagome. Inuyasha just looked at her then looked back out the window.
All of a sudden he spoke “Kagome do you love me” Inuyasha asked. “Yes of course I do” said Kagome. “How much I need an example” said Inuyasha as his eyes flashed red for a mere second? “I would give my life to be with you” said Kagome. “Are you sure” asked Inuyasha. “Yeah im positive” said Kagome. “Well my demon isn't just happy with you being my human sides girlfriend, see my demon and my human sides are now unbalanced because even thought my demon marked you it just doesn't seem that its fare that my human side gets all the love and is the side that proves all the love to you” said Inuyasha. “So what are you saying” asked Kagome. “Im saying that my demon is ready to break out and it wants you” said Inuyasha.
“Don't worry im not scared but is there anything I can do to help” asked Kagome. “Well for tonight could you at least sleep with me in my demon form, I need to brainstorm ways to help my demon feel equal” said Inuyasha. “I don't have a problem with that” said Kagome. “Just to warn you my demon is very protective and caring about your feelings so just try not to feel sad ok” said Inuyasha. “Ok” said Kagome. Inuyasha's eyes went red and his face got purple streaks on the sides of it after she complied. Kagome went over to the bed and lied down like she would normally do and Inuyasha did the same. But he leaned over and kissed her but the demon needed more then just a kiss he licked her lips asking for permission to enter. When Kagome complied she opened her mouth a bit and pushed her tongue into his.
Kagome kept occupied feeling his fangs in the front that is until she ran out of air. The kiss broke and she stared into his eyes. Inuyasha's eyes still had the loving glow to them. Just then demon Inuyasha licked the mark on Kagome's shoulder and it formed little purple dots around the teeth marks. “Kagome” the demon Inuyasha asked in a deep voice. “Yes” replied Kagome. “Do you want to be my mate” asked Inuyasha. “Of course” said Kagome. Then Inuyasha bit over the bite mark already on Kagome's shoulder. Then he pulled away then lay back down on his side of the bed. Then Inuyasha pulled Kagome flat ageist his body and they fell asleep like that.
When Kagome woke up Inuyasha was gone. She looked over and saw that he made his side of the bed and that there was a note there. The note said…
Don't worry I didn't leave you I just went out for awhile I'll be back in a little bit. Also what ever you did last night worked because my demon feels equal. Thanks so much!!!
Love you,
`Why did he think that I thought he left me, oh well must be a demon thing' thought Kagome getting out of bed and walking out on the deck. It was about 10 a.m. so it was pretty light outside. She sat in one of her declinable chairs and looked up at the birds flying in the air. `Ok what can I do now Inuyasha's gone' thought Kagome. `It's a good swimming day maybe I'll go down to the beach' thought Kagome as she got up and walked to eat breakfast. She ate then went upstairs and changed into her lime green bikini. Then she wrote Inuyasha a note that said…
I went to the beach so yeah. Where did you go I didn't know what to do without you this morning? Oh by the way what dose mate mean because when you were in your demon form you asked if I wanted to be your mate and I said yes and your demon bit me over the mark you made. I don't know what that means. When you get back can you fill me in please?
Love u much,
Kagome exited her house and started walking to the beach. Since the beach was only for the people living on or in that lakes subdivision so there wasn't many people there. Kagome finally arrived at the beach. She went almost too where the waves hit the land and she laid her towel out there and took off her shirt reveling her bikini. Kagome walked into the water and started to swim. All of a sudden Kagome felt two strong arms around her pulling her out of the water.