InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Band ❯ After The Show *Last Chapter* ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ch. 7 After the Show
“Hey you guys we did really good tonight no mess ups and the crowd went wild” said Kagome. “It was fun I have to admit” said Sango. “I've never had that much fun during a concert since the first time I actually watched one” said Inuyasha. “Same for me” said Miroku. “I say we party” said Sango. “No you remember what happened last time, Kagome can't hold alcohol” said Inuyasha. Kagome hit him playfully on the arm `he's right though' she thought.
“What are you talking about let's get this party started” said Kagome running back stage and putting her guitar away while taking off her fake cat ears. The rest of the band did the same except for Inuyasha he couldn't take off his ears they were attached to his head. Then they ran to the limo waiting for them outside the back entrance. They all got in and were dropped off at Kagome's house where they left there cars.
“I say we all split up and buy the alcohol and meet back at Kagome's” said Inuyasha. “Fair plan” said Kagome. Inuyasha and Kagome got in her car and Miroku and Sango got in Sango's car. They bought the alcohol and had a party.
For the rest of the year the band went world wide playing gigs all over Japan and America. Everything went according to plan. I think????