InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Blessng in a Curse ❯ Chapter three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: my GOD!!! How long have I had this chappy and #4 typed up??? Probably about one month…yeah…that sounds right!!! But yeah…here ya go!!! I can think of nothing retarded or anything else so it be story time!!!

Kagome's Blessing in a Curse

By: Cap'n BlackRose

Chapter three

Sesshou-Maru finally landed at his home. As soon as he landed, Rin ran off yelling something about her Sesshou-Maru-sama not being able to drive and wanting to pick flowers with Jaken. `Gives me a wonderful chance to speak with the girl about that curse that turned her demon.' he thought quite pleased. With that thought still lingering his head, he headed off to put Kagome in a room. `Where to put her…I know! I shall put her in a room next to mine. Then Rin won't bother her, and I will be able to observe her.' As he started down the hall toward the room, when he noticed she was moving an awful lot to be sleeping.

`Great…just what I needed. She just had to wake up now of all times…'

"Put me down! I am awake now and I can walk you know!" she said, clearly not happy to wake up with him carrying her.

"Fine. Don't get separated from me though. You will be lost for days until I would have time to find you." He said inwardly groaning that she had to wake up now of all times. `Just when I was enjoying myself with that scent of hers…' he thought wistfully.

"I won't get lost! Now put me down…please." As soon as she said please he lowered her to the ground. "Thank you Sesshou-Maru." She said as she hurried to catch up.


"Kagome I'm home!" Kagome's mother, Kira yelled into the empty house.

"That's odd. She said she would be home today." She said, half to herself and half to the man with her.

"I'm sure she will show up." The man said reassuringly.

"I'm just not sure Tom. She promised she would be home today!!" Kira told the now identified Tom.

"I'm sure that if she isn't home there is a good reason! She probably left a note of sorts." He said speaking sense.

"Yes, you're probably right." She said while thinking, `Kagome, you said you would be home today no matter what Inu-Yasha said! I hope you're okay…' she thought, not wanting to think about what might be wrong with her baby. "Lets get to the kitchen and see if there is a note. We can get a snack while we're at it." she said.

"Okay Hun."

Once Kira got to the kitchen, she immediately saw money and a note on the table. `Thank Kami for this!! But what is the money for…?' she thought. When she got over to it and read the note, she just stood there stunned. Then it sunk in and she sat down heavily and sobbed over her lost Kagome. `She killed someone…and now she doesn't want to come back…and she wants me to buy flowers for her father's grave…' as the note slid out of her hand Tom came in and saw her crying. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he picked up the fallen note and read it.

"Kira…?" he asked shakily.

"I don't know why she did it! WHY???"

"Maybe she really didn't-"

"Don't give me that shit!! Kagome would not lie and joke about something like that!!"

"Okay!! I'm sorry! You're right. Kagome, the way you described her, wouldn't lie." `I didn't think she would be one to kill to someone either…' he thought with shock.

"KAGOME!!!! COME BACK!!!" Kira sobbed brokenly. "I don't care if you killed someone!! COME BACK!!!" That night, they both sat there in the kitchen with a heavy sadness and shock in the air.


"Miroku, do you think Kagome is okay?" Sango asked.

"I'm sure Kagome-sama wouldn't do something like this, if she couldn't take care of herself." He stated calmly.

"Yeah, you probably are right." Sango said, now relieved at Miroku's calm words. "Miroku…" she said expectantly.

"Yes, my dear Sango?" he asked innocently.

"Remove your hand or I will remove it for you!!!"

"Yes, Sango…" he said, clearly disappointed at having to remove his hand from her backside.

"Good. Now lets get going!" With those words, they continued on their way to find more shards, so they could meet up with Kagome later.


"This is to be your room. Do not go through the door to your right. That is my room." Sesshou-Maru instructed Kagome.

"NANI?!? I am not sleeping in this room!!!" she yelled at him. `Maybe I shouldn't have yelled…my ears are ringing now! Oh well!! Sesshou-Maru's ears are probably hurting as much as mine!' with that thought she turned a glare on Sesshou-Maru.

`Damn! How can she yell like that and not show that it hurt her ears? I know that that hurt her as much as it hurt me!' "Wench! Don't yell." He commanded angrily.

"Ooohhhh, poor Sesshy!!" she said with a coo.

"Wench!" he yelled as he charged her.

"AAAHHHHH!!!" she let lose a yell that echoed down the hall as he leapt on her and went crashing through the door. "GET OFF!!!" she yelled right in his ear.

Wincing in pain he tightened his grip and threw her on the bed getting on top of her. "I warned you not to cross me. The last person, who defied me, was a serving wench. Needless to say, she died after a bit of fun with me…" he trailed off huskily in her ear. `OH GOD!!!!!!!! What have I gotten myself into?!?' she thought, panic taking its tight grip on her when she heard this.

`Heh. She is fearing what her rash behavior has brought upon her.' He thought with pleasure. "Beg for forgiveness and I won't do anything…" he trailed off to see where his statement would lead her mind.

`God, me and my big friggin' mouth!! Oh well! I've already dug the hole! Might as well fill it! Besides…I really don't have anything to live for anymore now that I think about it…' "NO!!" she yelled, once again, in his ear.

`What is with her?!? She obviously fears me, but why is she defying me now of all times? I could do anything to her now!' confusing thoughts ran through his head in circles. Deciding that a headache would not be worth keeping quiet, he decided to ask her. "Why do you not ask for forgiveness? You fear me. So why do you continue to defy me?" he asked quietly, almost a whisper in her ear

"Why? Because I have nothing left to live for…" she whispered softly.

"What do you mean?" `Kami-sama, what could have happened to her?'

"I…I…I k-k-killed…Inu-Inu-Yasha…and Kikyo…t-then I left my m-mother forever…I told her I k-killed, and-and she would be f-furious and so I l-left her…f-forever…" she trailed off, with tears pouring down her cheeks.

`A gentle creature like her killed…and my stupid brother…I never thought she would kill him of all people. She didn't stutter at all though when she said she killed Kikyo. If it is possible to kill something already dead. As a matter of fact, she seemed…pleased with herself about that.' He thought curiously. "I never thought you would kill my brother. The priestess is understandable, even for you."

"I hate Kikyo! Inu-Yasha would have killed me eventually, he was so under the spell of perfect lovable Kikyo. I had to kill him!! Either that, or let him kill me or let Kikyo kill me!!! He either would have killed me physically or mentally and emotionally. And what reason is there to live, if you can't love?" she asked him, not really wanting a response.

"On that note, I think I will leave you for now." With that he got off of her and left to his room with thoughts running through his head. `She is exactly the western lands and me need…if I can make her heart whole again and get her to want to live again…' he thought imagining her with him in more ways than one.

"Wait!!! Please kill me!!!" she begged. "I feel nothing but emptiness, hate, sadness, and pain!! Now I know how Kikyo felt!! I don't want to live this way!! Kill me…" she begged.

"…" `What happened to the hopeful little thing that she used to be? Maybe…just maybe…I can fix that…' "I can fix that…if you want me to…"

"Nani? How can my problem be fixed without death?" she asked slightly curious.

"Just answer, `yes' or `no'"

"I will give you a chance…if you can't fix my problem…then I will kill myself." she said evenly.

"Fine. I will be back in the morning and we will start." With that he walked to his room and left her to herself.

`What was that about? He acted like he…cared about me.' With confusing thoughts plaguing her, she drifted off to a dreamless sleep that only pure exhaustion could bring.

`She has given me a chance…that is all I will need though. I will not let something that is so beautiful and full of potential slip out of my grasp…' with that he went to his room for the night.


That morning, when Sesshou-Maru got up from bed, he went to the hot springs to think about what to do about Kagome. His new protégé was going to be much more trouble than he had first thought. But that didn't matter. He loved a good challenge.

`What should I do? She is so set on being killed somehow, she won't be easy to work with…' as he was thinking this he suddenly stopped short at the door to the springs and delicately smelled the air. It smelled of roses and seasons long gone. `She's here…and she smells wonderful! She better just be bathing and not trying to drown herself!' with those thoughts as company he quietly entered the door. What he saw caused him to stop breathing for a moment. `She's beautiful…' was all he could think as he saw her come up out of the water. She looked like a goddess to him. Her black hair stuck to her body and breasts in tendrils and the ends fluttered in the water behind her. Her body and hair was decorated with quivering droplets of water, the steam rose about her, giving her an ethereal look. All in all, she was so beautiful it took all he had to stop from gasping out loud. `She shouldn't mind some company…' he thought with an evil grin. With that he took his haori ( A/N: is it a haori or a kimono thingy??? I have no earthly idea!! ( or unearthly for all those smart-asses out there!! ) so don't kill me if I be wrong!!! ) and set it silently next to her miko robes on a bench. Without so much as a ripple or splash, he slid into the water and made his way to an unsuspecting Kagome. She was just about to turn around when he caught her middle in his grip. "You better not be trying anything like suicide. I will be with you from now on if you go to do something that will give you a chance to kill yourself." He whispered to the shocked Kagome.

"Nani?!? What are you talking about?!? And let go of me!!" she said, clearly not appreciating him intruding upon her while she was bathing.

"What if I said no?" he whispered in her ear. She shivered and he could tell she had no idea what to do.

"Let me go!!!!" she said a tad more urgent now.

"No…" he said quietly to her.

`I don't want to beg him, but I will!! I never want to love again!!!' `Oh yes you do!! You love him you twit!! You just are to chicken to allow yourself!!' a tiny voice in her head said. `I hate you!! I will not, so shut the hell up!!!' she mentally yelled at the voice. `Whatever…you know I'm right though!!'

`She is arguing with herself…how amusing!' he thought, as he suddenly felt her stiffen and could smell anger coming off her in waves, also she wasn't even aware he was there anymore. `How funny…' he trailed off as she suddenly went limp and docile in his arms. `She is going to beg…' he realized with relish. `Not going to work! I will not release you!'

"PLEASE let me go Sesshou-Maru!!" she begged.

"No." with that last word he turned her around to face him. He looked at her while holding her to stop her from escaping during his scrutiny. When he was done he looked back into her eyes. " You are beautiful." He whispered to her. Seeing her blush only encouraged him more and he swooped down and took her lips with his. Gasping in surprise at this move her mouth opened and he took his opportunity and slid his tongue in. When she started to respond slightly, he started to move his hands around on her body, feeling her delicate curves. She started to struggle almost immediately after he started doing this. When he noticed her struggling, he let her go. She looked like a frightened rabbit but deep down he could see the desire to be loved like she knew he could love her. She didn't take off immediately though. She stayed for about thirty seconds. Looking him over, she smiled slightly and left. As she left, she whispered words to him.

"Give me time. I just might return your actions and affections…" with those words she got her clothes back on quickly and in a whisper of cloth left him alone.

`I will have you yet! I will give you all the time you need…koishii.' With pleasant thoughts like that and what he could do with her, he finished his bath and headed back to his room. `I will have you!! Just you wait. You won't be able to say no forever. I could see it in your eyes. You love me! My idiotic half-brother betrayed your trust and broke your heart too much though. It will take time for you to heal enough to trust another and to love them.' He thought, angry thoughts about Inu-Yasha filling his mind, as he sat at his desk and prepared for the day.

A/N: yeah…whatever…GOD!!!! I think someone spiked my tea at dinner tonight!! I can't think of anything to say…… ::Thinking so hard, you can hear my brain sizzling as it is overloaded:: ……oh yeah!!! If I be usin' the terms wrong, then PLEASE let me know!!!

Glossary- koishii- beloved Kami- Japanese god Nani- what