InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Blessng in a Curse ❯ epilogue 2 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: omg…I'm so sorry people…I had totally thought I had already loaded this chappy up…0_o I'm so sorry…PLEASE don't kill me!!!

Ok, bad me, I forgot to thank Lonely_Destinany for writing me the little lime thingy I had in that last chappy…so, I would like to say…THANK-YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok…on with the chappy!!

Kagome's Blessing in a Curse

By: Cap'n BlackRose

Chapter Ten

It was a few weeks after Kagome and Sesshou-Maru had joined as one. Things in the castle were running as smoothly as possible with a new Lady of the Lands going about making changes.

Sesshou-Maru was out making one last patrol of his lands before the ball that night. As Kagome said to him, he was quite paranoid.

Kagome, was currently in the ball room, watching as servants scurried about making preparations for the dance that was to be hosted by them that night. With a smile she watched as Rin came running up with Shippou and they hid behind her giggling.

Inu-Yasha, having no place to go had decided he would stay there at the palace with Kagome and Sesshou-Maru. Suddenly, said hanyou came running into the room looking quite lost, already prepared for that night. "Damn it!!! Where'd the hell they go!! They're going KILL me if I don't have those two ready for tonight!!!" he yelled as he tried to search as well as he could without ruining his clothes. And did I forget to say?? Inu-Yasha had taken on the task of baby-sitter for Rin and Shippou. Poor Jaken couldn't keep up with them both.

Kagome, gave a slight giggle as she watched the distraught hanyou search the room, his eyes finally landing on hers. "Inu-Yasha." She said with a fake glare.

"ACK!!!" with a yell, he ran out of the hall not wanting to be `sat' (A/N: I forgot if he still has the beads or not…we'll just say he does `cause I'm lazy and don't wanna go check.) as he continued to look for the children.

With a light laugh, she turned to the children and started to usher them out of the hall and to her shared rooms. "Come children, we need to get you ready. The dance will start in a few hours! We want the surrogate children of the Lord and Lady of the West to look nice!!" she said as she began her work on them.


Three hours later, Kagome exited her rooms with two clean and nicely dressed children. ON her way to the ball room, she ran into Inu-Yasha who saw the children and flew off the handle and took off after them. With a light laugh, she watched them run into the ball room already full with guests and make fools of themselves.

"As fun as it is watching my dear Brother tarnish the Western family name, the hosts are needed." Sesshou-Maru whispered to her as he came up behind her.

"Ah yes. Let us go make sure they don't embarrass us or themselves anymore than they already have." She said with a giggle as they walked hand in hand into the room of laughing people.

As Sesshou-Maru watched Inu-Yasha catch each child and then march imperiously to the table, he did something he had not done in years. He laughed. It was a deep baritone laugh that came from his soul.

As Kagome watched Inu-Yasha and many others faint from shock, she snuggled closer to her mate and laughed with him. `I have chosen the perfect man…' she though happily.

&&&***THE END***&&&

A/N: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S DONE!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *^_______________^* YES!!!!!!

Anyway…wasn't that a sweet ending?? <snickers> poor Inu-chan…he's so pitiable. Baby sitter <shudders> oh well!! Not my problem!!

Ok now…I don't care if this story is done!! PLEASE review still!!! I still write and would like to know how I can improve my writing skills/style!!! PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!