InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Blog ❯ Drinking and its Consequences ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome's Blog
I like to drink at times. I'm not the biggest drinker as my friends will tell you. I'm considered a light weight. Anyway, it all started a drunken night two years ago. Inuyasha had always been considered to be a ladies man; I frankly didn't see what women saw in him. Sure those gorgeous amber eyes, the deep voice that makes you just wait and listen to see if he'll say your name, the chiseled, not bulky frame and the fact that I've seen him do 100 chin ups without breaking a sweat. It must be the gorgeous mane of silvery white hair, so unusual. So I kind of had a little, tiny, miniscule crush on him. I would dress for him, any other time I wouldn't care as much as I did when I knew I was going to see him. I would pick playful fights with him and do stupid things in order to get his attention. (Ugghh, I'm so pathetic). Now I have to be fair, Sesshomaru is handsome, but he was even more unavailable then and I craved attention. There was also something different about his brother. He treated me like a friend, not just his half-brother's girlfriend.
Anyway, it was another rowdy party at Inuyasha's that Sesshomaru didn't attend due to business. I had gotten quite tipsy and decided to lie down on the couch in one of the vacant rooms. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know the clock chimes the hour, its 2am and looking around there are other people laying in different spots, some on the floor, others in chairs, and all passed out. What surprised me the most was that Inuyasha was laying right next to me, he had me in a slight embrace and one of his legs was on top of mine. I could see Kikyo passed out on the chaise lounge across the room, and I'm aware of what I'm seeing but my body obviously had other ideas. I will tell you that not even on my wildest dreams would I ever do this sober, and to this day I'm not even sure if it happened, I'd like to believe it was a dream. Out of nowhere I get the intense craving to touch him. Not to move him or a light caress, but my drunken stupefied brain makes my hand travel down his chest, past his waistband, I unbuckled his belt, and proceeded to, again I don't know why, massage his very large penis. I was amazed, and I looked over to see if anyone was stirring, he began to move under my ministrations and I got some perverse pleasure out of it. Hearing him moan was the most erotic sound I had ever heard. Don't know why I didn't think he would wake up, why I didn't I think that he'd probably get startled and bat my hand away. Well, he didn't wake up, and now that I think about it, how couldn't he? What man wouldn't? He was fully erect, I remember that much. I even entertained the thought that he was well aware and was just enjoying himself, and maybe he thought any acknowledgement would break the spell. Even though it was short and I got off on just hearing him moan, before finishing, I suddenly just stopped. Zipped up his pants, and went back to sleep. That's nothing compared to what happened in the light of the next day…
Posted by: K. on July 22, 2007 at 9:40 PM