InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Blog ❯ I Thought I was, but now I'm not so Sure ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome's Blog
I just got off the phone with Sess, he really does love me. I thought I was in love with him, but if I was would I have done what I did? I hadn't posted anything in a couple of days, I was preoccupied, but I can't tell you about what's happening at present until I finish my story of how things got so out of control. Plus I wasn't getting any feedback so I guess I got discouraged. Anyway, after stalling the most I could I walked into the kitchen, I guess I stalled too long because when I came in Inuyasha was there still cleaning up empty bottles and such, but Sesshomaru was nowhere to be seen. Our eyes locked for a second when I came in and I thought I saw recognition of our behavior but just as fast his eyes lowered to his task. “Where's Sesshomaru? I thought I heard his voice” I said. “He had to leave; you took too long in the bathroom.” He said curtly. His tone didn't bother me; he was often short and gruff, what bothered me was the lack of eye contact and I knew for sure he was probably pretty angry, I felt an apology was in order. “Inuyasha…I...” I began but I never got to finish my sentence before Kikyo came in the kitchen and greeted him with a long passionate kiss. I had seen them make out before, but this time I just couldn't take it. I turned on my heel and left. I would have to apologize for my behavior at another time. I really didn't want to lose him as a friend. I was sick with the notion, so I stuck around as long as I could that day, hoping I would get a chance but it never came. We cleaned and watch as friend after friend left, Inuyasha's parties always lasted until after breakfast next day. It was a tradition that a select few of the stragglers would always have breakfast together the next morning. I hung out as long as I could but it seemed Kikyo was going to spend the day so around lunch time I decided to go. I would call him later. I went home and slept, I didn't have class until Monday and even thought I had a few chapters to read before then I felt sick to my stomach with dread about what he was thinking of me. How mad was he? He barely spoke to me, and I think he used the excuse of being in a room with other people at all times, and keeping busy. Maybe I'm just exaggerating I often worry sick about something and it almost never turns out that way. I woke up at 4:30pm. First thought that popped in my brain was to call him, I could at least apologize to him if he was on the phone. So I called, I got his voicemail, I left a message. At around 9:30 he still hadn't called, he always called back, and most times he was always able to pick up when I called his cell. The fact that he hadn't called me back yet only increased my dread. I called again, and again I got his voice mail. At around 10:30pm my phone rang, I was nervous, I knew what I had to say but it was so embarrassing. “Hello?” I said when I picked up the receiver. “Kagome…” Sesshomaru said. I was kind of relieved it wasn't him but just as relieved as I was that it wasn't him I was also furious, how dare he not return my calls! I spoke with Sess, he was also upset I hadn't returned his phone calls since he wasn't able to see me in the morning he had called while I was sleeping but after waking up I was just too engrossed in my dilemma to want to talk to anyone, let alone talk to him, my guilt was eating me alive. After I hung up with him I tried Inuyasha's cell one more time.
“Hello” He finally answered. I took a deep breath.
Posted by: K. on July 26, 2007 at 12:10 PM