InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Blog ❯ A Simple Vacation with Friends ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome's Blog
A Simple Vacation with Friends
Has anyone ever gone away for the weekend with friends? A simple affair right?
Sight-seeing, eating out, shopping, it all sounds so simple. Well let me tell you, a trip to Okinawa sounded like heaven, it had been a few months since the whole drunken Inuyasha incident, and I had completely forgotten it. So when Sesshomaru suggested we went to Okinawa on holiday over a three day weekend I was ecstatic. Even when he said Kikyo and Inuyasha would be coming with us, I was overjoyed, I liked them and Kikyo and I had gotten along a lot better recently. So it was all set. We arrived on a Friday night, we had adjoining rooms so after we all unpacked we all convened in our room to decide what to do next. Dinner was the plan but it was too late to go out so we went downstairs to the hotel restaurant. We talked; we ate and had a great time. Then we went our separate ways back to our rooms, we had a long day of sight-seeing and shopping, and anything else that we wanted to do. The next morning we went on our way, the trip was a little dampened because Inuyasha had caught a cold. He braved through it though and we spent the whole day together. That night we had made reservations at one of the most expensive and elegant restaurants I had ever seen. Our meals were excellent, the whole entire trip was going splendid, we decided that instead of going out to a club or something like that we would all just get back to our room and get some drinks and just hang out and play board games or something. I was extremely surprised at this, Sesshomaru just had never been the type to go out clubbing, but he has never even one to drink for fun either. Anyway, after a few rounds of charades, in which I was always the one playing out while Sesshomaru just sat there and guessed, we had gone thru a good amount of alcohol, so I was feeling no pain. Inuyasha hadn't really joined in the drinking because he was taking an over-the-counter cold medicine, but he still tried to participate. At around 1am, Kikyo was asleep, and Sesshomaru was sitting on the arm chair on the other end of the room watching a movie. Inuyasha was sitting next to me on the couch, and I was trying my hardest to stay awake. Here is where things got crazy, I was sitting with my leg propped up on the couch, I had a cushion on my lap, not out of the ordinary I usually liked to cuddle with cushions, pillows and such, I was wearing pajama pants and a long t-shirt, my leg was kind of buried in between the cushions. Since I don't recall the exact details I would say that the moment Inuyasha's hand touched my leg I was paralyzed. He slowly began to trace the outside of my leg. Even though the lights were low in the room, if Sess had turned he would have seen. I kept my eyes on him the whole time, out fear and excitement. Sure I could have slapped his hand away but my perverted mind wanted to see where this was going. I'll tell you where it was going; it went from the outside of my leg to the inside of my thigh. I didn't look at him and I didn't move. The excitement I felt from his caress was making me so excited, a way I hadn't felt like in a long time. His hand just kept slowly making me crazy. The pajama pants I was wearing didn't help either, they happened to have been made of a very thin cotton material, and in my usual don't wear underwear fashion it was just a disaster waiting to happen. I kept my eyes on Sess; I would on occasion make an idle comment, to pretend nothing out of the ordinary was happening. I didn't moan by sheer will since by the time I felt his finger near my core I wanted to burst. The throbbing I felt was making me mad and it took all I had not to close the distance between us. I sneaked a peek at him, he was also looking at the TV as if he was watching the movie as well, but his hand, and oh my god that wonderful hand was making me so crazy. It was so dangerous, so risky, what we were doing, but I didn't care by the time I felt his finger slowly massage my clit thru the fabric, I almost died. It felt so good. As I'm writing this I remember how good it felt. I know he could feel how wet I was thru the fabric. It had to have been only 5 minutes but it felt like an eternity. He kept moving up and down and pressing so hard on me. I had already soaked thru the fabric and I couldn't take anymore. My concentration was slipping, I almost ready to come when Sesshomaru's voice broke the silence…
Posted by: K. on July 31, 2007 at 5:36 PM