InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Blog ❯ Get a Grip Girl ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“I think it's time to go to bed, Kagome” Sesshomaru said.
Nothing in his tone led me to believe he was aware of what was going on just a few feet from him.
Inuyasha slowly removed his hand and I mourned the loss of that hand. More than I should have. I was still gripping the cushion to my lap. I got up slowly, my legs a little shaky from unfulfilled desire. I looked at him and said good night. I can't be sure but I think he smirked.
I couldn't sleep that night; I stayed wide awake a million emotions going thru my head. The next we were leaving but before we left we went to a museum Sesshomaru was interested in seeing. That was the first time I noticed how similar Sesshomaru was to Kikyo, the shared the same interests and their personalities were similar in some ways, which probably was beneficial for me and neither could perceive the new sexual tension between Inuyasha and me. We didn't speak the next day; we treated each other like total strangers in an outing. I wanted him to say something, anything, but he never did. One thing I did notice, and if I hadn't I would have just wrote him off as the most despicable man I had ever had the misfortune to know. On the ride back to the airport he drove, we had rented an SUV for the weekend. I caught him staring, not just glancing but staring at me at times through the rearview mirror. He had a look of concern, probably because I was sitting with a scowl on my face the whole time. It was the longest ride ever. Needless to say we arrived home and went our separate ways. I even turned down Sesshomaru's offer to go back to his apartment, claiming a headache I went home to sulk on my own. I don't know why I thought he would call; I think I was hoping he would. I needed explanations. I needed to know why. The call never came. I waited for three days and my heart sank. I should have been glad and moved on but I was shaken to the core. No one but Sesshomaru had ever touched me like that. I frankly didn't think I would ever need another man's touch except for his. I had avoided Sesshomaru for three days and now I couldn't hide any longer. His family was having a dinner party to celebrate their younger cousin's Rin's graduation. Everyone was going to be there. Inuyasha was going to be there. I was so nervous, I didn't know what to do, when we got there most of his family was there. I knew some of them and while Sess was introducing me to the one's I didn't, I secretly scanned the room looking for him. He wasn't there. I knew he was going to be there, but he was late. I was in such a state that by the time showed up, I was angry. `How dare he toy with my emotions, had he no heart?' I was so angry but the minute I saw him my stupid brain failed and the only coherent thought was how completely delicious he looked. I always loved when he dressed up; he was wearing black slacks that made his butt look like the kind of candy you just want to chew on. He was wearing a crisp button down shirt in a fire red color that never failed to complement his eyes. I had gone out of my way to dress especially nice, but my heart wanted to think that he appreciated the way I looked the same way I appreciated him. How stupid am I? He avoided me for the first hour, or did I avoid him? I don't know but just about the time we were about to leave he came up to me and said, “Where have you been?”
Oh god…
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Sorry for not posting sooner, I was going thru finals and a few stressful situations. I also wasn't getting feedback. What do you guys think he's thinking? I'm always wondering what he feels and why things got out of hand. I blame myself of course, but what should I do? I will explain next time how things can snowball at a moments notice.
Posted by: K. on August 10, 2007 at 8:17 PM