InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Blood ❯ Home Again ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 9
Home Again
The waves of pleasure coursing through Kagome's aching body had subsided. Inuyasha had extricated himself from her and lay on the cool refreshing grass, exhausted. They both turned their gaze toward each other, and with love, smiled softly. Kagome let out a small quiet "Ruff”, making the hanyou dog demon grin. A soft cool breeze wafted across them. Inuyasha closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Kagome watched him with contentment. After he had fallen asleep, she arose and staggered, weak in the legs, toward the spring.
'Whew! That was intense.'
Slowly slipping into the water, she relaxed and bathed herself. As she shuffled toward the bank, she noticed the clothing dried on the beach. Warmed by Inuyasha's thoughtfulness, she wrapped his kimono around her.
Relaxing on a warm rock ledge drinking up the beauty around her and sighing with a smile on her face, she thought to herself, `this is just too good to be true.' However, she knew Inuyasha would be himself again when they arrived at the village.
As quiet as a mouse, Inuyasha strolled up behind her. She was startled when she felt his arms wrap around her and grip her to his body. A smile spread across her face and she closed her eyes in order to savor their newfound relationship.
"We should go. Everyone is worried. They don't know you are alive and may leave to fight Naraku on their own," Inuyasha whispered into her ear.
She nodded while enjoying his warm breath brushing against her ear. It was unlike Inuyasha to express his concern for anyone. Hopefully, that had changed.
Inuyasha quickly dressed and, with a devious smirk motioned for Kagome to climb onto his back.
"Bark for me one more time before we leave," Inuyasha demanded.
With laughter on her lips, she barked as they left and continued to bark as Inuyasha softly bounded through his forest, joining her with deep masculine howls, their joy echoing through the trees. As they reached the edge of the treeline, Inuyasha gently came to a halt, allowing Kagome to slide off his back. Kaede was standing outside facing Miroku and Sango as they prepared to leave. Kagome and Inuyasha, holding hands, walked toward them, happy to see that everyone was still there.
Miroku was the first to see out of the corner of his eye the bright red figure walking toward them. He turned, eyes widening in shock and wonder, and whispered as his breath was deprived of his lungs,
Sango and Kaede, hearing Miroku, turned and gasped. Just as Miroku and Sango stepped forward to greet the couple, Kaede grabbed both of them and hauled them backward.
"What manner of evil is this Inuyasha?" she called, believing that Kagome may have been resurrected from clay as her sister had, turning out to be only a demon in disguise. She could not bear the pain of seeing merely a mirage of the true Kagome
Kagome caught her breath. Inuyasha glared at Kaede, growling at her insinuation.
Still somewhat suspicious, Kaede stepped away from Miroku and Sango. Both ran with joy on their faces, grabbing Kagome in tight squeezes.
"You're crushing me guys!” Kagome squealed with unbridled glee.
With a proud smile on his face, Inuyasha stood back, actually smiling with pride and accomplishment.. 'Mine' he thought, gazing at HIS little porcelain miko.
Sango and Miroku stepped back to take in the sight of them both. Inuyasha, with his arms crossed, standing straight and tall, was actually smiling from ear to ear! Unheard of! Both gasped with eyes wide as they observed the punctures in Inuyasha's and Kagome's neck. As Miroku grinned, Sango jumped up and down squealing,
“You finally mated, you did it. It's about time!"
"Sango,” Miroku beckoned with outstretched arms.
Sango and Miroku smiled knowingly at each other.
"Ah, it was worth the pain,” he grinned, giving Sango the most seductive smile that he could muster.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes while Kagome chuckled at Miroku's antics. Kaede carefully approached, studying them with an untrusting countenance. Until Kagome stepped toward her, reaching out her hand and speaking sofly,
"See Kaede? My skin is warm, not cold like clay."
With trepidation in her heart, Kaede reached out and carefully held Kagome's hand in hers. Then she pulled Kagome into her, holding her tightly and sobbing,
"You're home sister, you're home."
Kagome hugged Kaede with compassion. "Grandma, let's go eat! I'm starving!" chirped Kagome, looking cheerfully in Kaede's eyes as if to say, 'Everything is
Everyone bounded toward the hut except Kaede. Her old bones could not move that quickly. But she enjoyed watching their light carefree steps and listening to their laughter. Even Inuyasha was smiling, something she had rarely seen, if ever. He had finally recognized that he had a place in this world with friends and a mate.
I do not own Inuyasha or any of the associated characters. I only own the characters Kaiaela and Mr. Sesshou.