InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Blood ❯ Miroku's Hidden Powers ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 13
Miroku's Hidden Powers
Miroku sat on the floor beside Sango, pained at seeing her wounds. He had dreaded the day this would happen for he knew it would come. The nightmares had never let him be; always running toward Sango as she slid from Kirara's back, plunging toward the earth and crumbling to a heap before he could reach her. At least, now, she had survived, and fared well. But she was badly hurt and the pain showed in her expression on the rare occasions she had been barely able to open her eyes.
“Miroku, we must remove this strange garb of hers,” Kaede said quietly and with no small amount of tenderness. She had always known Miroku's feelings for Sango and it saddened her to see him in as much pain as his beloved.
“Come Miroku.” Kaede carefully lowered her old bones to the floor as she tried to figure out how remove the clothing. “I will not shear these from her as I did with Kagome. I'm sure Sango would have our heads if we destroyed this garment.”
Miroku followed Kaede's lead as she slid her fingers under the hem of Sango's top garment. Slowly and with extreme gentleness, they began to pull upwards, rolling the stretchy black material over Sango's bruised ribs. As Sango's ribs became visible, a lump formed in Miroku's throat. He turned his head as the edge of the top reached her breasts.
“Miroku, watch what ye are doing. Ye do not want to hurt her further. She will not slap you for this,” Kaede said quietly, not wishing to disturb Sango.
It was not Sango's slaps that caused him to turn his head. He did not want to see her beautiful breasts like this. His mind wandered back through the memories of her bathing. Such beautiful breasts, not what most men panted after, but perfect, just enough for a mouthful. And the nipples! Oh Gods! Blush red, perking out at least a quarter of an inch when the air chilled her. Miroku blushed with embarrassment. Obeying Kaede, he watched as the fabric slowly slid up to Sango's neck. Miroku gasped. From her chest down she was red, blue, purple, black and all the colors in between. Miroku grimaced as he felt stinging pain in his stomach. Sango groaned as Kaede and Miroku pulled up her arms and gently freed them. Miroku could feel that the wrist he had momentarily held was broken. Now came the hardest part for him; peeling the pants downward. The bruising on her hips, abdomen and pelvis left him worrying if she would still be able to bear his child. He shook his head as tears came to his eyes. The fabric easily rolled down her legs, battered and bruised, but not broken. All the hours she had put into training seemed to have protected her bones. Her muscles were strong and tight. She may have been petite and the muscles not a bulging mass, but she was more than well toned.
Kaede gasped. There was blood between her thighs, soaking the bed. “Miroku, thank ye for assisting me, but ye must leave now.”
Miroku, not taking his eyes from Sango's face, lifted himself from her side, heart aching, and then heavily made his way outside. After breathing in the fresh air, he made his way to the private bathing spring in Inuyasha's forest, so numb that he didn't even feel his robe being soaked by his tears. `I must refresh myself and draw strength before I can help her.' Determined, he quickened his pace towards his destination.
`She will never have children,' Kaede thought with aching for Miroku and his desire to have a son carry on his family line. `Will Miroku abandon her? I doubt it. He loves her too much. Perhaps an orphan without the curse of a wind tunnel would suffice. I will have to convince him,' she determined, then cleaned Sango and changed the sheets.
Sometime later Miroku returned with Shippou tucked inside his robe, only his small head peeking out of the dark material.
“Miroku! Why did you bring that poor child into this mess?!” Kaede blustered.
“It is time he learned about the dangers surrounding him. And I want to teach him something that will help in times of need,” Miroku stated, not backing down.
As she watched him carry Shippou into Sango's quarters, Kaede furrowed her brow, still believing that this was very wrong. He pulled the tiny fox child from his robe, setting him behind Sango's feet. Miroku knelt above Sango's head, bringing the palms of his hands a hair's breadth away from her face.
“Shippou, be careful not to touch Sango, but put your hands over her feet as I have done to her face.” Shippou obeyed. “Now, look at your hands. Feel your heartbeat coursing through the veins.” Miroku waited. Shippo's eyes widened.
“My hands are getting hot Miroku!” he exclaimed.
“Yes, Shippou. It is the blood which flows through your heart, the center of your emotions. You love Sango so don't let it stop. Close your eyes and picture Sango's feet in every detail. Imagine her feet healing as the heat from your hands soaks through them. Keep your hands warm with your blood, with your heart, Shippou. The love in your heart is what is most important. And, whatever you do, don't stop.”
The houshi focused with all his strength on his hands, bathing Sango's battered and beaten face with the heat of his love for her. After a time, he moved to her shoulders, then her chest, working his way across her entire body. Shippou followed as Miroku instructed.
Kaede watched in amazement. Shippou and Miroku took their time, spending at least two hours. She could see Shippou tiring after about half an hour, but he kept going. An average human may not have seen it, but Kaede did; a yellow aura with green spots coursing over Sango, emanating from Miroku and Shippou.
“You did well Shippou. Kaede, we need sustenance if we are to continue,” Miroku called. “Will you prepare a meal while we refresh ourselves?” he asked as they headed out the door.
“Hai, Miroku.” She slightly nodded her head.
Kaede quickly moved to Sango. Her swelling and bruises had diminished! Under normal circumstances, there would have been more swelling before they would have begun to shrink. The bruises were beginning to turn yellow and green, signaling healing. Feeling Sango's abdomen she gasped. Even her child bearing organs were being restored!
Miroku and Shippou ate heartily and then lay down on the bare floor beside Sango. Even in his slumber, Kaede could see the aura reaching from Miroku, bathing Sango's body. Kaede could hardly believe what she was seeing. Miroku must teach her this skill.
Three times a day, Miroku and Shippou tended to Sango. Sango's moments of consciousness gradually increased as her body quickly healed.
`Perhaps it is unwise to wait until Naraku is dead.'
Miroku wandered from the village to the secluded area he found most conducive to productive meditation.
Any and all reviews are welcome and greatly anticipated whether one word or paragraphs.
Reviewer Recognition
I Lurv You All
Neko youkai
I do not own Inuyasha or any of the associated characters. I only live vicariously through them.