InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ Kagura's confession ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagura's confession
“Why do you care about me?” Kagura asked.
“Inuyasha loves you” Kagome said.
`He loves me, why?
`“If you die, Inuyasha will be alone in the world” Kagome continued.
“I'll go find him” Kagura said.
“I…” but Kagome cut Sesshomaru off.
“Let her go, she loves him & she'll help him. He is very upset” Kagome stopped him.
“Inuyasha” Kagura called out.
“Go away” he said.
“I got spared, Kagome saved me from Lord Sesshomaru's wrath” Kagura said.
“Kagome often saves people” Inuyasha replied.
“She said you love me” Kagura said.
“I honestly don't know anymore” Inuyasha said.
“Well I love you and me hope that you'll learn to love me too” Kagura said.
She gave him a soft kiss on the lips.
“Kagura, I can't love anyone anymore, I lost Kagome to my brother & I killed Kikyo with my own hands, please I'm not worthy of your love” Inuyasha started to walk away.
“You killed her with honor, she tried to destroy a member of your pack and your niece, and you couldn't avoid it” Kagura comforted.
“I'm a murderer and I took Kikyo's life, even after she confessed her love for me” Inuyasha cried.
“What were her last words?” Kagura asked.
“She said she died happy, because she told me how she felt about me” Inuyasha said.
“She wasn't alive to begin with, she was already dead, she didn't die by your hands, but by Naraku's, do not punish yourself, you deserve my love” Kagura said, playing with his ears.
“Kagura, if I asked you, would you be my mate?” Inuyasha asked.
“Yes of course, I love you more than love itself and being mated to you would be wonderful” Kagura smiled.
`Finally, a mate of my own, but what about Lord Sesshomaru'
Her smile faded.
`She regrets it already'
“It's alright, If you don't want to stay with me, I understand” Inuyasha said.
“What!” Kagura exclaimed.
“You stopped smiling, you don't want to be with me” Inuyasha assumed.
“I stopped smiling because I realized something, that's all” Kagura said.
“Realized what?” Inuyasha asked.
“That we can't be together, no matter what?” Kagura said sadly.
“Why is that?” Inuyasha questioned.
“Lord Sesshomaru would never permit us to be together, I am so sorry” Kagura apologized.
“I'll deal with Sesshomaru, let's go now” Inuyasha said. Kagura walked beside him.
`Could I ever get over Kagome, I love her so much, if only I could go back in time'
“Inuyasha, you're back” Kagome hugged him.
“I was only gone a little while” Inuyasha said.
“You guys were out there for over an hour” Kagome said.
“We need to talk to fluffy” Inuyasha said.
“He's watching Kashia sleep” Kagome said.
“Do I need to get him?” Inuyasha asked.
“I got it” Kagome said. She softly came into the room.
“Sess, Inuyasha wants to talk with you” She whispered.
“Later” he said.
“It's about Kagura, it's very important, please come” Kagome begged.
“He is unimportant” Sesshomaru said.
“Sess, if you don't come, then I'll be sleeping with Rin and Shippo” Kagome threatened.
“Fine” he growled. Kagome gave him a kiss, gently across his lips. But when she tried to pull away, he held her still and deepened the kiss. She sat down on his lap. She was desperate for air.
“Kagome” Inuyasha walked in.
`She really looks happy with him'
`Get out' Sesshomaru growled.
`Make me' Inuyasha growled back.
“Stop growling so loud, you'll wake Kashia” Kagome hissed.
`You're upsetting my mate'
“You're still growling, stop upsetting the alpha bitch” Inuyasha said aloud.
“Did you just call me a bitch” Kagome's aura flared.
“It's a title, it means alpha female, it's not offensive” Sesshomaru tried to calm her. Kagome got off of Sesshomaru and left.
“Do not upset her further” Sesshomaru warned.
“What did you want?” Sesshomaru asked.
“For you to release Kagura, from her life of servitude” Inuyasha said.
“Why is that?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Because I've agreed to be his mate, I want to have a family with him” Kagura stepped up.
“I will not allow you to mate him, if you do, you'll be removed” Sesshomaru said.
“You can't, I love her” Inuyasha said.
“Kagura already signed her life to me, to release her is foolish” Sesshomaru said.
“Let me see the scroll” Kagome demanded.
I, Kagura wind sorceress, sign myself into a life with Lord Sesshomaru of the west, I wish to remain in the safety of his castle walls and to never leave. I will not seek love or pleasure from another while within the castle walls. If I dare leave, then I am losing all protection and I'll leave immedently. Only Lord Sesshomaru or the lady of the west can release me
“I can release her” Kagome said.
“But if you do, she must leave” Inuyasha complained.
“I invite her to stay” Kagome smiled.
“This castle is my domain, you've already invited too many people to stay here” Sesshomaru complained.
“I will not release you, I want Sesshomaru to continue to protect you & you will be a servant but you can mate with Inuyasha & create your family” Kagome said.
“I want to lessen the terms, they permit too much” Sesshomaru argued.
“She can't have kids until after we have our 2nd, even then she'll need to ask, and she can have Inuyasha and sleep in his room” Sesshomaru added.
“Well she can have kids, she'll just have to work through the first trimester, she can be a servant but used less and they sleep together" Kagome compromised.
“That is acceptable” Sesshomaru said.
“I agree with your terms” Kagura said.
“Jaken, fetch Kagura's things from the servant room and bring them to Inuyasha's” Kagome ordered. “
Waah” Kashia cried.
“Go now Jaken or I'll tell Sess” Kagome threatened.
He scurried off.
“Oh my little sweetie, are you hungry?” She asked. Kashia's tiny mouth opened wide. Kagome closed the door and sat on the edge of the bed. She took off her tank top and allowed one of her breasts to come out of the bra.
“Drink up” She coaxed.
“Lady Kagome” Jaken called out. But Kagome didn't hear him, so he came in.
“Get out” Kagome yelled. Kagome grabbed up a towel to cover herself. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha heard her squeals.
“What is it?” Inuyasha asked.
“Jaken walked in, while I was feeding Kashia” Kagome said. Sesshomaru quickly used his whip to kill Jaken.
“Foolish Imp, Are you alright?” Sesshomaru said.
“Yeah but I'm not done feeding” Kagome said. Inuyasha left. Sesshomaru used his sword to revive Jaken.
“Get out, knock before you come in” Kagome scolded. Jaken ran off. Kagura knocked on the door.
“Lady Kagome, Lord Sesshomaru, an important message from the Lady and Lord of the North just arrived” Kagura yelled.
Kagura handed it. “Indeed it's urgent” Sesshomaru said.
Dear Lord Sesshomaru and Lady Kagome,
We congratulate you on your 1st child, princess Kashia; sadly we have to crash on this happy family moment. Disease, famine, drought, and war have brought a lot of pain on our people. Though the war is temporarily over. We still wish to send them, we are trying to prolong but they'll ride out this evening.
“What?” Kagome was confused. “Keep reading” Sesshomaru said.
Don't worry; a month's stay is all that's required. Hope you have a male, bitches make bad rulers
Lord Trevor
Now Kagome was fuming. “Bitches Make bad rulers” Kagome gritted.
“Calm down, don't worry about it” Sesshomaru said.
“Ahha” Kashia laughed.
“She's giggling” Kagome leaned over the crib to watch her.
“I have to go” Sesshomaru said.
“Why, Kashia was just born” Kagome whined.
“I have to prepare for the arrival” He explained. Kashia didn't want to seem envious of the Lady of the North but she was a demoness.
“Kagome, Kashia is so pretty, I'd love to have a child like that” Sango cooed.
“Wow, I didn't even hear you come in” Kagome said.
“Where's fluffy” Inuyasha asked, walking in.
“Taking care of business” Kagome said, she looked wounded.
Inuyasha leaned over to hug her.
`IT feels so good; Sesshomaru doesn't hold me like this. How can I say this, Sesshomaru is my mate, I can't believe I rather have Inuyasha hug me'
They all wandered away. Kagome tucked Kashia into bed for the night as she went to sleep. When she awoke she noticed Sesshomaru getting dressed.
“Good morning” Kagome said.
“How did you sleep mate?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Well” Kagome answered.
“Paulina and Marcos will be here soon, make sure you're ready” Sesshomaru said, leaving the room.
`I feel like I'm cheating on Sesshomaru, all of my thoughts of Inuyasha. I love Kashia and I don't regret being with Sesshomaru though'