InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's new pet ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Inuyasha quick run and hide here comes the lawyers!…..If you couldn’t guess from that I do not own Inuyasha.

Inuyasha: Dam-

~ Don’t say it!

Inuyasha: Why the hell not.

~ I’ll get out the soap!!

Inuyasha: *Gulp*

C hapter four.

“ummm…… Aunt Kaede?” kagome spent a couple minutes tiding her hair and smoothing out her shirt which had become slightly dishevelled from her sprint to the shrine. She keep her eyes downcast to avoid looking Kaede in the eyes whilst she asked her question.

Kaede added some herbs to the basket her pet was carrying. Her pet of thirty years was a handsome wolf demon prince named Kouga. She had received him for her own sixteen birthday which was were she got the idea for Kagome’s present…., well that and it solved her problem of Kagome’s safety . It didn’t hurt that Kikyo had left her a free pet either. She was only a humble priestess after all.

Kaede slowly eased herself from the garden beside the shrine’s floor. Silently pleased with her own cunning. That niece of hers had trouble following her around like a lost puppy and she found it equally irresistible. Know that her miko powers had been uncovered she shuddered to think of the possibilities. She turned slowly to face her niece whipping all traces of amusement from her face. That child had quite the temper.

“ what ails ye child? Are ye having problems with your new pet?’ She chuckled silently to herself upon seeing the blush staining Kagome cheeks. She wasn’t about to admit to the fiery girl she was in on her mothers plan for grandchildren. Kagome would skin them all alive behead them place their heads on a spike bring them back to life and do it again. No she would guard that secret with her life.

“ummm…. You could say that I guess” she shuffled from one foot to the next. A sure sign of her nervousness. “ Aunt Kaede are pets SUPPOSED to kiss their mistresses?” She finally managed to choke out the last of the sentence, but she looked as if she was willing the ground to open up and swallow her into it’s welcoming dark nothingness.

Kaede’s eyes shine with amusement, “Why child do ye ask? Has your pet kissed you?” Anyone looking at Kaede at this moment would have guessed her a diabolical genius who had succeeded in conquering the world.

“ He…erm… tried….” mumbled kagome barely audible.

“ And what pray tell dear child did you do about it?” Yep Kaede definitely looked diabolical.

Remembering the look on Inuyasha’s face when she had said it, Kagome’s lips turned up in a blinding smile. Diabolicalness must run in the family.

“ I told him that he was a bad puppy.”

At this the wolf Kouga , who had truly tried to remain impassive during the entire ordeal burst out in a fit of laughter. Immediately Kagome’s ’death’ glare was upon him.

After all no one makes fun of her pet. She was about to open her mouth when Kaede who had started walking away during Kouga’s ’coughing’ fit , suddenly called out…..

“ Heel boy.”

“ kagome, child go and prepare ye self for the bonding ceremony.”

Stiff ling her own laughter behind her hand, she went to do as Kaede bade her. In her mirth she completely forgot the reason she had sought out Kaede in the first place. That was all well and good until she opened her bedroom door and her room and made eye contact with the source of her earlier embarrassment.

“Ummm…hi,” she offered as she entered the room quickly and made her way to the closet. “ Ummm… aunt Kaede says it’s time to get ready for the ceremony.”

She stopped as a thought struck her. ’Does he even understand what I’m saying?’ she thought as she stepped closer to him and sat down on her knees across from him. She cleared her throat to gain his attention as if she hadn’t already had it.

“ Do you understand what I’m saying?” she asked hesitantly whilst twirling a strand of hair around her finger in what the hanyou thought a rather distracting manner.

Watching his eyes intently for any signs that his amber eyes understood her. When he inclined his head slightly in a nod , she squealed her delight. His ears flattened against his head slightly in at the sound.’ crap this bitch is loud.’ He thought exasperated.

“Do you know how to talk?”

She asked him to talk. His eyes went wide. Youkia are not permitted to talk. Ever. Was this bitch crazy. A bit curious as to what she was up to. He nodded his head again. He flattened his ears against his skill in anticipation of her high pitched squeal.

When she didn’t squeal he looked up into her eyes to see if she had understood. Her chocolate brown orbs were dancing in delight.

“ What your name?” She asked him a bit hopefully. ‘What was that bitch thinking?’ She already knew his name it was on his ownership papers. He knew this was some kind of twisted trick they were playing just so they could beat him when he messed up.

“ Its O.k.”

Her tone was light and comforting, she was intent on trying to sooth him.

“Please tell me. I want to hear you .”

He shook his head in denial, it was too much way too soon. His hands shook slightly at his internal conflict, do as his mistress asked of him which had always gotten him punished in the past or don’t do what his mistress asked of him and risk a beating. Decisions, decisions. Her gripped his knees to keep his mistress to notice his weakness.

Kagome felt a sudden rush of anger towards Kikyo. To not allow him speech for over fifty years was one thing but to make him so afraid that even after her death he couldn’t utter his own name. ‘ That grrrr” Kagome was too frustrated to think of a better comeback.

“o.k. then, lets just get ready for the ceremony. Feel free to do anything demons need to do to get ready for the ceremony.”

With that she got up and walked over to her closet disappearing into the semi organised sea of cloths.

‘That’s it? Why didn’t the wench punish me for disobeying her?’ Inuyasha was confused which was something that he just didn’t like to be so he got up and went into the bathroom to prepare for the upcoming ceremony.
The shrine was lit with hundreds of candles. Kaede voice was heard in a whispered chanting as she started the bonding ceremony.

Kagome’s cheek had a tinge of red to them. Kneeling so close her pets warm body was having some interesting effects on her body.

Her right arm was starting to ache, where she was holding it at waist level. A red string bound her right wrist to Inuyasha’s left wrist. In fact it had bound them together for the past twenty minutes and kami-sama her arm was starting to cramp up and her aunts chants were not helping to keep her awake.

She watched Kaede lower a set of prayer beads onto Inuyasha’s head. Then
she felt a cold metal chill by her wrist. When she looked, Kaede had cut the red string and had thrown it into the ritual fire. She felt Inuyasha’s arms wrap around her and draw her closer in to his body. The heat radiating from his body caused her cheeks to burn.

He tilted her head to the side exposing the junction in between her neck and shoulder. He leaned in and she could feel his hot breath on her skin. She could smell the faint traces of pine and wood. He smelt delicious.

Gently he ran his lips over the junction, letting his tongue caress it. He tilted his head to the side and let his fangs pierce her skin.


Kagome planted her feet on Inuyasha’s stomach and pushed off. She effectively dislodged his hold on her and put some distance between their heated bodies.

“ Aunt Kaede!!!!!!! He Bit me!!!!!”

Kaede chuckled at the sight of the proud hanyou, once again on his ass because of her niece.” kagome child , he was ‘suppose’ to bite you “ She said in a perfectly serious voice that didn’t betray her amusements.

“Well why didn’t you worn me!”

Inuyasha looked from the old priestess to his newly bonded. Was her eye…..twitching?

Kaede took a step back, was it suddenly warmer in there or didn’t anyone else notice the wall of flames that had appeared behind her niece.

“ I….Oh. I thought you knew already?” She offered weakly Taking a step back in her nervousness. Of course that was absolute rubbish, she had known her niece had no idea what was involved or what the consequences were. If she had know she never would have agreed. But her niece had to be protected.

________________________________________ __________________________
End chapter four.

An: So what do you think? Be honest I have my flamer suit…..wait it’s broken hold the flames for the love of Inuyasha hold the flames!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Inuyasha: *suspicious fire proof cloth pieces on his claws* *snicker*

Inuyashas lover2; hey I really appreciate your reviews I promise that I will continue to update as long as one person reviews. I’m trying to lengthen the chapters for you so we’ll see how that goes. *does a happy dance*

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