InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's... Reincarnation?!? ❯ "School Stress and The Pink Aura!" ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome's... Reincarnation!?!

Hello all! Gatomon here! ^_^ This is my second Inuyasha story, so it will be better! ^_^
Anyways, I don't own Inuyasha, sadly. ;_; Boohoo...

Chapter 01: "School Stress and The Pink Aura!"


Inuyasha was already kissing the dirt... well, cussing in it, actually. Kagome climbed to the rim
of the well, glaring at the fumed Inuyasha. "Your tests can wait; the Shiko No Tama needs us to
find them all!" Inuyasha barked, as Kagome glared at him deathly.

"Inuyasha, I can't be around
here all the time, ya know, I have a life! Besides, tonight's the new moon, so you're not going shard-
hunting today!" Kagome calmly explained, as Inuyasha growled, "Fine. Go! Maybe I'll ask Kikyou to
help me find some jewels for to-!?!" he was interrupted when Kagome yelled at the top of her lungs,
"SIT BOY!!!!!!".

Inuyasha mummered cusses at the dirt, as Kagome jumped in the well. Gone. Just
like that. Inuyasha sits up and sighs sadly. He opens his golden eyes and watches a butterfly sucking
at a small flower.

"Oh, you think you're special, eh?! You have someone at your side all the time! The
flower must of really like it when you suck the damn rim of it!!" Inuyasha growled angrily at the butterfly.
Oddly, tough, the butterfly just keep on working.

The flower moved a little, like a nod, replying to Inuyasha's question. Inuyasha sighed deeply, standing up
and walking slowley to Keade-Baba's.

As he enter, Shippou hoped infront of Inuyasha and squeals, "Inuyasha, don't tell me you had another
fight with Kagome, did you?!" Inuyasha's eyebrow twitches angrily, lifting a foot and swung it to kick
the tiny fox-yokai, sending him flying into the wall.

"I suppose that's a yes...?" Miroku blinked at the crashed Shippou, still hunging on the wall.

"Feh... why is it any of your business, pervert?!" Inuyasha yelled, walking towards the fallen Shippou,
steping all over him and nearly killing him.

"Kagome will really be angry if you say something rude about her grades," Sango says, "And she's been
trying her best to help herself and us, Inuyasha. Keep that in mind, now."

Inuyasha just sat there silently, looking slightly annoyed.


Meanwhile in the Present Time, Kagome was in her room, flipping pages in her math book.

'Hmph. Kikyou... is that all Inuyasha cares for?' Kagome thoughted, clenching her fist. She shuts
her book noisingly, making the cat scream and running out her room.

"I can't concentrate at all!! Stupid Inuyasha..." She mumbled in her pillow, "I'm too tired anyway...
The test will be due next week... and besides, it's Friday... Hrumph... Inuyasha..." Kagome finally
dozes off to a deep sleep.


Inuyasha, later, sneaks near the Bone-Eater's Well. He hoped into the rim of the well, glances around
him to see if anyone's looking, and jumps trough the well.

In the coma, bright sparkles dancing around Inuyasha like a pleasant melody. But then, Inuyasha felt
another presence lingering around the coma.

He sniffes around him, and a light scent sprang into Inuyasha's
nose. "Hey, that smells like Kagome... but... alot reshreshingly diffrent..." Inuyasha says to himself, glancing
around. Suddenly, he spotted a dark figure being sorrounded by a light pink aura.

"Hey!! Who are you?! Are you Kagome???" Inuyasha questions loudly, but the figure just floats in the bottom
of the coma, looking like it's asleep.

Inuyasha motioned himself down, trying to reach the beauitful pink light. In order to get to Kagome's time, he
has to go up. But surprisingly, Inuyasha's thoughts about Kagome faded away as he glances at the young girl's

She was amazingly beautiful, her face was perfectly peach-pale, her lips were as pink as roses. She has
short, dark hair, and her hair has pink cherry blossoms headwear around her head.

She is wearing a hot
pink school outfit, and in her hand she is holding which somewhat look like a music box.

Once Inuyasha set his hand-or paw-on her shoulder, a bright, blinding light sorrounded the coma,
transporting Inuyasha and the young girl back 'home' ...

Short. Yes, true. >_<;; Just don't flame meeeeee~!!!! *sobs and runs away* Oh yeah, I'm reminding you all
to R/R or I won't update! Just warning ya! Ja Ne!!! -Gatomon