InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Revelations ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 13~ Revelations

Everyone was starting to wake up, it wasn't because the sun, or even the smell of the delicious food emanating from the dining area. There was a lot of noise coming from the dojo, that of swords clashing and things blowing up. Everyone was congregating around the area, what they saw were Kagome and Sesshoumaru practicing. It had been nearly a week since their last practice, and they were getting restless, after all their.activities could only take so much energy.

Anyways, Kagome had a fully transformed Tessiaga drawn, but since Sess was at the other end of the room, she drew one of her arrows, and knocked Tsubasa, and as she was about to release, the Tessiaga and Tsubasa began to glow a bright light.

'We were made to protect the Mistress of Light and Darkness, and she who is of a pure heart. It was told that there was one who would be pure beyond all else, and more deadly than the strongest of evils. We were told that when her light shined through us both,'

There was a magnificent flash of light, no color, yet all colors at once, 'I would be released.' Said a strong feminine voice, 'I am Silverfire, love made me, strength wields me, purity binds me.' The light faded away, and in the place of Tessiaga and Tsubasa stood the prophesized staff, Silverfire. 'My mistress,' she said to Kagome, and Kagome alone, 'I am here to help you defeat the evil that has been after you since before time. The time draws near; I can sense his presence here. I, however am not complete, when the time comes, you will know how to make me whole.'

With that, she subsided into silence, as the crowd began to talk, they were instantly hushed by what happened next. A violet light enveloped Kagome, and her eyes shown silver, memories were being awakened within her and she saw a man who felt like Sesshoumaru, she was as he forged Silverfire, watched as they were torn apart to be reborn, and as the final memory crashed into her conscience, transparent silvery wings burst through her back, and engulfed her. The light faded, and Kagome stood there in a silver dress, holding the silver shaft of Silverfire, she stared into the black fist sized crystal that stood upon the top of the staff. She put her up to the crystal, and then into it pulling out a black whip with a black hilt.

Sesshoumaru watched as Kagome took the whip up, then his eyes met her silver pools, there were no pupils, no whites, just endless silver. He walked up to her and she handed the whip to him, hilt first. At first contact, the Tenseiga raised out of it's sheath to join the whip. In a flash of light, there stood another staff, only this one had a black shaft and a silver crystal. 'I am Blackrain, I was created to aid my master in his fight to protect his mat, I was created to bind my Master, along with Starfire, in the marriage of souls, to forever walk hand in hand. My Master is the Lord of Darkness and Light.' Memories bombarded Sesshoumaru, he watched as a Lady of unequaled beauty wrought from her very soul the staff he now bore.

He watched as the image of that lady was then ripped from him and killed. As this final image hit him, wings sprouted from his back, transparent, but black at the same time. They engulfed him and a silvery light shrouded him. As the light faded, there stood a man in black robes with long black hair and pure black eyes holding the shaft of Blackrain.

Sesshoumaru grabbed Kagome's hand, and at first touch, they were thrown back into their greatest memory.


Sesshoumaru stood in nothingness, surrounded by stars; he was looking straight ahead, his eyes not wavering. He was dressed in his black robes, with his misty black wings lifted behind him, His eyes were lined in black, with a black line extending from the center of his left eye straight down to the center of his cheek. On his forehead there appeared to be a black sun. Minutes, hours, days, or even years may have passed, and none would know. There was what appeared to be a speck of light growing bigger and bigger as it approached the Lord of Darkness. It grew to the point where you could see the speck of light was a person, a breathtaking Lady dressed all in silver her glowing wings fanned out behind her, and her eyes lined in a glowing silver, a silver line identical to the Lords coming down her right cheek. On her forehead was a shining silver moon. The Lady of Light approached in all her glory.

As the two stood in front of each other, Darkness pulled a staff out of the very nothingness that surrounded everything, "With this staff, I forever bind you to my being and to my heart. With this staff, I give to you all that I am, my essence, my love, and my powers." He held the staff before her in his left hand, waiting to be claimed by it's Mistress.

She smiled a smile so dazzling, that it outshone the very stars. She formed a globe of light in her hands and from it emerged a staff as pitch as the void, "With this staff, I forever bind you to my being and to my heart. With this staff, I give to you all that I am, my essence, my love, and my powers." She held the staff out to him and at the same time reached for the staff he held. The grasped the offered staffs at the same time and released the staff to it's owner. The Lady of Light was wrapped in a soothing Darkness, and the Lord of Darkness in a gentle light. When they emerged, on there forehead was a black sun with a glowing silver moon on top.

As they finished the ritual, and sealed it with a kiss, they were shrouded in red filled with an evil presence. 'You think to escape me by binding with another? You think to be rid of me so easily as to choose him? I shall kill you and find you when you are reborn, as for you," He turned to the Lord," I shall destroy your very soul." Before he could even move to do as he threatened, their bodies disintegrated in their place stood two souls, one silver, and one black.

They had joined two rituals, the binding of souls, followed by their sacrifice to take this evil to his own death, in hopes he would never return as the Lord of Evil. As all three beings disappeared, the two staffs separated into the Tenseiga, Tessiaga, Tsubasa, and The Whip of Eternity. They would hide in the shadows and light until the worlds were created, and until it was time for them to join the play of life to return to their true masters.

*~*~*~End Flashback~*~*~*

As they came back to themselves, they realized they were kissing and broke apart. 'I've missed you.' Sesshoumaru said to her.

'And I you,' she replied as grabbed his hand; they had been separated for countless millennia.

They looked around at all the youkai, they were no longer staring at them, but at Rin and Shippo, they two had changed. They had one Silver eye, and one Black eye, a silver wing, and a black wing, their hair was the same, and so were their tails. They all had their fluffy tails. Rin pulled a dagger out of a globe of light, and a staff out of the shadows; she combined them forming a black-shafted Glaive with a silver blade. Shippo did the same, only pulling the dagger from the shadows, and the staff from the light; his was silver with an ebony blade. They had become the Prince and Princess of Light and Darkness.

'It appears the ceremony gave them our powers as well.' Sesshoumaru sighed, then thought, 'Think of all the mischief they will get into now when the very Light and Dark on their sides.'

After all the youkai had calmed down, all except for the royal families returned to their lands, they would stay for a few more days to renew treaties and alliances.

Everyone retreated to their rooms, Rin and Shippo sleeping with their parents tonight. When everyone was in the bed, they created a globe of darkness around the room to both protect, and sooth them in their sleep. 'The sun won't wake me up tomorrow.' Kagome thought triumphantly. They retracted their wings back into their bodies, and they went to sleep.

~*~*~In Kouga's Room~*~*~

"So," the voice from Kouga said to itself, "They've discovered their true forms and personalities. I however did not foresee the transformations of the pups." His aura momentarily darkened with red. "No matter, they can do nothing, she will be mine, and no one can stop that." It laughed an evil laugh; at this moment he looked nothing even remotely like Kouga, but a twisted version of evil itself.

Kouga crept out of his room, he went to his parents were in, and without hesitation, killed them, then purposefully wounded himself. He left the castle, leaving a trail of blood. In his parent's room, he left a note in their blood, it read, "I killed the wolves, and will kill the other if you do not come to me, my Lady of Light."

Kouga ran all the way to the home of Evil, there he sat and let himself heal while still under control of whatever had possessed him.

'No!' He thought, 'not my Outo and Okaa-san.' His soul was starting to fade from grief and entrapment. 'Please Kagome, don't come, I can't lose you too.'

Back at the castle, the Lord and Lady's body had been found, and there was such a cry in the castle, that it woke all the inhabitants of the castle. Sesshoumaru and Kagome arrived second later to see the bodies of the dead; Rin and Shippo were right behind them. Shippo formed a ball of light, and Rin one of Shadow, they mixed together and encased the bodies, this was a tomb that would forever preserve them. Kagome looked around the room and saw the note, she gasped, "He has Kouga, he's come back." Her aura began to rage around her, and her wings burst from her back. "That's it!!" She cried with all the fury within her, "He dies tonight."

The four of them took to the air like lightning. They would end this tonight. No one else would die but him.

As they flew, the found a trail of death and destruction, among the bodies were Sango, Miroku, Kirara, Inuyasha, and Kaede. Kagome wept tears of light for her friends, and promised to avenge them. Shortly after they came upon a land of death, with an evil red aura hanging about the place.

"Come out and face me, Tainted One. You, who chose to be as you are and to do this to others for the sake of humor, for the sake of you own twisted game. It is time to finish what was started long ago." Kagome screamed to the silence.

"Come out and face your doom!" Sesshoumaru said as he gathered a cloak of darkness, and Kagome a cloak of light. The placed their staffs in front of them and prepared for battle.

"So eager to be mine." Said a voice in the shadows, "And you my Lord so eager to be erased from existence."