InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ kagome's savior ❯ The next day ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sorry the chappie was so short last time. I was incredibly drained. I hope this one is better.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Why do you people have to keep rubbing it in!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   & nbsp;    Kagome awoke with a splitting head ache. "Where am I?" she asked out loud. "My pack's home." answered a familiar masculine voice. Kagome looked up and saw Koga standing over her wearing a rather toothy grin. "How did I get here?" "I found you in the forest completely distraught. I brought you here to rest and regain your strength." "How long was I asleep?" "Three or four days give or take." "Three or four DAYS?!" She couldn't believe it. They all must be worried sick about her. Everyone accept Inuyasha that is. He had kikyou. She was all he needed to worry about. She didn't even notice she had been crying until Koga pointed it out. "What's wrong?" Nothing. Why do you ask?" "You were crying." Koga wiped a tear away from her cheek with a clawed hand. Kagome looked up at him and he smiled back with a warm smile. Kagome couldn't take it anymore. She immediately broke into tears. Koga pulled her into his lap and stroked her hair soothingly while whispering words of comfort in her ear. She cried all night. Koga didn't mind though. He cared for her like a brother for does for his sister. Soon her breathing returned to normal. She had cried herself to sleep.

        When she awoke the next morning she saw Koga sleeping soundly on the other side of the cave. 'He looks so peaceful.' She thought. All of sudden the events of last night came rushing back to her. She couldn't believe how she acted. "He must think that I'm just some ditzy human girl." "No." Kagome jumped at the sound of the voice. When she realized who it was she calmed down. "Then what do you think I am?" "I think you are a strong brave beautiful girl." Kagome figured it was as good a time as any to tell him how she felt about him. "Koga, I love you but only in a sisterly kind of way." She cast he eyes toward the ground and waited for the yelling that was sure to come. When nothing happened after several minutes, she looked up to see Koga wearing a look she didn't expect to see. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry about the cliffy. I couldn't help myself! What look is Kouga wearing? Tune in next time for THE ARRIVAL! *Inuyasha ending theme plays* (you pick which one) JA NE