InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Struggle ❯ Struggling to move on ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hi Minna-san! I'm back with th second chapter of Kagome's Struggle Enjoy and review please! I didn't get many reviews for the first chapter so I'm hoping more people will review this time.

Disclaimer: I unfortunately I don't own Inuyasha but someday I will you'll see!*laughs like an insane person* YOU'LL SEE YOU WILL ALL SEE HA HA HA!!!

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Kagome's Struggle-Nightmares

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Kagome wiped her eyes as she cried in the bathroom. She had the water running loudly so no one would hear her. She put her face to the sink and begin to wash her face off. She lifted her hesd to discover that he was there, the person she hated the most standing right behind her,him .(A/N: Take a nice long guess on who's behind her.) Her body froze as she slowly turned around to face him, Hojo.

"W-W-What a-a-re you doing here?"Kagome asked her voice filled with pure terror.

"What's wrong I just wanted to see you since we had so much fun the other night." Kagome felt anger rushed through her as she heard him say those words.

"Fun? You raped you bastard!" Kagome screamed in anger.

"I didn't do anything just had a good time, right?" He said as he grabbed Kagome.

"NO NOT AGAIN!" She screamed.

**= =**

Kagome screamed as she woke up from the nightmare that had plagued her the entire weekend since the incident.(A/N: Now you didn't really think I'd make Kagome go through all that again did you? She's already gone through to much.) She looked around her room furiously, almost daring something or someone to be there. She sighed in relief as she confirmed that she was alone. She cradled her body and begin to sob, gasping for air as she cried. Then she heard a knock on the door and her body froze with fear as she listened carefully to who was at the door.

"W-Who's the there."Kagome whispered.

"Kagome, honey are you okay? I heard you screaming." Mrs.Higarshi asked as she cracked on the door."

"Hai, I'm fine mom ." Kagome said as she quickly wiped her tears away.

Are you sure?" Mrs.Higarshi asked, worry written all over her face.


"Well dear are you going back to the Fuedal Era or are you going back to school."? Mrs.Higarshi asked.

"I'm going to the Fuedal Era." Kagome siad softly.

"I just remembered Souta told me you had a test today!"Mrs.Higarshi exclaimed.

"What!?"Kagome said. *But Hojo's at school* Kagome thought as fear crept through her body as she thought of Hojo's name.

"Mom I can't go to school!"

"Kagome you have to go to school when you have a test, I told you that already." Mrs.Higarshi said sternly.

"But mom I-I-I promised Inu-Yasha that I'd help him go shard hunting today!"

"Well I guess the shards will have to wait. This is a big test Kagome!"

"But mom I didn't even have time to study!" Kagome said as pleaded with her mother.

"No means no Kagome." Mrs. Higarshi said as walked out of the room and slammed the door behind her .

"No...please.."Kagome whispered."I can't go..."

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A/N: Short yes but I decided to let you all hang for a bit a leave it there. Remember Minna-san the more reviews I get means the faster I update.

Anyway I'd like to give a special thanks to all who reviewed:


Mustard Yellow Sunshine

Kittie Kat8


Inu Youkai-Hime

Thank you all so very much for reviewing and hopefully more people will review this time around.

Until next time Minna-san Sayanora!