InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Suffering and Sesshomaru's Healing Word ❯ Doesn't She? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
:::Chapter Two::: Doesn’t She? Kagome had been stirring in Sango’s arms almost the whole trip to Kaede’s Village. Sango was starting to get worried about her little sister, she had not waken up yet and it’s almost been over a day since she had fallen unconscious. Inuyasha was taken to another hut to have his injures cleaned and wrapped. Though mostly only because if Kagome were to awaken and have another outbreak, no one believed he would make it out alive this time. Everyone was quite worried about Kagome and Inuyasha’s health, some of the villagers even brought flowers, all types of herbs, and any supply’s they thought would help.Sango, Miroku, and Kaede were all tending to different jobs at the moment to make sure they would have everything they needed incase of an emergency while Shippo was waiting at Kagome’s side. Kaede was gathering herbs to grind into medicines and potions, Miroku had gotten small animals to use in a stew along with potato’s and other healthy food items while Sango was in charge of cleaning the hut and cooking the stew. :::With Kagome::: Kagome started to moan and turn in her sleep, a cold sweat could clearly be seen on her glossy forehead. Mumbling a few tiny words but only a bit could be made out, ‘’ was not in the room with Kagome at the time, he had left to find Kaede to see if she needed any help. Kagome’s lips trembled while she was clearly having a nightmare‘’Il–lov-edy-y..ou...’’:::With Miroku and Sango::: Miroku had entered the hut which Sango was in, walking over to her quietly he made his move towards her ‘’lovely bottom’’. In his opinion, was very lovely indeed. Sango felt his hand moving on her butt and cringed. Turning around with a look of death upon her face and now very red cheeks, she screamed, ‘’PERVERT!!’’ and gives him a few nice bumps on the head. Miroku was now on the floor smirking while thinking, ‘It was worth it Getting up from the ground Miroku cleaned himself off from the dust and asked to Sango in a confused and worried voice, ‘’How do you think Lady Kagome got so strong I meanI know she is a powerful Miko but she is still weak compared to InuyashaThis question puzzled Sango a bit, she knew Miroku was right. She thought to herself, ‘She wasn’t that powerfulbut maybe she was hiding her real power from us No, why would she do thatShe trusts usRight?’ Sango only looked to Miroku and turned away shaking her head, ‘’I don’t know ~*~Authors Note~*~I’m sorry but the Chapter’s will be short due to not having much time to write, but there will be many of them. Please review, thank you.