InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Thoughts ❯ Thoughts ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I owneth nothing, except my slaves....
It was the same, always the same routine. She would come home and find him in her room. He would be sniffing around or looking for something to eat, he was always hungary.
Kagome wasn't even home yet, she was in her Literature class, expected to write an essay on Mythology. As always she as a mountin of homework to do. Quadradic equations for Algebra, report on the British Prime Minister in Government, tranlating a passage for French, and an electron negativity chart for Chemistry. Even so, she didn't like the thought of him being in her room. possibly going through her drawers. A sudden thought came to her, what if he found her...She didn't want to think of that. It couldn't happen. He would never find it, not in a million years.
When school was finally dismissed, Kagome practicly ran home. She could not bear the thought of him looking through her belongings. She almost fell down the stairs when running up them to her house. She ran in the house, yelled at her mother that she going to put her stuff away in her room and braced herself for entry.
He wasn't there. She looked in closet, everything was in its place. She went through her drawers, everything was the same as she left it. Kagome felt confused. She knew he had to be here, how could he not be here, she wondered. She nearly screamed with frustration, then there was a sudden knock on the door, interupting her thoughts. Kagome yelled.
"If you're wondering where the dog-boy is, mom's feeding him in the kitchen," The voice had identified itself as Souta.
She sighed. Of course her mother was feeding him, he was always hungary. Kagome wondered to herself why her family was so nice to him. He treated her horribly, calling her names, saying she smelled bad, and was stupid. She hated the way he acted and treated not just her but everyone she met. Souta called him 'his hero' and mom said he was a 'nice boy'. She didn't understand how their opinions contradicted her own. He acted very different when in her time, and when she were in his time.
Kagome mentally smacked herself, how could she be beating him up like this. He had saved her life many times, even if some of those time was her fault that she had to be saved. He had to protect her or he would never get the jewel back in one piece. That thought made Kagome smile, he needed her. Then she remembered that she also needed him, to protect her against all of the demons. She decided to get downstairs, instead of giving him a chance to come up here, to her room.
As she was going down the stairs, she thought that what if he did something worse than when he was in her room. Kagome shoke it off, there was no way. She went right to the kitchen to see her mother waiting hand and foot for him.
"Mother! You don't need to feed him!", Kagome yelled.
"But dear, he said he was hungry. What could I do? He's such a good boy.", Kagome's mother replied. Kagome had the image of her mom telling him to roll over then giving him a doggie treat and saying 'good boy!'.
"Hey! Guess how my hero is?", Souta said leaning close to him. He looked annoyed with Souta. Kagome got worried, thinking he would get mad.
"Uh..Kagome lets go!", He yelled, the grabbed her dragged her outside.
"Ow, ow, ow! That hurts! You don't have to drag me!", Kagome yelled. She thought of saying 'sit' but didn't because she thought of the time when he said he wanted her to be safe. The she noticed that he had stopped and they were just standing out side the place where the well is.
"Hello!? Anyone home?!", he was yelling and waving his hand in front of her face. This startled her. Kagome got mad at herself for daydreaming in front of him.
"You could at least let me get my bag!", she yelled at him.
"You take so ficken' long to get ready! We need to go now!", he yelled back at Kagome. But he let her because she said she wouldn't go if she didn't have her bag, and she added that she packed one up before school just in case. Both of them knew that he just could've draged Kagome down the well, but niether of them said it. Thier attitudes towards each other changed ever since they were forced to find the jewel shards.

I'm working on it, need feedback, and if you want to know what a plot bunny is...