InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's true 2 lovers ❯ Porlogue ( Prologue )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“Inuyasha, what is he matter with you? You seem pretty down today, and more then usual,” Miroku said with slight concern.
“It's nothing for you to worry about,” Inuyasha replied.
It was about midday in the feudal time and Inuyasha was sitting on a hill at the edge of the village. He was looking up at the clouds and was thinking of Kagome. He held a field flower in one hand and in the other, and a locket that was given to him from the one he truly loved. Kagome was in the present time and was going to be away for a couple of days because she had become sick recently.
“It's about Kagome, isn't it?” asked Sango.
“How could you tell?” asked Miroku.
“It's called a girl's intuition. We know when love has stricken a man's heart just by the way they express their feelings to anything,” Sango replied. Inuyasha looked up and stood up to look at her.
“Would you fucking shut up! It's not any of your god damn business!” Inuyasha yelled as he ran to a near by forest.
As he reached the center of the forest, he saw the well. He sniffed the air, and no scent of Kagome was in the air.
“It's been one whole week since she was last here. When she was here, she looked so pale and was so weak. She fell over and all she said was that she didn't have enough sleep. Though, I know that look in her eyes. I know that she was severely sick and that she needed to get home fast. I took her home. Though the next day when I came to visit her, she was there, with another man in her room. He was comforting her with goods, just as I would for her. But does she truly love him or me?” Inuyasha thought to himself.
He continued to walk along the forest until he reached the well. He smelled the air and could smell her essence. It was a soft yet glorious scent of Kagome.
“Dammit! All right already! I'll go see her!” he yelled out loud. He jumped into the well and traveled through time to the present time, which Kagome had lived in.
When he came out of the well, he walked up the couple of steps and opened the door to the shack that the well was in. He looked over to Kagome's window and saw the same boy hovering over her bed, talking to her. He had short brown hair and wore his school uniform, the exact one that he saw other boys wear at Kagome's school.
Rage began to build up inside him, then he thought of another plan. What if he changed his appearance and showed up unexpectedly at her door with a new look?