InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome Smells ❯ Kagome Smells - Realization ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome Smells - Realization
By Majicman55
Disclaimer: I do not own any part of InuYasha. I just like to play with the characters.
Without turning around, Kagome took a deep sniff. There was the pine forest and mountain stream scent she associated with InuYasha, but there was something else…something spicy, and heady.
But what did it mean? Kagome remembered Sango's scent that morning after the taijiya had unconsciously responded to Miroku's nocturnal attention. The scent Kagome was picking up now was spicy, too. Not quite the same way, though. The quality of Sango's scent most assuredly had not…excited…Kagome, yet this scent was beginning to…
“Oh…ohh…ohhhhh…” Kagome spun around to face InuYasha. “Hentai!”
“You were staring at my butt, weren't you?”
By this time, Miroku and Sango had caught up with the miko and the hanyou. Sango stepped forward, ready to be the peacemaker, when Miroku pulled her back. “Please, my dear Sango. It is so infrequent that I get to hear someone else accused of being a hentai. And this time it is InuYasha.”
Sango started to say something, but settled back. After all, it could be dangerous stepping between Kagome and InuYasha when they were starting a knock-down drag-out.
InuYasha was confused. It wasn't like he acted like the damned monk. He didn't sneak up on Kagome when she was bathing, and he certainly had never grabbed Kagome the way Miroku did Sango. Of course, when presented with such a vision as he had been a few moments ago…
“Feh. I was not staring at your butt.” Unfortunately, thinking about what he had seen had caused his body to respond again.
Kagome became even more pissed. “You were, too!”
“Was not!”
“Were, too!”
“Was not!”
“What's wrong with my butt, then?”
InuYasha blinked, twice. “Huh?”
“If you don't mind my saying so,” interjected the monk, “Lady Kagome's butt is one of the best I've seen…second only to the lovely Sango's…”
Both Kagome and InuYasha looked over to see the taijiya standing over the now-unconscious monk. Sango waved diffidently. “Don't let us interrupt.”
Kagome glared at InuYasha. “You still haven't answered my question, dog-boy.”
InuYasha growled in frustration. This was rapidly becoming a no-win situation. “Fine! You've got a great butt, but I wasn't staring!”
Unfortunately, this comment didn't do anything to mollify the enraged miko. “That's it! I'm going home, InuYasha.”
“You can't go home! We're in the middle of…”
“What was that for?”
Kagome turned to the taijiya. “Sango?”
“I'm sure Kirara won't mind taking you back to the well.” Kirara jumped down off Sango's shoulder, transformed into her larger self and waited patiently for Kagome to get on.
As Kagome rose into the air on Kirara's back, she called down, “I'll meet you back at the village in three days. Tell InuYasha not to come after me before then.”
“I heard her,” mumbled the hanyou, still kissing dirt.
“Thank you, Kirara,” said Kagome as she clambered over the side of the well till she was sitting on the edge with her legs dangling down. “You can go back to Sango, now.” Kagome huffed, “That InuYasha!”
And with that last expression of her frustration with, she hopped down into the well, the familiar blue light engulfed her and she found herself gently settling to earth in her own time.
A minute later, Kagome had climbed out of the well, dragging her backpack with her. She threw up the doors to the well house, stepped outside, declared “Home!” and, without thinking about the consequences, took a deep sniff.
The next thing Kagome knew, she was lying on the living room sofa with an anxious mother and grandfather standing over her.
“Are you alright, child?” asked her grandfather. “I knew this would happen if she kept cavorting with demons!”
Kagome's mother sighed. “Are you okay, Kagome? You really scared us.”
“I…I'm okay. Where's Sota?”
“He's at school. Your grandfather found you and carried you in here.”
“Thanks, gramps.” Kagome turned to her mother. “How long?”
“About an hour, dear. We were about to get some smelling salts.”
Kagome shuddered as she contemplated what her reaction to that might have been. Now fully alert, she found herself almost overwhelmed again by all the smells surrounding her. “How does InuYasha put up with this?”
Modern Tokyo was giving her a headache.
“Could I have some tea, Mama?”
“Certainly.” Mama Higurashi left for a moment to put some water on.
Kagome did her best not to breathe in too deeply, at least not through her nose. It helped. “Of course InuYasha was born with this, although it couldn't have been easy the first few times he came through the well.” Kagome sat up.
“Are you sure you should be getting up, child?”
“It's okay, grandpa.” Kagome got up and sat down again at the kitchen table. She waited until she had her cup of tea before speaking. “Mama, there's something really weird I need to talk with you about.”
While Mama Higurashi listened patiently, Kagome explained how she had accidentally rubbed InuYasha's blood over the cuts on her nose causing her sense of smell to become so much more acute. She also explained how no one should be surprised if she walked around the house sniffing things as it was the only way she had found to begin to cope with her heightened sense.
“And, please, Mama, don't tell InuYasha.”
“If you say so, dear…although I think he would be the most qualified to help you come to grips with this.”
“Oh no, Mama. There's much more to it than that.” Kagome had mentioned that people smelled differently to her according to their emotions, but hadn't revealed just how much she could discern.
Mama Higurashi was no fool, though. “Kagome…dear…I think there are things you're not telling me. I will respect your privacy, but I expect you to tell me what's going on when you're ready.”
Kagome blushed, which did not go unnoticed by her mother. “Yes, Mama. I will…when I'm ready.” Kagome kept her nose close over her cup of tea. She found it helped to keep a scent she was familiar with close by as it forced a lot of other scents into the background.
“I thought oden was your favorite dish.”
Kagome was wobbling a little, but recovered quickly. “It is, Mama, but all these smells are so much stronger now. Think of how you feel at the department store when they try to spray you will all those perfumes at the fragrance counters.”
“Yes, that is annoying.”
“Well, it's about a thousand times worse for me.” Kagome gradually leaned closer to her food. “But once my brain categorizes the smell, it's not a problem anymore.”
Kagome's grandfather was complaining again. “This is what you get for hanging around with youkai, young lady.”
“So, like, you can smell everything, Kagome?”
Kagome sniffed in her Sota's direction. “Yeah, including that gum you stepped in.”
“Oh, mannn.” Sota took his show off and started picking at the gum on his sole.
Mama Higurashi was glowering. “Not at supper, young man.”
“Oh…right. Sorry, Mama.”
“In my day, we would have taken off our shoes when we came into the house,” groused grandpa. “What has happened to manners?”
Mama Higurashi smiled. “He's just a child.”
Kagome luxuriated in her bath. After carefully allowing herself to get used to the smells of her bubble bath, soap and shampoo, she settled down for a long soak. “Heavenly,” she thought. And getting perfectly clean (with the only scents on her being ones she knew) allowed her to work on establishing her own baseline scent.
She was already plotting how to get dog-boy to take a bath so she could start the process on him. Kagome frowned as she realized it might take some doing. She couldn't exactly walk up to the hanyou and say, “Hi, InuYasha. Why don't you let me give you a bath?”
She giggled as she thought about it. She got out of the tub and began to towel off. She pictured herself ordering InuYasha to strip while she watched.
First his haori, then everything else would follow until…
“What is that smell?” It was spicy and getting stronger by the second and - Kagome looked down - it was coming from her.
As Mama Higurashi passed the bathroom on her way to deliver clean laundry to Sota's room, she heard another splash. “Odd,” she thought. “Why would Kagome take two baths?”
Mama was making breakfast the next morning when she heard the bathtub being filled upstairs. She was a little surprised when both Sota and his grandfather came downstairs. “Is that Kagome taking a bath…again?”
“The poor girl's developing a complex. It's all those youkai, I tell you! Next she'll be stuttering and chewing her nails.”
“She is acting kind of weird, Mama,” said Sota. “She woke me up a couple of times last night…yelling “InuYasha!”
“Oh dear. Was she having a nightmare?” asked Mama
“Didn't sound like a nightmare to me.”
Just then, Kagome made her appearance. “Hope I'm not too late for breakfast.”
“Not at all, dear,” answered Mama as she placed a plate before her daughter. “Were you having nightmares last night?”
“Ummm.” Kagome blushed and looked down. “No,” she squeaked.
“Told ya!” said Sota. “I think she was dreaming about InuYasha.”
Kagome blushed darker and looked terribly embarrassed.
Mama looked at Sota. “Off to school, young man.”
“But, Mama. I don't have to leave for…”
Mama cut him off. “It won't hurt you to be a little early.”
“Alright, Mama. I get it.”
“Good. Don't forget your lunch.”
“I have a feeling I'm not welcome around here, either,” announced Kagome's grandfather.
“Thank you,” said Mama.
“It's alright. I have some shrine relics that need cleaning.”
After the others had left, Mama Higurashi looked at her daughter with concern. “What's going on, Kagome?” Mama sat back. “I think it may be time you told me a little more.”
“Yes, Mama.” Kagome couldn't help fidgeting. “I…I dreamt about InuYasha last night.”
“I know you like him.”
“It's so embarrassing.”
“Try me.”
“When I woke up this morning, my scent had changed. Remember how I told you that Sango's scent had changed in response to Miroku? How it had gotten…spicy?”
“Umm, yes.”
“I could hardly stand myself this morning!”
“I see.”
“No you don't see!”
“You dreamed about InuYasha and your body reacted by giving off this scent you couldn't smell before all this happened, but now you can, and it's really strong, and it makes you feel awkward.”
Kagome just stared at her mother. “Yeah.”
“So…what's different?”
“What's different between now and when you couldn't smell all these scents? I mean, about you. What's different?”
“Uhh, nothing, I guess.”
“So you still the same person.”
“Yes, Mama.”
“You're still the same Kagome I raised to be a good girl.”
“Yes, Mama.”
“The feelings you're having are normal feelings. The only difference now is that your new sense of smell allows you to detect them more easily in yourself and in others.” Mama Higurashi leaned back. “Isn't that true?”
“I guess you're right, Mama.”
“You just have to get used to it.”
“You're right, Mama!” Kagome said enthusiastically.
“You just keep working at it and soon your nose will be every bit as good as InuYasha's.”
Kagome looked at her mother a little strangely. “Every bit as good,” she murmured.
“Soon you'll be able to sense things just as well as he can.”
A/N: You had to wonder how long it would take Kagome to realize that she was just discovering her new ability to do what InuYasha has been able to do all along: sense emotions. Comes the dawn.
Wonder what will happen when Kagome goes to school.
Please read and review. As always, reviews = inspiration for more chapters. Thanks!