InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome Smells ❯ Kagome Smells - Kikyo Appears ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome Smells - Kikyo Appears
By Majicman55
Disclaimer: I do not own any part of InuYasha. I just like to play with the characters.
Kagome stopped in her tracks and, since Sango was still holding the other end of the miko's sleeping bag, she was jerked to a stop, too.
“What is it, Kagome?”
“Look.” Kagome was pointing at the boys.
InuYasha looked tense and Miroku - well - Miroku was just staring at the girls. Sango glanced behind her to make sure there wasn't a youkai creeping up behind them, and then looked back to the boys. “What are they staring at?”
“Us, I think.” Kagome's speech was a little unsteady and she spoke in a whisper. “InuYasha's scent indicates he's nervous. Miroku's scent is spicy. Very spicy.”
“That hentai!” Sango whispered back. “Come on, Kagome. We have to keep going or they'll suspect something.” The two girls resumed walking the last hundred yards to camp.
Miroku continued to stare at the girls as they approached. While the monk was virtually certain InuYasha was wrong about the girls' sexuality (although, being a man of the world, Miroku had heard of such things), his imagination had gotten hold of him and painted a picture of Sango and Kagome naked and writhing together on the miko's sleeping bag. He had just gotten to the point where the girls had noticed him and were calling for him to join them when a thump on the back of his head brought him out of his reverie.
“Cut it out, bouzu. You're givin' me a headache.”
“Sorry, my friend.”
Kagome smiled sweetly at the hanyou as the two girls walked into camp. “Morning, InuYasha.” She indicated the two rabbits lying on the ground. “I see your hunt went well.”
She tossed the sleeping bag at him. “Could you hang this over a branch or something. I think it'll be dry by…InuYasha?”
InuYasha seemed to be in his own little world. Kagome's sleeping bag had hit the hanyou in the face and catching it against his chest held it where her scent could waft up directly into his sensitive nose.
Kagome's aroused scent.
“InuYasha?” The hanyou was bent slightly over the sleeping bag. Kagome stepped up until she was nose-to-nose with InuYasha. It was then she realized her mistake: just because they had washed most of the scent out, they hadn't washed all of it out. She gulped as she realized InuYasha was being hit by the scent of her arousal.
The hanyou slowly tilted his head down till he was looking into Kagome's eyes - eyes that were filling with tears. “Ka-Kagome? How could you? And Sango?”
A blast of spiciness hit the miko. She responded with a wave of her own spicy scent. She moaned and tilted forward.
“I mention Sango's name and she responds this strongly?” thought InuYasha sadly. He found himself almost having to struggle to open his eyes. When he did, his whole world had been reduced to Kagome's face. Heavy-lidded eyes looked back up at him. “She's so pretty,” he thought. “Those lips…”
“What are you doing, InuYasha?”
InuYasha frowned inwardly. He recognized the voices as belonging to Sango and Miroku. But why were they bothering him? He was enjoying himself. In fact, he was enjoying himself more than he ever had in his life. The hanyou opened his eyes ever-so-slightly…then they snapped open. Kagome's closed eyes were inches from his, and that meant his dream of her incredibly soft lips…
...wasn't a dream!
He drew back quickly in shock. “I-I-I'm sorry, Kagome. I'm s-sorry I did this to you.” Kagome was slowly returning to reality, but was still groggy. InuYasha turned to Sango. “Take her.” He looked rather sadly at the taijiya, then, still holding the sleeping bag, bounded out of camp and into the distance.
“What the hell?” said Sango as she attended to her recovering friend.
InuYasha had been running for several minutes when he realized he still had Kagome's sleeping bag. That explained why he hadn't been able to get away from her scent…but, at the same time, he couldn't get himself to discard it. “I'll just have to find a spot I can hang it out to dry,” he rationalized. “But what am I gonna say to Kagome?”
He put two fingers to his lips and the memory of her kiss flooded back, causing him to groan. “How could I do this to her?” He thought about Kagome and Sango together. And why do I want her so much now that I can't have her?”
But then, she had kissed him back, hadn't she? “No, she was thinking of Sango when she did that.” Maybe there was some vestige of her feelings for him still in her. That was all it was.
Got to think about Kikyo.” InuYasha sniffed the air and frowned as he looked down at the sleeping bag in his arms. Carrying this thing around isn't helping.” He found a sunny clearing, stretched the bag out to dry and sat, Indian-style, beside it.
“Damn it.”
Sitting Indian-style was more difficult with a hard-on.
Kikyo looked up as one of her scouting Shinidama Chuu returned with news. She had been right. InuYasha was in the area. The undead miko smiled a bit as she sent forth a mental order recalling the rest of her Shinidama Chuu.
While it was true that she dedicated most of her time to finding and destroying Naraku, she had not forgotten the young miko from the future and how the girl was becoming closer to the hanyou than she ever had. Her hanyou.
Kikyo frowned at the irony. In life, she only would have accepted InuYasha if he had used the jewel to turn human. She had never wanted him as a hanyou.
She had wanted to be an ordinary woman…and that meant she had wanted InuYasha to be ordinary, too.
And here was this girl who accepted him as he was and loved him for it. Kikyo frowned again. Loved? No, she was still a child. She no more knew what love was than she knew her own power. Even Kikyo shuddered at the thought. If Kagome ever realized her full potential…
She dismissed the thought and sent her Shinidama Chuu forth. She watched their direction of flight and followed them on foot.
InuYasha didn't notice the Shinidama Chuu until they had been flying around his head for several minutes. “K-Kikyo,” he mumbled as he opened his eyes. He didn't see the undead miko.
The voice came from behind. He scrambled to pull himself together.
“What is that you were doing with your hand, InuYasha?”
Kikyo almost spat. “Does not that belong to my reincarnation?” The undead miko indicated Kagome's sleeping bag.
“Sh-She asked me to make sure it was dry.”
“Out here?”
“Do not think that I do not know what you were doing, InuYasha. I may not be able to pick up scents the way you do, but logic tells me that girl's…scent…is in her bedding. You dishonor me, InuYasha.”
InuYasha looked down. He did feel guilty about that.
Kikyo continued to belittle him. The hanyou sat quietly, taking abuse.
After a few minutes of the undead miko's vitriole, he noticed that the more Kikyo talked, the more his “Little Tetsusaiga” untransformed. At least the monk had been right about one thing: Kikyo was effective as a counter to his impure thoughts about Kagome.
“Are you listening to me, InuYasha?”
“K-Kikyo?” The hanyou was still seated so he had to look up at the undead miko.
Kikyo paused in her harangue.
InuYasha decided he wouldn't tell Kikyo about his fear that he and Miroku had turned the girls into lesbians. But as he thought about how he and Kagome had kissed and how he would have trouble not responding to her when he saw her again, he knew what he had to ask.
“I will honor my promise to you, Kikyo.”
Kikyo couldn't help a smile of satisfaction at that remark.
“I need your help.”
This was even better.
“You've gotta help me!” blurted InuYasha. “If anyone can help me not respond to a woman, you can.”
Sango finally succeeded in propping Kagome against a tree so she could talk with Miroku. All the miko did was smile goofily and repeatedly touch her two fingers to her lips.
The taijiya turned Miroku. “Spill, houshi. What was that all about?”
“I am somewhat mystified, myself, Sango.”
Sango's eyes narrowed. “You know more than you're telling.” The taijiya picked up Hiraikotsu and held the heavy bone boomerang over the monk's head.
“Okay, Okay!” Miroku weighed how much he should tell Sango. Finally he sighed. “InuYasha thinks we've turned you and Kagome into lesbians.”
Miroku stirred groggily, discovering his face and the front of his robe was wet. Sango stood above him.
“My apologies, houshi. I thought you said InuYasha thinks you and he have turned us into…”
“He does.”
Miroku awoke even wetter. “Would you please stop doing that? I'm telling you what InuYasha thinks…not what I think.”
Sango growled. “Go ahead, then.”
Miroku looked up, noting that both Sango and Kagome were hovering over him. He shook his head to releive himself of another fantasy image of the two…
He shook his head again. He stopped shaking it. It hurt to do that.
“InuYasha thinks that you two have turned into lesbians.”
“I got that,” hissed Sango, “but why?”
“Yes, why?” Kagome reiterated.
“I don't know, exactly. You know how InuYasha is.”
The girls looked at each other.
“All I know is that he was sniffing at you two when you were coming back from the spring and every time you two waved Kagome's sleeping bag around, his eyes got bigger. Finally, he whispered that we had…done something…to turn you into lesbians.”
Kagome's eyes cleared completely and she pulled Sango aside, away from the monk. “We didn't get all the scent out of the bag!”
A look of realization came into the taijiya's eyes. “And I never cleaned up my scent.”
“So he smelled…”
“Oh, my kami!”
“We'd better take a bath before he gets back.”
“Right. Excuse me.” Sango walked back to the monk.
“What did you do that for?”
“So he doesn't follow us.”
“Oh. `Kay.”
InuYasha continued to run back to camp, carrying Kagome's sleeping bag. It was a miracle he still had it, considering the circumstances. At least the several arrow holes in his haori would heal of themselves.
He had never seen Kikyo so angry.
The fire in her eyes had made her seem almost alive and, somehow, desirable…but the fire had faded and all that was left was an undead miko cooly releasing arrow after arrow in his direction.
How did she expect him to go to hell with her if she kept that up?
At least the sleeping bag was pretty much dry and the scent within it had lessened. “Little Tetsusaiga” had transformed again, but at least not so painfully that he'd be forced into stopping to take care of it.
A few minutes later, he emerged into the camp's clearing.
Why was Miroku lying down?
“More water?” thought Miroku groggily. “InuYasha?”
“Where are the girls?” The hanyou helped the monk sit up.
“I…I don't know.”
“Let me guess. Sango hit you.”
“Yes.” Miroku rubbed his head again.
InuYasha stood up and sniffed. “They're at the spring again. I'm going to check on them.”
Miroku staggered to his feet. “I'm coming with you.”
InuYasha growled. “Okay, but you stay back. If it's safe, I'll motion for you to join me.”
“Is that fair?”
“I'm warnin' ya.”
“Okay, Okay.”
InuYasha lead the monk so that they circled `round the spring, making sure their approach was from a direction that offered cover.
Kagome sniffed and sniffed again to be sure. “InuYasha's coming.”
Sango slumped down into the water. “He is?” Sango started to get angry. “Is Miroku with him?”
Kagome sniffed again. “I'm not sure. I think so. Don't whip your head around like that. You'll give away that we know they're here.”
“But, Kagome…”
Kagome sat lower in the water. “InuYasha's in that brush on the other side of the spring,” she whispered.
“Miroku's with him?”
“There's one way to find out. Stand up a second.”
“Right.” Sango started to stand up, realized what she was doing and sat down with a great splash. “Kagome!” she rasped.
“Oh, he's here.”
Sango blushed beet red before her indignation got the best of her. She glared at Kagome, spouted “I'll get you for that!” and launched herself at her friend in what rapidly turned into a play-fight.
Hidden within the brush, InuYasha stared as Kagome and Sango play-wrestled in the spring. As much as he tried to concentrate on Kikyo and his duty to the undead miko, he found himself increasingly turned on by the scene before him. If Miroku hadn't been with him…
He looked to the side and noted that the bouzu had crawled up beside him and had his eyes locked on the girls.
…he didn't know what he would have done, hidden there. “Probably what I was doing when Kikyo found me,” he thought. The thought caused him to look over at the monk again.
“Keep your hands in plain sight, bouzu.”
A/N: Somehow I don't think InuYasha's going to get on Kikyo's good side asking for that kind of help. And it looks like the girls haven't done anything to disabuse InuYasha of the notion that they've turned into lesbians. What will happen next? Somehow, I don't think we've seen the last of Kikyo, or Koga, or Sesshomaru for that matter. And what will happen when they run into Naraku?
On a more serious note…
A couple of chapters back, I had a scene in which Kagome detected a scent coming off Sesshomaru in Rin's presence…and Kagome asked him if he was treating her properly. One reviewer asked if I was making Sesshomaru into a pedophile. Upon reviewing the section, I can see how someone might read that into it and I wish I had written it a little differently. No, I don't see Sesshomaru as a pedophile. He is different in that he is essentially immortal and, so, has a much longer view of things. In short, Sesshomaru would never do anything with Rin at her age (which I, perhaps mistakenly, saw as being around 10 or 11 at the time of the story), but might (in the back of his head and despite “despising” humans), envision a time when she was older and their relationship might change. This would be on an unconscious level, on his part. Two other considerations: 1) at the time, it was not unusual for girls to get married at 13 and 14 and Rin isn't that far away; and 2) it was not unheard of for a girl to be raised in a lord's household…and then marry the lord. It would be unusual for a peasant girl to do this, but Sesshomaru is unusual and would feel he could do what he damn well wanted to do.
Sorry for having to get serious for a moment, but I wanted there to be no possibility that anyone would think I was condoning pedophilia.
Thanks for bearing with me.
Please read and review. As always, reviews = inspiration for more chapters. Thanks!