InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome the Kitsune ❯ Yami of the East ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome the Kitsune

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or YuYu Hakusho.

Rating: PG-13 - R. R just in case.

Summary: Kagome meets the Eastern Lord.

Chapter 12: Yami of the East

The Eastern Lord trailed his eyes over her figure, but his eyes didn't turn green. Kagome sighed in relief. At least she wouldn't have to worry about this male lusting after her. Although there was always the chance that he could be naturally attracted to her, that didn't bother her as much as the lust spell. She knew that taiyoukais had iron-willed control. Sesshoumaru was the exception to this rule.

Something seemed achingly familiar about this kitsune lord. He has two silver ears sitting upon his head; they twitched every which way in the cutest manner. His silver hair was very long and fell to his waist. White robes adorned his muscular body. Although there were two things that stood out: his gorgeous amber eyes had flecks of emerald and his scent was that of pine trees and flowers. Kagome's eyes widened considerably.

"Are you Youko Kurama's relative?" she asked the man timidly. She hated herself for the weakness that her voice belied.

The man just smiled warmly at her and replied with a twinkle in his eyes, "Yes, I am. I am Kurama's older brother Yami. Everyone except me seems to call him Youko, though."

Kagome gasped. This was the brother of the man that she was in love with. Kagome blushed prettily at that thought. She knew that she like the silver kitsune a lot, but she wasn't sure that it was love until just now. Kagome also knew that she probably had no chance with Youko or Kurama now that their brother Yami knew of her tryst with Sesshoumaru. She had no choice in the matter, though. Sesshoumaru had taken her when she was in heat and had no control over her actions when it came to the opposite sex. Kagome felt tears well up in her eyes as she realized that if she didn't get her heat back soon she was pregnant with Sesshoumaru's child. She looked at Yami for assistance. Maybe he could return her to Youko and Kurama?

Kagome's POV

"There is one thing that I am not getting, though. If you are to be my brother's mate, as I can discern by his intimate scent lingering on your skin, why did you mate with Lord Sesshoumaru?" Yami asked imporingly.

I blushed again. I seemed to be doing that so much since I lost her virginity. "I went into heat when Lord Sesshoumaru found me. We wouldn't have mated under normal circumstances. But, with my curse and my heat, it couldn't be avoided," I replied. Lowering my eyes to the ground in shame as the thought that I didn't have a chance with either of the one's that I love squeezed at my heart without mercy.

"Please explain," Yami said without judging me.

Because of his politeness, I told him my whole story from beginning to end. I started at when I was transported at fifteen to the future and ended with me being here. He was very patient and waited until I was finished before he proceeded to speak.

"Because of the conditions," Yami began, "you and my brother can still mate. Youko is anything but a virgin, if you don't mind me saying, he just hasn't taken any mates yet. Inu youkai may mate for life, but since you are a kitsune and Sesshoumaru isn't a conventional youkai, you are an exception. Sesshoumaru was under a spell of lust and you went into your first youkai heat. Furthermore, Sesshoumaru didn't mark you and you didn't mark him. Therefore, as long as you do not have sex again, I deem it alright for you to mate my brother."

I was so happy that I flung myself into his arms and gave him a big hug. Just as I did that, I began to feel my heat return at the feel of his rock-hard muscles. Well, at least I know I'm not pregnant. That was my last rational thought for the evening.

Regular POV

When Kagome hugged Yami, he got aroused. Her enticing scent and supple body were just too wonderful not to. Yami knew he couldn't do anything, though. She was destined to be his brother's mate. Also, he would be taking advantage of her and giving in to the lust spell. Yami had more control than his brother and the others, and he was a spell caster by nature. He could resist the enticing magic around her aura only because of his strong control and honor.

Yami just sighed and looked to Sesshoumaru. His eyes were bleeding blood red as Kagome started to grind Yami. The silver kitsune lord just sighed and pushed Kagome behind him. In one swift move, he pulled a stone out of his pouch and chanted a sleeping incantation. Kagome and Sesshoumaru stumbled on their feet for a minute before dropping. Yami caught Kagome and just shook his head. `The trouble my little brother gets himself into.'

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I know this was a short chapter and I'm sorry. I've been really busy lately and at least you got an update! I also updated my story Riho; please read that too. Also, I'd just like to let you know that Yami is an original character of mine and if you want to use him in any of your stories, you can. I would appreciate it if you kept him as Youko's brother though. ^__^. I don't care about him being the Eastern Lord. Also, Yami is in the running for an alternate ending with Kagome. Sayonara for now!^__^