InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagomes Desires, Inuyashas Heart ❯ Fight over dominance and love ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wow. I guess stopping a story in the middle of a lemon is a grand way to get reviews. I should remember that for the next story i write with lemons!XDXD anyways, here yah go. Sorry so short

Before continuing on with anything else, Inuyasha lent in to taste her lips one more time to make sure he didn't taste uncertainty in her. His tongue ran across the center of her lips, begging for entry. Kagomes heart began to race as she let him in. This time, he placed his tongue under hers and their tongues danced at war for dominence.

Their tongues twisted and twirled, melting into each others mouths. Eventually, Kagome gave up, knowing Inuyasha would never. After unlocking lips, Inuyasha leaned to Kagomes ear and began to nibble her lobe. He knew she was feeling rather uncomfortable from the way she began to shift her naked body against his so he started to kiss his way down her elegant neck to her breast, leaving love bites along the way.

He groped one of her nicely rounded breasts as his tongue traveled to her other. He continuously circled his tongue around her nipple, never in a life time imagining that her mere nipple would taste so sweet. She started to let out faint moans of pleasure. Once her nipples hardened, he gently nibbled her nipple as he did her ear lobe.

Without warning, he released her breast he was groping and slid his hand down to her warm, moist vagina. At first he stroked her along the crease of her opening, still teething her breast. Once her juices began to flow, he entered both his forfinger and middle finger, for easy access. Slowly, he moved his long fingers back and forth inside of Kagomes delicate body, repeatedly.

Kagomes moans were now becoming louder as he played with her breasts and her inner body. Once he took his fingers out, he licked off her juices thinking he tasted her orgasm. Unsure, he widened her legs, and started to taste the juices. To him they were delicious, because he kept entering his tongue deep and deeper, by every lick he took. Now her orgasm suddenly tasted quite strong so he sat up, and licked his lips for any hiding juices.

"Your ready."Inuyasha grinned, pulling Kagomes thighs up to his waist.

'Deep breaths kagome...pain for only a few seconds. Please don't be really painful.'Kagome thought, closing her eyes, ready for impact.

Gently, he entered himself into her, careful not to let her feel the full extent of him yet. Kagome shrieked in pain, practically loud enough for the entire Fuedal era to hear. Inuyasha could smell her blood beginning to mix with her juices. Now feeling that she finally relaxed her body, he moved his hips back and forth.

"Inuyasha...Ohhhhh,"Kagome moaned. Suddenly, he picked up pace, causing her to moan her guts out, "Inu-Inuyasha, Lord, Ohhhhhhh,...Inuyasha!"

"Where could they be?We've been searching for hours and we promised Kaede we'd be back before nightfall." Sango sighed as kilala carried her, miroku and shippo high above the forest trees.

"Well. We did hear Kagome yell a few seconds ago. Do you think they could have caught up to some demon?"Shippo suggested.

"No. There'd most likely be at least a little bit of destruction and i don't sense a demonic aura anywhere close by."Miroku yawned.

"Well if any of you need me, I'll be sleeping."Shippo yawned, curling up into mirokus lap.

About 5 minutes passed by and there was still no sign of Inuyasha or Kagome. "I guess we should head back. They're probably already at the village."Sango said, turning Kilala around. "Mmmmm,...Hm?..Oh, good idea."Miroku said, on the brink of falling asleep. "Wait,...Kilala hold on a sec."Sango said, peering below. Sango finally found them, not quite sure as to what they were doing because she was too far up to see.

Sango headed Kilala towards them. "Hey guys, i think i found...Oh god, Kilala stop!"Sango shouted, waking both Miroku and shippo up. Miroku looked down and realized why sango stopped kilala so suddenly.

"My Lord."Miroku gasped. "Huh?...What? Where's Inuyasha?"Shippo asked, peering to the wrong side of the forest. Immediatly, Miroku lifted shippo up, and covered his ears and eyes. "Don't look Shippo!...So not suitable for children."Sango ordered, re-raising Kilala into the sky and taking off. "We weren't here, didn't see anything, and don't know anything about it."Sango said frantically, dropping sweat.

"Got yah, forgot already."Miroku agreed as Shippo finally wiggled free. "Hey, What's the big idea?"Shippo growled, raising his fist. "Eh...Um...well yah see..."Miroku stuttered. "We accidently came across a women bathing in the springs and Miroku was gawking as usual and i got us out of there."Sango said, quite fast.

"Yeah...Hey, why me?"Miroku sighed. "Well, you are the perv. Do you know who she was?"Shippo asked. "It"Sango thought trying to pick out a name. "Kagura! It was Lady Kagura."Miroku blurted out. "Ewwwww, i knew Miroku was low but...ewww."Shippo said, sticking out his tongue. Miroku then bopped him upside the head,"Who asked you anyways?"Miroku growled. "Me! Bleah Miroku, You have icky taste in girls."Shippo said, rubbing his head. "well what's this i hear about you liking that little girl sesshoumaru takes care of? What's her name?...Isn't it rin?"Miroku teased as shippo turned scarlett. "Boys."Sango sighed.

Well there it far. Please review and now i'm gonna need some suggestions on what you'd like to see happen. Feel free to post them in your review or send me a message. ...Oh, and thankyou to the ones who have reviewed me so far. That would be to the few who reveiwed in the first 19 reviews!Sorry the 2nd and third chappy has been so short...I've been so busy and trying to squeeze this in.