InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagomes Pregnent! ❯ Give It Back, Jackass! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi! This is my first fic so no flames please? Oh and I don't own Inuyasha.

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"I don't care! Just give it back!" She said hitting him with a pillow.


" What do you mean no? Give it back right now!" She stopped hitting him with the pillow and he took that point to take it from her.

"No." he said throwing the pillow to the opiset side of the room.

"Why not!?"

"Because I don't feel like it that's why."

"Just give me back the fucking test jackass, so I can see the results!" She picked up a nuther pillow and started hitting him with it.

"Oooohh so you wan'a know what the results are du'ya?"

"Yes! Now give!" she said and held out her hand.

Kagome had been yelling at Inuyasha for about an hour and a half to give her back the test she had taken. The only reason why she wanted to know the results so badly was because the test was a pregnancy test and she wanted to see if she really was pregnant like Inuyasha said she was.

"I don't see why you want to see it when I've already told you what the results will be?" Inuyasha said,

"Because you could be wrong." said Kagome,

"Come on Kag I'm not wrong. I can even tell you what gender it is to." said Inuyasha in an as-a-mater-of-fact way.

"Really? Then what is it?" said Kagome sarcastically,

"It's a boy." said Inuyasha,

"Really?" Kagome asked dreamily,

"Ya." said Inuyasha,

"Oh wow, I can't wait to tell the father." said Kagome hopping up and down.

"Hay wait you still haven't told me who it is that fucked you?" Inuyasha said,

"Duuuhh, use your brain if you even have one. The one who "fucked" me was Sesshoumaru." said Kagome,

"WHAT? MY BRUTHER!?" yelled Inuyasha,

"Yup." said Kagome,

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I hope you liked it. Please review? I will update every Saturday or Sunday accepted for the next 2 Saturdays and Sundays.