InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagomes Pregnent! ❯ Note ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hay guys. I am so sorry for the really late update. I have been grounded from the computer. And when my mom asked me what the lesson to all of this was I told her that I had now clue what's so ever she grounded me again. I tried to tell her that I didn't know why she was punishing me but she just said that I was playing dum. I still don't know wait it was that I did. But before all this happened I was at my sister's wedding. I was the maid of anner. It was so much fun! And since my sister lives in Boise and the wedding was in Nampa (it's a town rite smack between Boise, Eagle, and Caldwell) we staid in this really huge hotel that was rite in front of the Idaho Center. And the best part was that there was a big rodeo going on in the Idaho Center and I got to go. The rodeo was so much fun and it was inside to so that was good because it was like a 100 out and I was wearing my all time favorite, nothing but black. Man was I stupid; I fried like an egg that you put on the road. Oh ya and the army was there to, no kidding, it was so cool. OH crap I got to go my dad is coming in. He'll probably let me type but I just want to make sure. See ya soon. ^_^
