InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagomes Time Rip ❯ Inuyasha and kagome ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hey I got the next chapter from Mizuro cho' hope you like it. She is working on chapter three so it should be coming soon. See you later.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or anyone else.

Chapter one:

Inuyasha and Kagome meet

I bet I'm still stuck to this tree. Why do I feel like I'm being watched?


"Welcome to Tokyo Kagome. I hope you like it here." Said Destiny, a spunky girl who is a bit peculiar at times.

"Thank you for your help in school Destin, and I do love Tokyo don't worry. I have to get home to the shrine though I guess I'll see you tomorrow."


Kagome walked in the door of the shrine "Mom, dad, Ji-san! I'm home!"

"Well hello Kagome dear glad to see you home."

"Oh hey Ji-san. Good to see you too." She said as she kept walking away from her waiving grandfather who was trying to get her attention.


"Yes Ji-san?"

"Would you do us a favor and clean out the well out back. I am to old to do it and your mother is taking your brother to soccer. And you already know that your father is at work so could you do it? I also have a present for you."


"Here try it on. It's a sacred jewel of the shrine"

"But Ji-san it looks broken.

"It is. Here is the history; it belonged to a powerful priestess named Kikyou over 500 years ago. She fell from a cliff pushed by a demon pretending to be her love. Now I give it to you."

"Thank you ji-san. Ill go clean the well now I will talk to you later."

"Ok but be careful who knows what's down there"

"Ok ji-san I'm not blind you know.

She went to the well and felt like she was being called into the well by something, so she went down into the well. She found no one and nothing at the bottom so she was going to get the trash bag. All of a sudden the well seemed to light up with little fireflies. Kagome had no clue what was going on she felt light headed and looked like she was floating. All of a sudden she felt ground under her feet and a bright light. She waited as her eyes adjusted to the light. She found herself in a forest surrounded by evil eyes. She knew she was being watched by them and had no clue where she was. The last thing she remembered was being in the well. She saw that right in front of her was the well. She had climbed out and found herself in a different world than her own. She was scared and no clue where she was or where the shrine had gone.


Well that's all for now. Ill get some more tomorrow.