InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagura's Reincarnation ❯ Through the Well, Kaori! ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Turtlequeen2: REVIEW PLEASE!!! Sorry no spoilers in this one, but interesting as always!

Kaori: What the hell is going on?!

Turtlequeen2: You’ll find out soon enough. I don’t own Inuyasha, but Rumiko Takahashi does. I do however own Kaori though - I think…


Last time on Kagura’s Reincarnation:

I asked to study with her and to my guess she was a miko. When we reached the top of the steps, I see the last thing I would never expect to see: a hanyou.

Then he turns to notice my true form through my concealment charm and asks a word,” Kagura?”

Kagome comes in, saying,” Inuyasha, what are you saying? Kagura’s dead.”

“She smells and looks exactly like her.”

“You are a hanyou yes,” I finally say.

“What of it?”

“Then you can see though my concealment spell. Only those with youkai blood can see through it.” I take off my necklace, revealing my true form: red eyes, black hair, pointing ears, claws, and fangs.

“You look just like her,” Kagome mumbles out of fascination.

This time on Kagura’s Reincarnation:

Chapter 1

Through the Well, Kaori!

******Kaori’s POV******

Kagome and Inuyasha keep looking at me in interest and it starts to give me the creeps.

“Will you two stop starring at me?! Who is this Kagura you keep mentioning because I’m not her,” I exclaim. Kagome starts blushing out of embarrassment.

“Um, sorry…” Kagome mumbles. “You look so much like her, its uncanny. It’s just sort of like Kagura in present -day clothes. Its sort of funny.” She starts to giggle until I glare at her. Inuyasha grumbles. I spot the sword around his waist and immediately recognized him.

“Y…you’re I…Inuyasha?! The…one…p…pinned to the tree?!”

“Depends on who’s asking.”

“Then that must be your sword, Tetsusaiga,” I say, pointing at his sword.

He instinctively grabbed the hilt of his sword and demanded,” How the hell do you know about Tetsusaiga?!”

“You are most respected for wielding that sword and for hunting the Shikon-no-Kakara with the miko who freed you. In this day and age, you are amongst the most feared and powerful youkai of all time! Please forgive me for my rudeness Inuyasha-sama,” I say bowing my head at him respect.

“Oh great, feed his ego,” Kagome mutters as she watches his smirk grow.

It looked like he didn’t know about being the all-powerful hanyou. “I never imagined a youkai bowing to a hanyou,” he mutters in awe. He then looks at me and says,” Don’t call me lord. It makes me sound more powerful than I really am.”

“But you are powerful Inuyasha,” I reassured him. I then turn to Kagome and ask,” Who are you to him?”

“Funny you should ask. I’m the miko who freed him.”

“WHAT?!” Inuyasha and Kagome just sigh out of frustration. “How can that be? You’re only human; you shouldn’t be alive for this long. Then again that explains why I sensed a powerful aura around you and smelled faint flicker of Shikon shards. Why are they still in shards anyway?”

“Why should we tell you?! You might just want to steal them,” Inuyasha growls.

“I don’t desire them. I didn’t even know it existed until I came here,” I respond.

Kagome sweat-drops and responds,” If we tell you this, you promise not to tell anyone else around here?”

“Youkai’s honor,” I say, holding up my hand.

“Good. The reason is because we are still gathering the shards. I’m from this time and Inuyasha’s not. We travel through a time portal in a well on the shrine grounds.”

“That explains a lot.”

“If we find out anyone around here finds out, you’re dead,” Inuyasha threatens. I nod at him.

“Inuyasha could we take her Kaede-baa-chan? She’s the expert on reincarnations. She might be Kagura’s reincarnation,” Kagome asks sweetly.

“NO! We can’t just take anyone we just met into the well. I still don’t trust her. Besides we don’t even the well will except her.”

“Well there’s only one way to find out,” she says, grabbing my hand and running towards a mini-shrine. Inuyasha follows behind, still ranting.

“KAGOME! I just said no!” He finally jumps in front of us and blocks our way.

“Inuyasha, this could be useful to us in defeating Naraku.”

“Did you just say Naraku,” I ask.

“Yea, do you know of him?”

“I heard of him. For some reason I detest such a man. An abomination that brings down the youkai name. The man who is not a real youkai, but an imitation of one. Never wanting to soil his own hands.”

“That pretty much sums it up. It only makes sense that you would hate him because of Kagura‘s soul,” Inuyasha says. “Keh! Fine we’ll go, but you better not try anything suspicious.”

“I won’t because I don’t even know of half the things you two are talking about.”

“Let me get the shards then we can go,” Kagome says. “Kaori, you can grab onto the shard so you can pass through. It should work since you’re strong enough.” She runs into her house and walks back to us within a few minutes carrying a backpack and the shard on her neck as a necklace.

As Kagome predicated, the well did work, the light swallowing us in its wake.

******No one’s POV******

Inuyasha hopped out of the well first, helping up Kagome. Kaori then jumped out of it.

“Maybe you should wear the necklace until we get inside Kaede‘s hut. The villagers don’t take well to new youkai, especially ones that look like Kagura,” Kagome suggested.

Kaori nodded and put on the concealing charm, concealing her youkai appearance. When they reached the hut, Shippo hopped into Kagome’s arms exclaiming,” KAGOME!”

“Hey Shippo, I brought back some candy for you,” Kagome says back to the kitsune. He turned to her left and noticed Kaori.

He instantly gripped onto Kagome, saying,” Hey Kagura’s right behind you!” Kaori rolls her eyes at him.

“Wow this is starting to annoy me,” Kaori mutters.

“That’s not Kagura, Shippo. Her name is Kaori and we think she’s Kagura’s reincarnation,” Kagome exclaims. She then looks around then asks,” Where’s Sango and Miroku?”

“Oh they went off to exterminate a youkai in some village. Kaede is in the village caring for the sick,” Shippo answers.

“Well we’ll have to have to wait for them then,” Kagome says. She goes to drop her stuff off in the hut. Inuyasha reclined on a branch of a tree.

After about a half an hour, Miroku and Sango come back on Kirara.

“Keh! It’s about time,” Inuyasha says rudely.

“Ah, welcome back Kagome-sama and Inuyasha,” Miroku says, getting off of Kirara.

“We missed you two,” Sango piped up.

“Thanks for the greeting,” Kagome says cheerfully. Kaede then walks up to them all.

“Nice to see that ye have returned,” the old miko says. She then turns to Kaori and says,” And who might ye be? Ye are in the same type of garb Kagome wears.”

“My name is Kaori. Kagome thought that you might be able to help me out about this reincarnation thing,” Kaori responds with uncertainty.

“Then ye all can come into my hut.” She leads the way and the rest of them follow.

Miroku then takes the opportunity to talk to Kaori. He takes her hands into his, causing Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippo to roll their eyes.

“You are quite a beautiful maiden. Would you do the honors of bearing my children?” Sango, watching all of this is seething.

Kaori looks at him in disgust. “As if I would mate with a human. Now that we are in here, I’m taking off my concealment charm.”

“Aren’t you human,” Miroku asks.

“As if,” she responds, taking off her concealment charm. The face of Kagura is revealed and Miroku looks in shock and scoots away to the other side of the hut in fear.


“Wow, this might serve as a advantage…” Kagome starts to laugh and Inuyasha smirks. Sango still hits him in the back if the head.

“Keh! The monk is finally afraid of a woman he asks to bear his child. This is a first,” Inuyasha comments.

“Why is Kagura in here? Shouldn’t she be killing me by now,” Miroku asks.

“Maybe I should kill you for asking me that repulsive question. I am Kaori, not Kagura for the hundredth time.”

“So ye wishes to know if ye is the reincarnation of Kagura,” Kaede ponders.

“I’m guessing so. That’s why Kagome wanting me to come so badly,” Kaori answers.

“Unlike Kagome and Kikyo, Kaori and Kagura looks exactly like each other,” Sango says in awe.

“Indeed, this brings up question. Do ye have use of the wind,” Kaede questions.

“I don’t know. I can use my claws and fight in many styles of martial arts, but I don’t think I can harness the power of the wind. Though that could explain that whenever I’m upset, the day is windy,” Kaori murmurs.

“Ye are indeed the reincarnation of Kagura,” Kaede concludes. Everyone stares at Kaori in newfound recognition. “Therefore around the presence of the villagers, ye must wear that concealment charm.” Kaori nods in understanding.

“So will someone finally tell me who the hell this Kagura is?!” Miroku took the liberty to tell her all about Kagura and creation through Naraku. How she tried to betray him to get her heart back. How she ended up dying. At the end of the story, Kaori was almost in tears.

“That’s so tragic,” Kaori says sadly.

“Indeed,” Miroku sighs. All of them seemed tense. After awhile, they ate supper and prepared for bed. All Kaori could think of was why Kagura had to suffer through so much.

******Kaori’s POV******

Well this morning was weird. The neko-youkai, Kirara kept growling at me ever since I woke up. I suppose it’s because of this Kagura chick. I really am starting to get annoyed at how everyone always sees me as only Kagura’s reincarnation. I wonder if this is how Kagome feels when they compare her to Kikyo.

I decided to walk around the village and everyone there had hushed tones at how weird my clothes. If I didn’t have such good hearing, I wouldn’t have heard half of the weird things they said. I watched how Kaede and Kagome cared for the ill.

Then after awhile, I felt the urge to practice my fighting skills so I went to Inuyasha to practice against. I found him in a tree again.

“Inuyasha, would you interested in sparring with me? It’s been awhile since I practiced my martial arts. Especially with a youkai.” He smirked and hopped down from the tree.

“Alright, but I ain’t going easy on you.”

“I don’t expect you to. I just hope you can keep up. I may not be able to use the wind, but I can fight just as well with my hands.” We started off in a battle stance and felt the eyes of the rest of the group watching us in interest.

We both instantly jumped at each other, claws bared. I instantly moved out of the way faster than a blinking eye and stopped behind him and smirked. I flipped him over and he landed on the ground behind me.

“Not bad,” Inuyasha says, breathing hard. He gets up and jumps over me, landing a punch my way, but I do a backhand spring to avoid the contact. I then charge at him, swiping my claws, but he also jumped back before I could tough him.

“Wow, they’re almost equals,” I hear Sango murmur.

Inuyasha and I continue our fight until he stops suddenly.

“What is it,” I ask.

“Sesshoumaru…” He growls. In the distance, I see a beautiful Inu-youkai that looked at me in interest. He had long sliver hair and golden eyes like the sun. Suddenly, faster than anyone could see anything, he appeared in front of me.

“What the hell are you doing here bastard,” Inuyasha growls.

“Who are you, imposter,” the taiyoukai asks coldly, completely ignoring the question directed at him. His cold gaze pierces mine, making tingles run up my spine.

“I am not an imposter. What the hell are you talking about,” I demand.

“He must think she’s Kagura,” Shippo mumbles, standing on Kagome’s shoulder.

“Do not try to fool me. You look exactly like Kagura and yet you do not smell exactly like her scent. What is your reason,” Sesshoumaru asks, narrowing his eyes at me.

I totally lost it now. “Kagura? KAGURA?! Why the fuck does everyone keep calling me KAGURA?! I AM NOT KAGURA! My name is KAORI! I am my own person. Not some Naraku incarnate!”

“Do not speak to This Sesshoumaru with disrespect woman,” he responds, sounding irate.

A imp demon runs up to him, saying,” Sesshoumaru-sama, I finally found you. Why are we here-” He cut off when he saw me glaring at him.

“Kagu-” I hit his head before he could get the name out.

“My name’s Kaori and anybody else calls me Kagura again, they’ll have hell to pay!”

“You have not yet answered my question woman. Why do you look so much like her,” Sesshoumaru asks again.

“Possibly because I’m her reincarnation as everyone around here says,” I respond, calming down.

“Humph. Why are you hanging around with this half-breed brother of mine,” he asks.

Behind me I hear Inuyasha growl out,” If you don’t leave now, I’ll make sure you leave here with no arms!”

Sesshoumaru smirks and says,” If you keep interrupting little brother, I shall be forced to kill you.”

“I have just met him recently. He may be a hanyou, but he is indeed strong,” I say, trying to defend Inuyasha.

“Pathetic. A youkai such as yourself, defending a hanyou,” he snorts.

“You know you are starting to piss me off. Why don’t you just shut up and fight me!”

“You are far too weak to fight I, Sesshoumaru.”

“We’ll just see about that,” I growl, running towards him to attack.


To be continued…

CLIFFY! What will happen between Kaori and Sesshoumaru?! Find out next time on KAGURA’S REINCARNATION!!!


Je ne!