InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagura's Reincarnation ❯ Lack of a Scar ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Turtlequeen2: Wow, it’s been a long time. Sorry for keeping many of you waiting.

Kaori: What are you planning to do now?

Turtlequeen2: You’ll find out! I do not own Inuyasha, only Rumiko Takahashi does. I only own Kaori and this plot!

NOTE: Please don’t kill me, but I shall warn you now, Sesshoumaru may seem a little OOC in this chapter because of the actions following. And there are some scenes from the manga in here, but they are a bit changed up.



Chapter 6

Lack of a Scar

Kaori found a nearby river and decided that it would do. She stepped out of her clothes and washed them. She really wished for some soap at the moment. She proceeded to go into the river and shivered at the frigid water. She decided to bathe quickly, not liking the temperature of the water. The demon started to think about the past couple of days. ‘Sesshoumaru isn’t that bad of a guy. At first, I thought he was the most annoying guy on the face of the Earth, but now he doesn’t seem so bad. Maybe he really did care about Kagura, judging by his reaction from Mouryoumaru. Naraku is such a bastard.’

While she was distracted in her thoughts, a few spider youkai spotted her in the river. They caught her off guard, pouncing on her. She screamed out of surprise and one held her with his legs.

“What do we have ourselves here? A beautiful demon, alone? What a find we have tonight,” the spider that held her, remarked, in a cruel tone. Kaori struggled against the restraint. She couldn’t do much, for her fan was left with her clothes, on the shore.

“What shall we do with her,” the other asked.

“What the hell do you want with me,” Kaori demanded.

“You’d make a fine feast for us,” the youkai responded. She tried to fight back, but the hold the youki had over her was strong. She really hated spiders.

Before anyone could blink, an energy whip was seen, going through both spiders and retracting back to its owner! Quickly Kaori scrambled out of the spider’s reach, before they were seen, blowing away into dust. She turned to see who the owner of the whip was, to be in total shock. It was Sesshoumaru!

“Sesshoumaru,” she exclaimed.

“Are you alright,” he asked, emotionless? His cold mask was in place, making it impossible to tell what he was thinking at the time. She nodded stupidly. She then, proceeded to get out the river and rushed to get her clothes on.

Her back was turned to him. She blushed profusely, knowing that Sesshoumaru had seen her naked. She felt his eyes still lingering on the back of her. After getting her clothes back on, instead of going off on the lord, she felt a smirk form on her face.

“Did you enjoy the view,” she asked.

******Sesshoumaru’s POV******

The foolish woman. Leaving herself vulnerable, without her weapon at her side. I had to save the woman, wasting my time and energy. Those spider youkai were weak and were ones not even worthy for me to glance upon.

I kept watching her, not even caring of her features. What caught my attention was her back. There was no mark there! No spider scar! So, it was: Kaori was not Kagura. Although I already knew of such, Mouryoumaru and Naraku doesn’t. I’m sure that vile hanyou has already found out that ‘Kagura’ was not dead, by now.

In the true fashion on her previous incarnate, she smirked, turning to me, and asked,” Did you enjoy the view?” I scoffed at the notion.

I wanted to kick myself, in all honesty. It was not like myself to stare. I knew of a woman’s modesty and I did not turn away as I should have done. Father taught me to do as such. And yet, there I was, staring at a woman’s back. I decided not to show any of the anger I held towards myself and responded,” Your back. There was no mark.”

She looked confused. “Mark? What are you talking about,” she asked.

“Kagura had the mark of a spider on her back,” I explained.

I saw her glare at me, making for my amusement. “I’m not Kagura if that’s where you’re getting at!”

I simply raised my eyebrow at her. “Quit your babbling wench. I was merely stating that when Naraku finds out that “Kagura” is seemingly alive, seeing your back, would prove otherwise.”

“So, how the hell would he even see my back?”

“In battle. You need to convince him that you are Kagura for the time being. It was, after all, your plan.”

“I didn’t see you object to it at the time.”

“If I was to do so, you would be dead.” She gained silence after I said that. I let a light smirk cross my face.

After a few minutes staring at each other, she replied,” Well, thanks for saving my life.”

“Humph. From those pathetic weaklings? I really am disappointed in you. A warrior is always prepared,” I informed her. She nodded dumbly.

“I know. I guess I wasn’t thinking.” I decided not to remark at that statement. I simply turned on my heels and walked back towards the campsite, where the rest of my followers awaited me.

******Kaori’s POV******

The nerve of that guy! Sesshoumaru always knows how to make me feel stupid about myself. It makes me feel weak. I can’t stand that!

I decided to follow him back to camp, which Jaken made. Despite his annoying traits, the toad managed to serve his master pretty well. And the girl wasn’t as bad, either.

“Sesshoumaru-sama,” I asked, in sarcasm. He was rested against a tree trunk with his eyes closed. He only responded by opening his eyes. “What did Naraku do to you?”

Silence engulfed us for a few minutes, until he stated,” He double-crossed This Sessshoumaru.” His eyes were now narrowed, as if remembering.

“Is that so? I didn’t know that was possible to pull over on you,” I said in all honesty.

“And of you? Where did you come from?”

“What do you mean?”

“Why have you shown up out of nowhere?”

“Why do you care?”

“I don’t…I’m merely curious.” I let a smile come over my face. Curious, eh? I decided to sit beside him. He didn’t make a move to reject my company.

“Well, if you want the truth. I’m not really from around here. In actuality, I’m from Kagome’s time.”

“Kagome? You mean my hanyou brother’s wench?”

“Yea, if that’s how you put it. You mean that you didn’t know that she’s from another time?” His silence told me that he really didn’t know. I continued,” We’re both from 500 years from the future. We travel through time using the Bone Eater’s Well. Inuyasha can use the well too. Kagome is the reincarnation of Kikyou, the miko who previously protected the Shikon-no-Tama and pinned Inuyasha to the tree. The time traveling thing is one thing that Naraku knows nothing of at the moment.”

Sesshoumaru’s eyebrow raised in interest. “Are you the only ones that can time travel?”

“Yea, that we know of. We don’t want Naraku to find out. Who knows what that bastard would do with that news,” I said, cringing at the images. He gave a nod in understanding.

“Interesting…” he thought out loud. “My hanyou brother is stupid enough to relive his past with that reincarnation.”

I nearly scoffed. Isn’t what we were doing? I decided not to dwell on that subject. I looked up at the sky, seeing the stars.

“Wow, Kagome was right, the stars here are a lot more clearer,” I commented, before being able to stop myself.

I just knew that he was confused at that. He didn’t question any further. A looked over at him to see that his glance was cast at the stars as well. I suddenly shivered at the sudden wind around us. Maybe I was the one causing it, since I was nervous around him. I hugged my knees to my chest.

I cast a glance at my other companions. Rin and Jaken were sleeping peacefully by Au-Un. I let a small smile escape my lips. I couldn’t get a grip on the wind to push it the other way. I guess I wasn’t as skilled as I thought…

The ramblings in my mind suddenly froze when I felt something warm wrap around my shoulders. I stiffened up at the sudden contact and looked to see where it was coming from. I looked up and saw that it was Sesshoumaru’s mokomoko-sama! I blushed lightly at the thought of the cold lord being courteous.

“Um, thanks,” I muttered out. His eyes were closed, not giving me any acknowledgement. His only reply was a small nod.

I only shook my head at him. Should’ve known that he would do something like that…I beamed, comfortably. I found myself drifting off to sleep in the fur, still by Sesshoumaru’s side.

******No one’s POV******

Rin work up in the middle of the night to go do her business. However, before going back to sleep, she caught a sight of her lord. She grinned widely at the sight before her. Kaori was wrapped in Sesshoumaru’s mokomoko-sama! Both of them seemed to be sleeping. Rin thought them to look like her parents; a family.

Before drifting off to sleep, Rin thought,’ Rin will help Kaori-sama get closer to Sesshoumaru-sama. Then Rin will finally have a family.’

******With Inuyasha’s Group******

It was night, and the group was settling down for the night as well.

“I’m worried about Kaori-chan,” Kagome sighed, hugging herself by the fire.

“Keh! Don’t be. If she’s with Sesshoumaru, there’s no way in hell that she’ll die,” Inuyasha snorted.

“It’s not just that. What will Naraku do when he finds out that “Kagura“ is seemingly alive? You know he will eventually,” Kagome explained.

Inuyasha’s eyes widened at that. He never thought of it. “Damn it! Why didn’t someone tell me that?”

Miroku and Sango, both groaned at the stupidity of the hanyou. “We thought you would’ve thought of that sooner,” Miroku muttered.

“You know that I can’t think of everything,” he grumbled, crossing his arms. If Shippou was awake (he was sleeping by Kirara), he would’ve rolled his eyes.

“So what should we do,” Sango asked, continuing the conversation. “The worst thing would happen if he finds out that it’s Kaori-chan and not Kagura.”

“We’ll have to make sure that it doesn’t happen then,” Inuyasha growled.

“Shall we follow after Sesshoumaru’s group then,” Miroku wondered.

“No, that bastard will know right away if it was me. We’ll just have to make sure that Naraku doesn’t find out about Kaori’s plan,” Inuyasha smirked.

‘Why don’t I like that look on his face,’ Kagome asked herself and sighed.

“I’ll just have to master Dragon-Scaled Tessaiga before than,” Inuyasha proclaimed. “Than I’ll kill Naraku!”

“Here we go,” Kagome mumbled, rolling her eyes. Always rushing into things and not thinking things through.

“I know that I almost killed Mouryoumaru if it wasn’t for his escape,” Inuyasha growled.

“With Sesshoumaru’s help,” Kagome added.

“Whose side are you on anyways,” the hanyou demanded.

“Yours, you baka! You know if it wasn’t for him and Kaori-chan…” Kagome trailed off. The hanyou huffed and everyone was in silence once again.

Inuyasha hopped into the branch of a tree and thought about Kikyou’s words to him as well. ‘I have to master Dragon-Scaled Tessaiga so Kikyou won’t have to use Kohaku’s shard. I know if I can do that, then we won’t need the Shikon-no-Tama to defeat him,’ he thought with determination. He then, glanced towards his hands. They still were covered in gashes from the effect of the Dragon-Scaled Tessaiga’s attack. ‘Damn, they still burn. Hopefully they will be healed by tomorrow.’

He was thinking back to the conversation him and Kikyou had. When she joined with Kohaku, the boy wanted to sacrifice his life so the jewel would be complete, since he and Kouga were the ones to contain the last few shards. She told Inuyasha that the Jewel, itself, would be the only thing that would be able to defeat Naraku; that a sword could do no such thing. Unknowing to Inuyasha, was that Kikyou, herself, was hesitant on taking the younger taijiya’s life.

******The next day: Kaori’s POV******

The wounds on Sesshoumaru were healed already. I guess they were merely scratches after all. The lord seemed in great thought and was silent all morning. I mean I knew that he was usually like that, but he kept glancing down at Tenseiga for some reason unknown to us.

“What’s wrong with Sesshoumaru,” I whispered to Jaken.

Jaken looked afraid to answer, as if scared that his lord would hear him. Maybe the guy was humiliated over the fact that Mouryoumaru was using Inuyasha’s stolen attack to injure him.

“Just go along with him,” he replied. I nodded and Rin listened into the conversation with us.

Then, Sesshoumaru, who was sitting and looking off into the distance, suddenly turned his glance towards us. Jaken and me, both jumped out of surprise.

“He’s standing up,” Rin said, seeing Sesshoumaru rise from his position.

“He heard,” Jaken panicked. I wanted to roll my eyes. No shit Sherlock! He suddenly bowed in front of the Taiyoukai and exclaimed,” I didn’t say anything! All of the insulting things were said by Rin and Kaori!”

“ME,” Rin and I exclaimed at the same time.

“You little toad,” I growled out. Sesshoumaru paid no attention to us, but instead looked up into the sky, where a dark cloud was gathering. I stopped cracking my knuckles to look up where the lord’s eyes were directed.

“He’s not paying attention,” Rin whispered.

“That’s good,” I said back. Suddenly, out of nowhere, lands this old guy on a weird demon ox!

“Tou…Toutousai,” Jaken exclaimed.

“What is your business,” Sesshoumaru demanded, glaring through the old man. Toutousai, as he was now known, just kept staring at the stoic, yet slightly annoyed lord, not saying anything.

Then, after a few moments, he remarked,” Ah, so Toukijin is missing. Did it break?”

Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes at Toutousai and growled,” Without a mere word, I could rip you apart with these claws.” He demonstrated by holding up his only hand and cracked his knuckles.

The old man looked annoyed and scared at the same time. “You don’t have to be like that. I only came because Tenseiga called me.” Suddenly Sesshoumaru froze and his eyes widened a little bit more than usual.

“Tenseiga,” he asked, in obvious shock.


To be continued…

There will be more spoilers in the next chapter, I’m warning you now! And yes, this was the longest wait ever, I know.

Next time on Kagura’s Reincarnation: What the hell is Toutousai talking about? The re-forging of Tenseiga?

Please Review!

Ja ne!