InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kakera Chronicles ❯ The Worse is over, The Worst has begun ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any Animes that will be mentioned in the story. Story Concept: Tsubasa Chronicles (only they will travel to different animes/worlds)
Protagonist Anime: Inuyasha (Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Kagome, Kikyou)
Kakera Chronicles
Chapter I
The Worse is over, The Worst has begun
“IKHEE!!!” Kagome shouted as she fired her arrow towards Naraku. A blue stream of light surrounded it as it pierced the youkai's body.
“MADA-MADA!!” Inuyasha screamed as he waved his sword slamming down the earth. Rock chunks flew at the impact when strips of light scarred the soil and its target.
“I will avenge everyone.” Sango thought; firing her boomerang while amount Kirara.
“The curse will end…forever…”Miroku thought opening his palm… “Kazaana!!”
Every attack connected and all what's left of Naraku was scattered remnants of his body that was sucked in by the void. The final battle has ended.
“It's over…” Sango whispered with relief as she descended with Kirara.
The monk peeked on his right palm and saw the void close. “I hope this is for real this time.” He said to himself.
“Kagome, are you alright?” Inuyasha asked.
Looking at the bleeding, wounded hanyo with a hole on his stomach, Kagome giggled, “Shouldn't I ask you that?”
The sky cleared of its ominous atmosphere when a globe fell from the sky. Instantly when the globe hit the ground, a shining entity of a woman appeared and said. “Arigato…My soul can now be freed.”
“Midoriko…” Miroku whispered.
“Aaaahhh…she is indeed beautiful.” He continued.
Sango twitched her eyebrow and threatened the perverted monk, “Miroku, I'm going to finish what Naraku failed to do to you.”
Miroku at Sango's mercy he chuckled, “Midoriko IS beautiful but you're more beautiful.”
Sango's hold on Miroku grew limp as she blushed and rendered speechless.
Then another woman appeared from the jewel. In a flash of light her body appeared on land.
“Kikyou!” Inuyasha shouted.
He grasped the miko in his arms when Midoriko descended.
“Rise, Shikon no Miko.” She commanded.
At this Kikyou was lifted by a peach light, slowly she opened her eyes…
“It's over huh?” She groaned.
“Shikon no Miko; Kikyou, you protected the jewel with your life, sealed the jewel with your life and now you saved the jewel with your life.” Midoriko declared with a smile.
“All that I can give you is what you sacrificed.” Midoriko added.
With these words, the peach light lifting Kikyou grew and completely surrounded her like a ball. Kikyou's eyes widened as she saw dust, being wiped from her body. Shinigamis swirled around her and said to their master, “We shall always serve you, Kikyou-dono.”
Higher and higher she was lifted, in a beam of white light, she slowly floated down. Landing near Inuyasha, “Kikyou, you're….” The hanyo stuttered with surprise.
Kikyou stood up, inspecting her limbs, staring at her hands, closing them slowly.
After, she smiled looking up towards Midoriko. It wasn't the cold smile she used to give; it was a warm smile of overwhelming joy. With teary eyes, she said to Midoriko… “Arigato…”
On the other side of the clearing, Kagome whispered.
“I've never seen her, this happy…” She cried, however deep inside, she felt neither joy nor sadness but content. “Everything is where it should be.” She whispered to herself as a tear fell from her eyes.
“Kagome-chan…” Sango said approaching her, palcing her hand on her shoulder.
“Kagome…” Midoriko called; getting her attention.
“Here, you're its protector know, you can do whatever you want with it. Find the right wish.” Midoriko said handing her the full Shikon no Tama.
Kagome stared at the jewel, holding it with her two hands, thinking that one jewel started it all. She closed her hands and held it close to her heart and said to Midoriko, “You can count on me.”
Midoriko turned her head and faced Kirara, “Memories…” she whispered. “You just look like MY Kirara.” She smiled.
“EH!?” Sango blurted with surprise.
“Can she breathe fire yet?” Midoriko asked friendly.
Sango was speechless, she's now facing one of the most powerful mikos of all time, a legend in their village and she's the creator of the Shikon no Tama.
“It's been centuries since I can relax…” Midoriko said to herself looking at the sky.
“Farewell…” She closed her eyes and dissolved in light ascending the sky.
Everything was back to normal; the quest for the Shikon no Tama has ended but Kagome had another mission.
“What's the right wish?” Kagome said to herself; opening her hands as the jewel glistened of purity.
“Eeeehhh, I've never seen it in its whole form.” Sango commented; taking a glance of the jewel.
“The Right Wish, that's a pretty big responsibility.” Miroku said to Kagome.
Kagome didn't reply, she just pondered what to do now. Naraku's dead, the jewel is complete, Kikyou is…-- She can't even bear to think of it but she must face the truth.
The task pressured her; she glanced at the reunited couple, happy as they can be. “Well, there's only one thing to do…” she said to herself…she's about to make the wish that will change her life, their lives when it hit her. “AH!!” Kagome shouted.
“What is it?” Sango asked in surprise. “I forgot Kouga!” Kagome shouted running down the cliff. “Kouga-kun!!” she hollered; catching the attention of Ginta.
“Ne-san!” Hakaku called back. Kagome reached them and knelt down to treat the wounded wolf-prince.
“It's over?” Kouga groaned. “Yeah…how are your legs?” She asked staring at them.
“They feel like lead.” He snickered. “Can you move them?” Kagome asked inspecting his limb. “No…that bastard Naraku; he had to impale them to take my shards…Keh! And I fell for it…” Kagome hated to see him suffer; she played her memory of the incident over and over again, thinking “if only I did something.”
~ “Move!” Kouga shouted to Inuyasha. Slamming a kick down towards Naraku; hitting only the ground. “Keh! What did that do?” Inuyasha teased while dodging the claws of Naraku. “Shut-up mutt, if you moved sooner I would have hit him.” Kouga shouted leaping above Naraku forming a tornado. In the heat of the battle, Naraku's body was suddenly pierced by Kagome's arrow, separating him from his other limbs. The others didn't waste the opportunity and attacked head on. “Shi-ne!!” They said in unson as they charged up against him. Naraku just smiled and commanded one of his limbs to attack Kagome. “Kagome-chan!” Sango shouted; thrusting her boomerang to pacify the attack however another limb blocked it. “Kagome!!” Inuyasha shouted charging towards her. “Too slow!” Kouga boasted leaving Inuyasha behind saving Kagome from the attack.
As they landed to safety another attack came from underground, impaling Kouga of his shards. Kouga pushed Kagome aside while he grovels in pain.
Kouga recognized Kagome's expression while treating his wounds and said. “Kagome, it wasn't your fault.” The miko stopped treating and started to sob. “It is! I was too weak to protect myself from the attack, if only I could then…” she was cut short when Kouga placed her hand on her chin. “Kagome, you're not weak, you were able to separate Naraku from his body! I couldn't do that by a long shot! Besides…” he paused letting go of her face. “If he didn't take my shards by force then you'll be having problems getting them now.” Kouga joked blinking at her. Kagome giggled and focused back on treating then she realized… “Kouga-kun close your eyes.” She ordered. “What are you—“ Kouga blushed. “Just do it!” she shouted that made Kouga shut his eyes instantly. Kagome took the jewel from her pocket and held it close to her, she touched Kouga's forehead and channeled the energy. Kouga's limbs started to regenerate little by little until it reached its healthy condition. Kouga opened his eyes and saw his legs fully healed. “What was that?!” He gasped in surprise. Kagome just smiled happily at him. “That's weird…” Kouga said. “What is?” she asked tilting her head. “The mutt didn't chase after you.” Kouga said bluntly searching with his eyes if Inuyasha was around. “He…he's busy…” Kagome chuckled. “Who? With that dead chick?!” Kouga shouted. “She's not dead anymore…” She replied standing up. “What do you mean she's not dead?” Kouga wondered. “It's a long story…” She sighed; ready to leave. “Bye! I'm tired, you also need some rest.”
“Kagome!” Kouga called. “My “proposal” is still open…think about it.”
He stuttered nervously. “I will” Kagome said softly heading back.
Back at the battlefield…
“You're warm…” Inuyasha whispered.
“I'm alive…” Kikyou whispered back.
The sight of the lovers neither disgusted nor touched Miroku…instead. “Sango!!” he called while extending his arms towards her. “Baka!” Sango hushed; tapping Miroku's head with her boomerang.
In the middle of the forest, Kagome suddenly stopped. She was too tired to walk, too tired to bear to see Inuyasha and Kikyou. She sighed and continued to head back. She approached her destination but hid at the back of one of the trees. “Sango-chan…”Kagome whispered. Sango turned her head and saw Kagome hiding. “Kagome-chan! What are you—?” “SHHH!!!” Kagome hushed cutting Sango. “Can I borrow Kirara?” she pleaded. “I just need to think…” she continued. “Sure…” Sango smiled calling Kirara. “Arigato…” Kagome smiled back.
While amount Kirara; she glanced at jewel again; realizing that she hadn't seen it so pure at a very long time. She held it tightly and thought, “Please don't break this time…” Kirara landed near the well as Kagome landed her feet down. “Arigato, Kirara.” She smiled. “Meow!” Kirara purred as Kagome jumped down the well with her belongings.
The surroundings turned neon blue as Kagome descended. She waited for it to turn back but something was wrong. It won't turn back…”What's happening?!” Kagome panicked while she was stuck on a blue dimension. She felt someone's presence in there; she turned back and her eyes widened with terror and surprise. “It can't be!” She said to herself. “Ha ha ha ha…” the youkai laughed sinisterly as he attacked Kagome. “Naraku!!” Kagome screamed as she radiated a pink light cutting some of Naraku's limbs off. Naraku choked her; taking the Shikon no Tama from her pocket. “No, no, no…” she thought reaching for one of her arrows. As the jewel turned black she stabbed Naraku with her arrow, purifying a part of him that released her from his grasp. She took her bow and aimed at the jewel. “You won't get it that easily, Naraku.” She said firing her arrow towards the jewel, shattering it back to pieces that scattered around the blue dimension. One shard stacked on her clothing as the surrounding turned back to the base of the well.