InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Will Be Kids ❯ From Bad to Good in a Minute's Time ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Hey! Like I said before I don't own InuYasha! The show or the characters on that show! Plus, I'm a minor so you can't sew me! Nyah! Nyah!
Chapter 2: From Bad to Good in a Minute's Time
As soon as the three of them walked through the door to the building they were greeted by a boy wearing the robes of a monk with a short ponytail at the back of his head and a girl with a high ponytail wearing demon slayer's armor holding a giant boomerang.
The boy was the first to speak. “Oh Kagome, there you are. We started to wonder where you had gone when you didn't show up for lunch.”
The girl spoke next. “I see you've met some new friends.” She said gesturing to InuYasha and Shiori.
Kagome smiled at her friends. “Yeah. Sango, Miroku these are-“ Kagome got cut off by a slight swoosh of the wind.
Miroku immediately grabbed one of Shiori's hands in both of his. “Excuse me, Miss. But would you do me the honor of bearing my children?” Shiori blushed.
There was a moment of silence.
This silence was quickly broken by the loud THWAK of Sango's boomerang on Miroku's head.
Sango had veins popping out all over her forehead. “MIROKU!”
InuYasha lifted his eyebrows. “Who exactly is that perv? “
Kagome laughed nervously. “That's Miroku.” Kagome pointed to Miroku still getting whacked with the giant boomerang. “And the girl who's whacking him is my best friend, Sango.” Kagome turned to, the still blushing, Shiori. “And don't worry. He says that to pretty much every girl he sees.”
Shiori snapped out of her daze slightly. “A-Alright.”
Miroku stepped in front of everyone holding his head. “Why don't we, ow, sit down and get better acquainted, shall we?“
“A hanyou? Very interesting.” Miroku said holding a hand to his chin in thought. “It's nice to meet you nonetheless.” Miroku extended a hand to InuYasha.
InuYasha raised his brow slightly in protest then his crossed his arms. “Feh. Whatever. I'm not touching that.” He eyed the hand as if it were the most disgusting thing on the planet.
Miroku moved his head slightly to an angle, revealing a hand imprint on his left cheek. “Now, InuYasha. Why would you say such a thing?”
All three girls sighed as the boys continued their “conversation”.
“Hanyous aren't usually treated with respect, are they?” Sango shook her head with disappointment. “That's not right. We try to stop this kind of thing the best we can, I guess we weren't doing the best job were we?”
“It's alright.” Shiori said smiling at both of the girls. “We're okay now and that's all that matters.”
There was silence amongst the girls and then their attention drifted back to the boys. Somehow their “conversation” had gone from bickering to talking about video games. Miroku did know how to keep the peace even though he had his… Perverted moments.
Soon everyone started eating. They realized they'd never get to eat if they just sat there talking. Though, the discussions did pursue between bites.
Kagome stopped eating. “InuYasha, do you or Shiori have a lunch?”
InuYasha is acting quite strange today. Shiori thought as she answered for him. “No. Those boys stole them.”
Kagome gave Shiori her bag of gummy bears and InuYasha a bag of Teddy Grams shaped like Scooby Snacks.
InuYasha eyed the bag then Kagome. “What is this? A joke?”
Kagome immediately blushed at what she had just done. She truly hadn't meant to do that. “Oh sorry. You know, I was going to eat them. If you want you can have my apple instead.”
InuYasha quickly opened the bag and stuck a Teddy Gram in his mouth. He absolutely detested apples.
Shiori looked at Miroku and Sango's clothing and couldn't quite hold in her curiosity. “Sango, why are you and Miroku wearing those clothes?”
“They are pretty weird.” InuYasha added swallowing his last Scooby Snack shaped Teddy Gram.
“Sango and I have P.E. right before lunch.” Miroku stated before taking another bite of his sandwich.
“We were so hungry; we didn't have enough time to change into our normal clothes. And I had no time to put my Hiraikotsu away.” Sango said slightly lifting her boomerang.
“Your kimono is unusual as well.” Miroku said gesturing to InuYasha's attire.
InuYasha scowled at Miroku and crossed his arms again. “Got it from my parents. I wear it a lot. It's kinda special.”
“I see.” Miroku said with his hand to his chin, nodding his head.
Kagome had no idea InuYasha was in her P.E. class. It was weird; she'd never seen him before. It was a big class though.
“Alright class today we're playing dodge ball.” The P.E. teacher stated earning excited cheers all through the gym. “We're going to play with partners. This will help you with the skills you would need if you are attacked by evil youkai.” Their teacher was a youkai himself. Strong and knowledgeable in the skills needed to take on evil youkai.
He laughed. “And I know some of you are thinking: Well I'm just a kid in the third grade; I'm not going to get attacked by some crazy youkai.” He was pacing back and forth. “Well you're wrong. Evil youkai won't hesitate to attack you just because you're children.”
Gulps and gasps were quickly, yet quietly, spread across the gym. “But don't worry.” The P.E. teacher gave them a warm and reassuring smile. “This is to teach you the skills you'll need to defend yourselves in that sort of situation.”
Sighs of relief filled the large room. “Now, pick your partners.”
Children rushed back and forth grabbing partners and sat down. So fast, InuYasha and Kagome couldn't react. Leaving them the last two people without partners.
The gym teacher came up to them, looking quite amused. One of his favorite and best behaved students with the trouble maker. This was going to be interesting. “InuYasha, Kagome you two are going to be together as partners for this activity.”
InuYasha and Kagome looked at each other, and then back at their teacher.
“Well… What are you waiting for? Let's get started.” He said, mischief playing in his eyes.
InuYasha and Kagome were very good. InuYasha pegged anyone who got close and Kagome was the lookout, who told InuYasha who was coming. The P.E. teacher was very surprised. They worked together very well.
“InuYasha! Boy to your left!” Kagome yelled dodging another ball.
“Got him!” InuYasha yelled, victorious.
Soon they were the last two standing. They were good.
Their gym teacher walked up to them. “Looks like you guys win. You're going to get extra points next report card.”
InuYasha looked at Kagome, and then back at the teacher he thought hated him in disbelief.
“Oh my God! We were good!” InuYasha exclaimed as he and Kagome walked out of gym class.
“Yeah. We did do a good job.” Kagome said with a smile.
“No, I mean we seriously kicked ass!” Kagome stopped in her tracks and stared at him.
InuYasha stopped too and looked back at Kagome when he heard her feet stop moving. “What?”
“Did you just… Say a bad word?”
“Yeah. So what if I did?” InuYasha was now completely facing her.
“Aren't you a little young to cuss?”
“I'm as old as you.” InuYasha was starting to get irritated.
“Yeah well I don't cuss.” Kagome was starting to get mad herself.
“Maybe you should start.” He said starting to walk away from her.
“Don't you walk away from me!”
Now it was on. They were yelling back and forth now in full fury.
Miroku and Sango found them that way as well. They had no idea what they were fighting about or why. And somewhere along the way InuYasha and Kagome had forgotten what they were fighting over. After about five minutes of the fighting Miroku decided to intervene.
“What?!” InuYasha and Kagome screamed in unison as they looked at him.
Miroku stepped back a bit. “You know, your class has started already.”
“What?! Oh my gosh! I'm late?!” With that, Kagome took off running to her next class.
InuYasha, Miroku, and Sango just stared after her in disbelief.
“That was much easier than I thought.” Miroku said still almost in a daze.
Sango nodded in agreement.
The four of them walked home from school that day. They all lived on the same street. Kagome hadn't known that either. She guessed it showed how little she actually knew about the people in her neighborhood.
Kagome and InuYasha walked side by side followed a ways by Miroku and Sango.
“I think they're getting along fine, for their first day.” Miroku said matter-of-factly.
“Really? That's why they're not talking to each other, right?” Sango countered.
“HeHe. I must have overlooked that. HeHe.” Miroku admitted rubbing the back of his head.
Kagome looked at InuYasha through the corner of her eye. He didn't look too happy. “InuYasha.” Kagome started a bit nervously.
“What is it now?” Oh no. He was getting angry again.
“I-I'm sorry about today. It was stupid for me to get upset over it.” Kagome was still nervous. He could tell by the sound of her voice.
“Yeah, it was stupid.” Kagome looked at him through the corner of her eye again. She looked sad and he felt… Guilty.
Me, guilty? Sigh. This is insane.
“It's okay. Just… Whatever.” InuYasha crossed his arms in the sleeves of his kimono and looked away from her.
Kagome smiled. “Thank you, InuYasha.”
Weird. My life's gone from being beaten up all the time to having multiple friends. Friends that will “protect” me… Heh. Like that's ever going to happen. InuYasha thought as they continued to walk home from school.
They all walked home together for the next couple of days also. Life was good.
A/N: Sorry. This is shorter than the last one. I just felt like this was a really good spot to stop. But look on the bright side, the shorter the chapters the longer the story will be. Oh and if you like what you see please leave me a review. It will only take a minute of your time and reviews make the author HAPPY! Maybe even SO happy that I'll write the next chapter quicker. Though I was quick putting up the second too, right? Well… The third chapter's on the way. I'll try to get it up as soon as I can!