InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo's Blessing ❯ Kikyo's Blessing ( One-Shot )

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Disclaimer: Rumiko Takahashi is a chick and I'm a dude.

Kikyo's Blessing

Kikyo was dying. Her wound was fatal. The cause of the wound, and the reasons why the company that would witness her death were gathered there, all were unimportant. What mattered was that Kikyo was dying, and they all knew it, and they knew - most of them dreading - what the consequences might be.

“I’m ready.” Inuyasha kneeled over her. Her reincarnation stood behind him, eyes closing tightly at his words and the knowledge of what he would say next. A monk and a demon slayer holding a fire cat watched from farther away, and a young fox demon stood behind her reincarnation, appearing to almost guard over her for all that she was five times his height. “I’m ready to go with you. To hell.” Kagome turned around as her fears came true, shaking, likely fighting tears and the urge to run. Or perhaps to run is what she desired and she fought to give her legs the strength. The fox demon tensed, his protective look increasing, revealing that it was this hurt he hoped to shield her from, however unconsciously, however futilely.

Inuyasha’s face was determined. Kikyo had seen determination on his face before, watched him from afar in the midst of some quest or another. There was something from the faces she remembered that he was lacking now. The light was missing from his eyes, the spirit. His voice was calm, hushed, lifeless. He did not want to go with her. Honor, not love, bound him to her, made him submit to her will. Honor and honor alone.

“No.” Kikyo’s voice was strong, commanding, betraying no sign of her imminent death. Sounds came from all in company registering their surprise. Kagome’s head rose but she did not turn.

Much has happened since my resurrection. Much to change me. Much to ease the hate and bitterness in my heart. Much to change my will from what Inuyasha remembers.’ “I will not take you to hell,” she said, her voice still strong.

When had she lost the desire to take him to hell with her? Why had she ever had it to begin with? She had thought of Inuyasha as her property back then. He was the love she tragically lost and nothing else, an idea to her more than a person. Inuyasha the person she had forgotten, and with him any recollection of what her love for him felt like. She could only remember that the love had existed and feel bitter anger over its loss, an injustice she would right at any cost.

But fate had not been on her side. Inuyasha would not go willingly until Naraku was defeated. Kagome would not let Kikyo take Inuyasha against his will. If she killed Kagome Inuyasha would be impossible to pacify, and might even attack her. She had to wait. And while she waited she had to settle for watching him to quell her obsession. Whenever she chanced upon his party she would watch. She would watch for as long as she could bare it or until she was in danger of being discovered. Early on it was usually the former. Lately it was almost always the latter. And each time she watched him she remembered more and more of her love, and realized why she loved him.

She had never really known before. Why she always spared him, why she reached out to him, why she fell in love with him so quickly fifty years ago. She had never seen the full strength of his mind, the full depth of his feeling, or all the good that was in his heart. She had never really known him at all. Now that she did, she felt more love for him than she ever had in life, and could no longer ignore the person behind the idea that so enraged her. She could not accept this lifeless submission from the man she loved, could not stand to hold her horrible leash on him any longer.

“I no longer hold you under any obligation to me. You owe me nothing. You are free to do as you wish.”

Inuyasha’s breath caught. His face, followed by his voice, was awash with conflicting emotion. “But…Kikyo…” Confusion, frustration, fear, guilt. Hope. Kagome finally turned to level an incredulous and indignant look at Inuyasha, shocked that he would protest.

Kikyo expected him to be stubborn, but his fear surprised her. ‘Are you afraid I am dismissing you, Inuyasha? That everything we’ve been through means nothing to me now?’ Inuyasha did not feel the same for her as he did fifty years ago, she knew that. But he still cared for her, and wouldn’t want to just be forgotten.

She smiled at him. A small smile, but genuine. “I love you, Inuyasha. That is why I am setting you free.” ‘But it’s not the only reason.

It was more than her rediscovered love for Inuyasha that changed her. She collected lost souls to sustain her existence. Souls that died in sorrow, unable to pass on. Though they did not speak to her exactly, she was not ignorant of the stories they had to tell. From the lost souls she learned she was not alone. Her tragic tale was not exceptional and, though it took some time for her to admit it, it did not entitle her to anything.

Kikyo continued to smile, her tone amused as she spoke. “It’s not enough, is it, Inuyasha? That I just say you’re free? You’ll feel obligated to me regardless, and never be at peace.”

Kikyo held her hand out to Kagome, beckoning her closer. The lost souls inside Kikyo also taught her that there was already enough anger, and hate, and jealousy in the world. There were already enough promising loves that come to a tragic end. She would not create another.

“Very well, then. Live.” Kikyo took Inuyasha’s hand, her smile gone and her voice strong once again. “That is my command. That is what you will owe me. To live.” Kagome now knelt beside Inuyasha, and Kikyo took her hand, too. “Live happy. With your soul at peace.” She closed Inuyasha’s and Kagome’s hands together, returning her own hands to her sides as her smile returned. Kagome gasped softly. Inuyasha did not seem to react, his mind slowed to a crawl by so many changes in such a short time.

Kikyo had thought it would be difficult, telling Inuyasha to be with Kagome. She may be free of consuming hatred, but that didn’t make it easy to tell a man she desperately loved to be with a woman she had been bitterly jealous of for so long. But she knew Inuyasha would need the nudge.

However, Kikyo was surprised to find it wasn’t difficult at all. Inuyasha would have the happiness she wanted for him, the happiness he deserved, and…it was just right. She knew it was right. She did it knowing it was right. But now that it was done she felt it, too. She felt as though it was the greatest thing she’d ever done, the absurdity of which didn’t escape her, and she laughed. Looking from Inuyasha to Kagome, Kikyo found that she was happy. Truly happy.

Kikyo’s last business with this world was done, she was ready to leave, and she was not content to wait. She reached inside herself, tracing across the web of souls to its center, to the fragment of the soul she shared with Kagome that held her together. She looked at her first and only love one last time before releasing the fragment to its rightful owner. “Goodbye, Inuyasha.”

The light was almost blinding as souls left Kikyo’s body. In great numbers they circled around her, as though reluctant to leave, or perhaps to show their respect. The lights seemed to dance as they slowly rose to the heavens. A beautiful display to honor the passing of the woman who housed the lost souls, who shared in their grief, and whose true happiness in the end healed them and empowered them to finally leave this world.

The six who witnessed it were all in awe. In awe of what they were seeing and in awe of the mood that seemed to permeate the very air. Kikyo’s happiness, now echoed by the dancing souls, had become palpable. None of them could feel any sadness for Kikyo’s passing. Though they knew it was unnatural, they accepted it. If this was how Kikyo felt when she died then there was nothing to mourn.

As the last of the souls left the glare diminished enough to let Kikyo’s body be seen again. Now lifeless clay, it still held the shape of Kikyo, wearing the clothes of a priestess, face dominated by a growing smile. They would have to bring Kaede back here soon to collect Kikyo’s ashes. None of them were willing to harm the fragile clay of Kikyo’s last moments, and it would do Kaede well to see with her own eyes that her sister’s heart was finally healed.

The journey back to the village had Shippo, Sango, and Miroku worried. Inuyasha and Kagome were silent and wouldn’t look at each other. They ignored any questions and attempts at conversation. Their faces were unreadable, showing no explanation for their behavior.

The only variation was when they both quickened their pace as the village became near. Wordlessly they veered off toward Goshinboko, and the rest followed curiously. Inuyasha and Kagome stood before the sacred tree, still not looking at each other. As Miroku approached, Inuyasha turned to give him an intense stare that clearly said, “Keep walking.” Sango received a pleading look from Kagome that said the same. Shippo had seen Inuyasha’s look from Miroku’s shoulder and had no arguments as they all went on to leave Inuyasha and Kagome alone.

Inuyasha and Kagome knew what they would see once they looked into each other’s eyes. The feelings they’d kept hidden for so long. The feelings they wouldn’t be able to hide any longer. Feelings that would have made them lose all control the moment they saw them.

As they stood before Goshinboko there were no heartfelt confessions, no words at all. There was no need for them. They knew how they felt. They’d always known. Ever since that talk by the well, when Inuyasha had said honor bound him to Kikyo, but it was Kagome he loved. “When I’m with you, I’m happy. You soothe my soul.” So similar to the blessing Kikyo gave them before she died, when she brought their hands together. They’d always known.

They only hid their feelings to make them easier to ignore, to try and lessen the pain of what seemed an inevitable parting when Inuyasha would go to hell with Kikyo. But that was not going to happen now. There was no reason to hide, anymore. Now, when their eyes left Goshinboko to finally look at each other, it was all there. Endless days and nights of unexpressed love were finally released.

Like rain falls, like fire burns, they came together. Their kiss was soft, tender, loving, hard, deep, passionate, one at a time and all at once. It was every kiss they ever wanted. It was everything. It was the start of everything. It was the beginning of the rest of their lives. Lives that were happy, with their souls at peace.


A/N: I was watching the show and my brain was like, "Here's an idea," and I was like, "Sweet!" so I wrote it. Not sure why I felt the need to explain that, nothing really enlightening about it. Guess I just figured I had to have something to put in an author's note. I like swords.
-Radish Anarcane