InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo's lonely journey ❯ Kikyo's plan and Masahiro's intent ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Most of the characters in this story are the actual work of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own them in any way.
Chapter 15: Kikyo's plan and Masahiro's intent
"This may sting a little," said Kagome as she started applying antiseptic on one of the villager's wounds.
The man winced as the product came in contact with his skin but did not say anything otherwise. Once this was done, the schoolgirl carefully bandaged the deep gash she had just treated and straightened herself.
"Thank you," said the man, gratefully and the girl merely nodded in response.
She sighed wearily as she turned to yet another patient. She and Kaede had been treating injuries for hours now without so much as a break. Severed arms, broken legs, gaping wounds... Kagome had seen it all today and had slipped in a sort of numb state somewhere along the line. The anguished cries of a wife who had just lost a husband or a son, the desperate pleas for help when it was obvious that the person was beyond saving, even with modern medicine... those simply did not reach her anymore. Fortunately, if one could call it so, the most seriously injured were now all either dead or treated, leaving only bruises and gashes to take care of.
"Where are you hurt?" she asked automatically to the woman she came face to face with.
"I'm not hurt Kagome-chan... but you obviously need some rest," answered the person who turned out to be none other than Sango.
"S... Sango?" asked the schoolgirl, a flicker of recognition passing in her eyes.
"Come on Kagome, you've been treating people all day. It's time you get some rest," urged the demon slayer while wrapping a comforting arm around the girl's shoulder.
"But..." tried to object Kagome.
"No 'buts', you're coming with me now!" admonished Sango firmly. "Besides it's not like the few untreated ones are left uncared for, look around you."
Casting a dazed look to the surrounding people, Kagome was able to see that Sango was right. All around her, elderly women who had not participated in the fight but had some knowledge of healing had already taken her place and were doing a much faster job at treating the wounded than she had due to her sheer exhaustion.
"Where are we going?" she finally questioned, a bit of emotion beginning to reappear in her voice.
"To wash up," answered the demon slayer while showing her a basket filled with two clean kimonos and a variety of different soaps.
"Oh," replied the schoolgirl while looking down at herself and noticing that she indeed could do with a small bit of cleaning up.
After that, the two fell silent until they reached the village's hotspring. As they started to disrobe, Kagome once again broke the silence. "How is everyone holding on?" she inquired dully.
"Myself and houshi-sama are relatively okay I guess. Susune is... well, she's sick with worry over Kikyo and Shippo's helping her cheer up as best as he can. The one who's taking this the hardest however is Inuyasha. He looked high and low for them... for three miles around the whole village and he came up empty handed. Now he won't talk to anyone," explained Sango somberly.
"I see," said Kagome while slipping slowly into the warm water.
"You're not looking too good yourself Kagome," observed Sango as she settled down in front of the girl.
"I'm just... exhausted Sango. I've treated so many injuries today that I'm sort of... numb inside. I can't seem to get myself to feel anything anymore," answered Kagome tiredly.
"Don't worry Kagome-chan. Just close your eyes and relax, you've earned it," smiled Sango supportingly.
"I think I'll do that," sighed Kagome wearily.
Stretching, her tired muscles, she took a deep breath and leaned back comfortably against a rock bordering the spring before doing as Sango had so kindly suggested. With her head empty of all thoughts, it wasn't long before the heat of the water started working its magic on her aching body and she started to feel drowsiness envelop her mind.
"Did you... say anything Sango?" asked Kagome, half asleep already.
"No, why?" answered the demon slayer, puzzled.
"Never... mind," sighed the schoolgirl before closing her eyes once again.
The fog of sleep had a curious effect on Kagome' mind. As she started to drift, memories of the day started to play along randomly in her head.
"Hold still while I disinfect your wound."
"Kagome, please... understand,"
"I'm not certain but I think we're starting to hear each other's thoughts,"
At this, the schoolgirl's eyes abruptly snapped open. "Kikyo and I... we can hear each other's thoughts!" she repeated mentally, her mind dizzy with the realization.
Then, focusing all her attention on the white noise in the back of her head, she started to try and speak to it. "Kikyo! Can you hear me! Kikyo!!!"
She wasn't certain if her message had reached the other miko, but she was somewhat relieved when she felt a change in the buzzing sensation and one single word filtered through. "Finally," she heard distantly.
"I can barely hear you, where are you?" she thought again.
"Use... link... find... me," came the answer, though it sounded like it was a struggle for the other miko to even speak those words.
Sure enough, right after that retort, the white noise returned to its normal state and Kagome figured that it meant that Kikyo had terminated the connection somehow. Opening her eyes, she noticed that she had unconsciously twisted her head to the left during this brief conversation.
"Kagome-chan, is everything..." began Sango, but the schoolgirl cut her off with a gesture of her hand.
She closed her eyes again and started turning her head, returning it to its normal position. Sure enough, Kikyo's presence seemed a bit fainter now. Rotating her head to her left once again, the other miko's presence cleared somewhat. Not wasting any more time, she abruptly jumped to her feet, much to Sango's surprise.
"Kagome-chan what..." said the demon slayer, but Kagome cut her in again.
"I know where she is!" she exclaimed.
"Know where she is? What on earth are you talking about?" questioned the demon slayer, completely baffled by the other girl's unexpected behavior.
"Kikyo! I can feel her presence! I know where she is!"
In the forest, many miles north of where Kaede's village was, Kikyo grunted as Masahiro put her down from her position on his back and sat her more or less comfortably on the ground. He had been carrying her all day long and he couldn't help but sigh in relief when the weight was lifted from his shoulders.
"You do know that it would be easier if you allowed me to feed a little," commented the miko.
"We've been through this already. I'm not taking any chances with you. As you are now, you're completely helpless and I prefer it that way," grumbled the youkai angrily.
"Have it your way then," she said in dismissal and would have shrugged had she been able to move her body.
"However, I'd be grateful to you if you were to tell those annoying soul collectors of yours to get lost!" snapped Masahiro while giving a death glare at the serpentine figures that had been following them all day long.
"As you so kindly put it, I'm completely helpless. I can hardly concentrate as it is, much less communicate with them," replied Kikyo in a tone that hovered between frustration and amusement.
Now that was a total lie. Not only was she able to concentrate, she was easily able to talk to her soul collectors. In fact, it was all thanks to this that they kept their distance otherwise they would have all been killed while foolishly trying to bring her their load of souls. Instead, they kept hovering in the back and repeatedly, one would dare venture forward, only to pull immediately back when Masahiro noticed him, following her instructions to the letter.
Her thoughts were interrupted when Masahiro suddenly grabbed her by the collar and hoisted her at eye-level. "I'm under the impression that you are actually enjoying this," he growled menacingly.
"I do not know what you are talking about," she replied with a sardonic smile which enraged the youkai even more.
Letting out a inarticulate sound of annoyance, Masahiro dropped Kikyo unceremoniously to the ground before whirling around to face the wave of soul collectors hovering a respectful distance away, patiently waiting for an opening to deliver their charge to the waiting miko.
"How many do you need?" he asked suddenly, making Kikyo blink.
"How many what?" she questioned back with a confused frown.
"How many souls do you need to tell these guys to bug off?" he snapped, his voice filled with annoyance.
It took every ounce of willpower Kikyo had not to cry out in triumph. Not only was Masahiro leading her straight to the enemy's hideout, but Kagome had understood her hidden message. What's more, her captor had finally given in and was giving her the opportunity to fill herself with enough souls to fire one powerful burst of purification energy when the time was right.
"Oh that?" she chuckled slightly. "Five souls should be enough."
"You'd better not be messing with me miko," menaced the youkai before moving to the side.
For a time, nothing happened and Masahiro couldn't help but frown in confusion. "Well what are they waiting for?" he finally questioned impatiently.
"They may not look like it, but they have some measure of intelligence. When they approached earlier, you killed them. So give them a little time to overcome their apprehension," explained the helpless miko.
"They'd better hurry because my patience isn't infinite," grumbled the youkai irritably.
Deciding that she had dragged things enough, she sent the order for one of the creature to come forward. Almost immediately, one serpentine shape detached itself from the mass, slid quietly toward Kikyo and dropped its load in her body, causing the woman to sigh a little in relief as she felt new power surge through her. Concentrating again, she sent a second order and two soul collectors came this time. One last communication and three shapes slid forward. However, when the group got within range, Masahiro intervened and slashed one of the three in half before it reached her.
"You've had your five souls. Now tell them to leave," he ordered firmly.
Taking a deep breath, the miko closed her eyes and concentrated once again, this time telling her soul collectors to retreat completely out of sight, which they did after a few seconds of hesitation.
"As you wished, they are now gone," she said simply and Masahiro sighed in relief.
"You seem to be awfully tense for someone bringing back a hostage," she commented after a few seconds of silence.
"You were not the one who had his entire army wiped out by farmers," spat Masahiro bitterly. "In our organization, someone who fails is immediately put to death."
"So you are going back, even though it means forfeiting your life. You have a remarkable sense of responsibility," complimented Kikyo.
"I will not run away from my fate," replied the youkai proudly. "There is no greater dishonor than turning away from the consequences of your actions."
"I agree with you, but don't you think that death is a bit extreme for failing?" asked the miko conversationally.
"It is not my place to discuss Kuro-sama's policies," answered Masahiro sternly.
"Ah yes, the great Kuro. I have to admit I am rather curious as to why he wants to see me. I do not have any memory of ever meeting someone by that name," said Kikyo.
"If you do not know him, then he at least seems to know you because when he saw your picture, he grew rather... agitated," retorted the youkai glumly.
"Is that so? And what does he looks like?" she questioned again.
"He never shows his face to anyone and always dresses in ample black robes," explained Masahiro.
"So you serve a leader who never shows his face..." trailed off Kikyo, letting her disapproving tone carry her message instead of her words.
"I do not need lectures on who to serve and who not to serve!" snapped the youkai angrily. "Every years, humans eat away at our territories. Already, what was once beautiful lands governed by proud youkai families has disappeared completely. If we don't do something, our race will cease to exist! We have to strike now! Get rid of the humans while we still have the means!" he exclaimed passionately.
It was a touching speech, and also one that confirmed the miko's suspicions. Masahiro wasn't an evil being. In fact, if taken from his point of view, his objective was quite noble. The only problem in all of this was that he had obviously chosen the wrong person to follow.
"Do you honestly think that someone who hides his face from his subordinates will help you accomplish your goal?" questioned Kikyo calmly.
"I do not know. But he is the only person willing to do what is necessary to safeguard the future of the youkai race. For that, I am willing to follow him in death if need be!" replied Masahiro firmly.
"You are a noble person Masahiro... but you are misguided. This leader of yours sounds more like a blood-thirsty tyrant than a dignified ruler," she commented.
"This conversation is over Kikyo. Don't ever bring this subject up again or I swear I shall empty you of all the souls you contain, regardless of the consequences," whispered the youkai in a strained voice.
"If that is what you wish... Masahiro-sama," agreed the woman while lowering her gaze to signify a bow.
"If you knew where Kikyo was from the start, why the fuck didn't you say so earlier," snapped Inuyasha angrily.
"Oh knock it off will ya!" retorted the schoolgirl. "It's not like I was aware that I knew!"
"Would you mind explaining a little Kagome-sama? I am rather puzzled by this development," questioned Miroku.
"Well it's strange really. A few days ago, I woke up with a splitting headache. There was some strange noise in the back of my mind, like someone else's thoughts were filtering through. While it didn't go away, I eventually got used to it and learned to ignore it. The thing was that I had no idea what it was until just before the battle. Kikyo told me that she had been experiencing the same thing and she thought that the two of us had developed a sort of bond during the time of her stay," explained the schoolgirl.
"An interesting hypothesis," commented Kaede absently. "But why now of all times. It's been years since my sister has been revived."
"We're not certain ourselves. Close proximity coupled with the fact that we're not trying to tear each other apart anymore? Who knows. But the important thing is that we can now hunt down Masahiro and rescue Kikyo," answered Kagome.
"We should wait," said Susune suddenly, making everyone turn around to face her.
"Why's that?" questioned the hanyou hotly.
"It's obvious isn't it? She's leading us straight to their hideout. She's using her bond with Kagome-san to lead us straight to their base," explained the child seriously.
"So that's why she went off to fight Masahiro alone! She wanted to be taken hostage!" exclaimed Sango essentially voicing the thought that was on everyone's mind.
"That's the craziest plan I've ever heard of!" exclaimed Inuyasha incredulously.
"Crazy perhaps, but so far, it's working well. She just gave us the opportunity to strike at the heart of the problem," countered Kagome.
"There is something that you all should know before you go face to face with this Kuro person however," abruptly cut in Kaede.
"And what might this be?" questioned Miroku with a hint of worry in his voice.
"The way that spy communicated with his superior and the way Masahiro escaped. A spiritual linker and a teleporting stone. Those two artifacts do not exist naturally. They have to be created by someone that possesses spiritual powers at least as strong as my sister's and skills to rival even those of a high-miko," explained the old woman gravely.
"Keh! So what? We defeated Naraku and he was quite a lot stronger than this Kuro guy!" dismissed the hanyou.
"I'm afraid it may not be that simple Inuyasha. You see, a spiritual linker is not only extremely difficult to make, it is also something that can only be created through the use of miko powers," countered Kaede firmly.
"You mean... we're up against a miko?" asked Kagome disbelievingly.
"No Kagome-sama, it's worst than this. No youkai alive would ever accept human leadership. What we're up against is neither youkai nor miko. What we're up against... is a hanyou," whispered Miroku in horror, making a deafening silence fall on the room.