InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo ❯ Kikyo's Memory,Growing Passion ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: This chapter has a lemon in it, so kids under 17 don't read u lil'pervs! review! oh- and for ppl who don't like lemons, but wanna read the plot, i'll mark the lemons and u can skip it. oh, and i got e-mails from ppl who said, if this fic is supposed to be enjoyed by Kagome/Inuyasha fans, and Kikyo/Inuyasha fans, they want a Kikyo/Inuyasha lemon.

Kagome suddenly jerked from his arms, that was the last thing she needed was him calling her Kikyo.

"I'm not Kikyo you dog!" she turned on her heels and stomped angrily into the forest. Inuyahsa fell onto his back and cursed to himself. You fuckin' idiot! Well-I should go after her. Inuyasha picked up her scent and followed her to a small spring. (everyone in inuyasha stories gets laid in springs, isn't it ironic?) He climbed into a tree and watched her from above. She only had her skirt off, and her top leaving her in her bra and panties. Inuyasha jumped from the tree and dropped behind her.

"Kagome." his voice startled her so much she immediatley had an arrow pointed at his face.

"Oh-it's you." she put the arrows down and proceded to put her clothes back on when Inuyasha stopped her.

"Wait, I'm sorry Kagome. It's confusing that she's dead, and you look like her-and it's fuckin' up my life! I just get confused Kik-Kagome. I'm sorry, I really am." Inuyasha slowly took the bow and arrow from her. Kagome, still pissed pulled on her shirt.

"Well-there goes my bath. I think I'm gonna go find a different spring Miroku." Kagome put her hand to her mouth.

"Ooops, silly me. How could I get you mixed up with Miroku i mean-," Kagome suddenly found herself pressed to Inuyasha and his tounge inside her mouth. It seemed like forever when he broke the kiss.

"I don't think Miroku can kiss like that."

"No, I guess not." It took all of her strength to leave the spring area without looking back.

Kikyo rested her back to the wall of the remains of the temple where the Shikon No Tama used to be held. She could feel the growing passion between Inuyasha and her reincarnation, and tears streamed down her face as she tried to hold back from killing Kagome. Everytime she felt her anger rise she would remember when she and Inuyasha first fell inlove.

Flashback (i don't know how they met, so i'm makin' it up)

Kikyo bent down on her knees infront of the Shikon No Tama. It posssessed power beyond any other jewel, and she was sworn to protect it. Kikyo suddenly stood up when she heard a sound from the door. Quickly she armed herself with arrows and a bow and pointed one at the door. As soon as she realized it was a decoy, a demon came dropping through the roof and lunged toward the Shikon No Tama. The only thing that stopped him was the arrow that went right across his face.

"Step away from the Shikon No Tama youkai." Kikyo growled. The demon only smirked and stayed still.

"Sorry, I don't take orders from mikos."

"Well, you better start." Kikyo kept the arrow pointed towards his heart as she slowly walked infront of the Shikon No Tama. The demon started to get frustrated. This was no ordinary miko.

"I can see you're not an ordinary miko. But like the rest, I can kill you in one move." Kikyo squinted her eyes and aimed at his weakest spot-his ears.

"Move and I'll shoot you ears off." the demon suddenly froze.

"You're more trouble that you're worth bitch. Now move." Kikyo responded by taking the Shikon No Tama and tucking it into her shirt.

"You'll have to kill me first."

"Fair enough." the demon lunged forward, and in an instant had Kikyo pinned to the ground. Without hesitation his hand dove into her shirt, and with the retrieval of the Shikon No Tama, brushed against her nipple. Kikyo couldn't hold back a moan, which surprised Inuyasha. Well, I'll kill her, but maybe before I do, I'll put her to some use. Inuyasha tucked the jewel into his pants, and, as if on cue, Kikyo dug her hand into his pants, and lightly brushed her hand against his dick. When she heard his moan she realized what she just did.

"You sick bastard!" she tried to get her bow, but before she could-she found herself being straddled.


"Don't worry miko, I'll make your death pleaseant." Inuyasha ripped her sleeve off and tied her hands together. Then he nibbled on her neck while he slipped her shirt off. Kikyo stopped struggling when Inuyasha started to nibble on her right nipple while he expertly massauged the other one.

"Stop. Please stop." Kikyo moaned.

"I know you don't really mean that." Inuyasha smirked as he slipped off her pants making her completley naked. He liked her body: fairly sized breast, nice curves, and smooth, long legs. Kikyo started to squirm as he licked down to her lower region, and stopped right outside her canal.

"Sssh, you need to calm down." Inuyasha calmy said as he entered her flicking his tounge, and probing her with his fingers. One of his claws hit her G-spot, and he played around with it while his tounge continued to make her back arch. Kikyo clenched as she felt her release leak from her body. Inuyasha, pleased with his work, grinned up at Kikyo.

"Judging by your cum, you haven't been fucked in a long time. Glad I came, because a body like yours shouldn't be ignored." Kikyo panted heavily. He was right, she never had time for sex. But she suddenly started to freak when she saw Inuyasha standing naked above her.

"This might hurt." Kikyo suddenly sprang up.

"No, I can't-I want to keep my virginity as long as I can." Inuyasha's grin widened.

"So you're a virgin! Never broke a virgin before, this should be fun." he pushed Kikyo back down and positioned himself above her, and in an instant started to plunge into her. Kikyo felt a pleasure wave coursing through her body and she started to push her hips against him. Inuyasha suddenly lost control and started to go faster and harder. Kikyo felt a painful jolt in her canal everytime he plunged into her.

"You're going to fast." Kikyo panted, but Inuyasha was too busy focusing on the pleasure building up inside him. His pace increased as he felt his hot seed fill her, and soon Kikyo followed. Exhausted, he absentmindedly laid his head on Kikyo's stomach. The priest tensed up, but relaxed when he put his hand on hers.

"I'm not gonna kill you after all."

END OF LEMON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

End of flashback

Kikyo felt more tears go down her face. She loved Inuyasha, and that re-make of her was going to take him away. She was a bit happier when her dragons came back with souls. But nothing would please her more than to see Kagome fall.

A/N: i loved that lemon! it was my best one! there's not a lemon in the next chapter, but a little sexual confrontation between Kagome and Inuyasha. u happy Kikyo lovers?