InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyou's Revelation ❯ Dummy ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N; Everyone R&R! I am new, and reviews would be appreciated. I thank those who all ready reviewed. Also this is a shorter chapter but the next one will be longer. Now on with the fic!


I...I am alive. All of it felt so good. I did not know how much I missed being alive. I giggled; my dream came true. I was in Kagome's body.

Chapter 2

I heard Naraku behind me, "Kikyou?" I turned around to face him. He was looking at my old clay body. "You wench! You killed her!" He yelled. The demon part was probably relieved, no more miko to get under his skin. He ran at me, claws out, and his face full of rage. I flipped to the side, (like in Tomb Raider games) and felt for my hidden bow and quiver. Naraku turned around and sprinted toward me, this time with his fist out. I grabbed my deadly weapons and dodged out of the way. I then slipped the quiver on my back and set up my bow. I pulled out an arrow and took aim. Naraku had given up running after me. His baboon pelt was getting bigger by the second; I could see the slimy tentacles growing underneath his pelt. I pulled the arrow as far as it would go. He started laughing, "So that really is you Kikyou." I smiled; I wondered when he would figure it out.

"Now you know," I shouted "you will be destroyed by ME." I laughed; he was going down. He laughed harder, his body still growing. I had enough of his stupidity; I let the arrow go. The pink aura grew large enough to purify his bulged body. The arrow hit its target dead center. He screamed; I thought my eardrums would burst. His body was slowly melting in the pink. I could smell the putrid stench of purified demon. Then it was over with. Naraku was gone, or was he? Why had he not moved? He could have at least tried to doge my arrow.

I walked cautiously walked over to the scorch mark Naraku left. I picked up the jewel shards he had dropped. Then I saw it; the wood that meant it was a dummy. I picked up the stick and mashed it in my hand. Naraku was such a coward. He wouldn't even come out of his fortress to chase me. I will kill him! He is going to pay even if I die again. I would even wait in hell for him!

Kagome's P.O.V. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

I was being pushed back, the extra soul in control. I could see and hear, that is about it. I tried to talk but nothing came out. I couldn't move anything. When Kikyou entered my body I could do nothing; all I can do is hope. Hope that Inuyasha will figure I am in danger. I could see Naraku. Was this his plan? So many questions circled my mind. Then I saw my hand drawing back on the bow; taking aim. Everything went very fast. Kikyou had killed Naraku; she couldn't be in league with him. I saw the wood in the burn mark. Damn, he was a fake. Even though I am not in control, I don't mind Kikyou trying to kill Naraku. Maybe that was her plan all along, to barrow my body and kill Naraku. Yeah right; she wants to be alive. Why would she give me my body back? Then Kikyou was turning my body around. Inuyasha was right in front of my body.


Wow, it didn't take me very long to up-date. I hope this writing streak keeps going. My muse has not been lazy, but that can change very fast.