InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ KILALA HAS A SISTER!?!?!?!? ❯ chap 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

BOUT TIME!!!!!!! I finally got over my writer's block. But in the process, I got a cold from my mom. It's the bad month long kind. I can't smell and I have constant headaches. But enough about me, ON WITH THE FIC!!!!!!!! Chibi's! Get the fic!
Chibi Duo: Yes ma'am
//Bob the Builder….//
Chibi Duo: sorry!
ChibiWufei: Move over baka! I'll do it……….
//I love you, you love me……..//
GAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! TURN IT OFF!!!!!! TURN IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!
Both: SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!
Arg…. I guess I'll have to get it…….. Meanwhile, you two do the disclaimer.
Both: OK!!!!!! She doesn't own Inuyasha!
But that won't stop me from trying…… stupid people at the law office… (walks off muttering)
Naomi punched Koga in the face. “I am NOT your woman!!!” She swung at him again but he caught her wrist. “Yes you are. I claim you as mine. Unless dog-breath here has done that all ready, which I highly doubt.” Naomi blushed. “No he hasn't. But I belong to nobody but myself.” He made another grab for her. She snarled and changes into her big form. Kilala changed too. The half-sisters charged at him growling. His grin quickly faded. “This is getting to dangerous!” He said to himself as he ran away. Naomi and Kilala both turned into flames. When the fire cleared, Kilala was in her small form and in Naomi's arms. They went back over and sat down around the fire. The others following suit.
The next morning, they were on the road again. They were walking through the woods. Kagome got a great idea. “Hey guys!” They all turned to look at her. “Let's play a game!” Inuyasha looked at her. “Sure, we have time. What kind of game?” Kagome looked thoughtful. “How about we play truth or dare?” They all looked at her. Naomi stared at her. “What?” Kagome sighed and went over the rules.
(An./ If you don't know this game, go over to the nearest wall and bang your head on it repeatedly and yell `I need a brain!' until you understand. (That `I need a brain!' part was a joke my friend told me btw))
They all trooped into the woods and sat in a circle. Kagome began. “Ok. What should we do if somebody doesn't complete a dare?” She looked around. Inuyasha smiled. “How about we sit in a river for an hour.” Kagome frowned. “Too easy for you demons. I have an idea!!! How about we rub ourselves in chocolate and run around in the forest yelling `I'm a muffin!!! I'm a muffin!!!' over and over again. K?” Sango stared. Naomi nodded. “That sounds good as we don't have any other idea's.” The others agreed. Kagome smiled. “Alright it's settled. Start the game!!!!”
(An./ Ok. It's all gonna be weird format from here on throughout the game all right? Ok)
Kagome: Inuyasha, Truth or dare?
Inuyasha: Dare.
Kagome: ok… I dare you to….. to uh……….. Be nice to Koga for a week!
Inuyasha: WHAT!?!??!!??!?!?
Kagome: you heard me.
Inuyasha: fine. (grumble grumble)
Shippo: Inuyasha, your turn!
Inuyasha: (grin) Miroku, truth or dare?
Miroku: Truth.
Inuyasha: Have you ever not gotten slapped when you delivered your `Will you bear my child' line?
Miroku: Of course I have!! No… wait yes…….. There was that one girl…. No that was a crossdresser….. Uh……
All except Miroku: (sweatdrop)
Naomi: Miroku, it's your turn………
Miroku: Ah yes!!! Sango, truth or dare?
Sango: Truth. I don't trust you hoshi…..
Miroku: Awww….. Ruin all the fun why don't you? Oh well.. Do you like anyone here?
Sango: (blush) I-I…. Yes.
Miroku: (grin)
Sango: Shut up!! Kagome, truth or dare?
Kagome: Dare.
Sango: (evil grin)
Kagome: uh oh……
Sango: I dare you to kiss Inuyasha!
Inuyasha & Kagome: WHAT?!?!?!??!?!?
Sango: (bigger grin) You have to do it!
Kagome: Fine! (walks over and kisses Inuyasha)
Sango: See that wasn't so hard now was it?
Kagome: Ome o korosu……. (An./ That's Heero's favorite line!!))
Sango: (suddenly fearing for her life)
Kagome: Shippo, truth or dare?
Shippo: Uhhhhhhh……… Dare.
Kagome: I dare you to go one day without aggravating Inuyasha.
Shippo: Okay.
Kagome: `Maybe now I can get some peace!'
Shippo: Sango, truth or dare?
Sango: Truth.
Shippo: Okay….. Do you -----…….
Next chap…..
What will Shippo ask? Will Sango do it? Why am I talking like this???
Find out next time!!!!!!!!!!