InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Killer Money ❯ The Dreaded Drive ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Dreaded Drive…or maybe not~*~*~

It was finally Saturday and Kagome was saying good bye to her family. She had slept over so her mom gramps and brother could say good bye. And give her charms.

“ I gave you extra talismans to ward away demons. And ghosts.” Gii-chan said

“Thanks Gii-chan but I don’t think I’ll need them. Inu Yasha won’t let anything touch me.” Kagome replied.

“Good.” came his reply.

“ Be careful” her mom said.

“ I will”

“ Don’t get hurt”


“please don’t do anything stupid”

“MOM… I can take care of myself…I’m 19 for crying out loud. I’m of age”

“ all right, all right, I just can’t see that your going to do this.”

“Mom there’s no such thing as ghosts”

Another few minutes later Kagomes ride came.

“ Sis, are you going to ride in a limo?” Souta asked

“ I think I am” she replied.

“ Miss Higurashi, Kagome?” a short toad like man asked.

“ That’s me” Kagome replied. She ran down to the limo. Inu Yasha came out of it.

“ hey babe.” he said

“ Where’s Hiten, Kouga, Fluffy, and Miro?” she asked right away.

“ Wow you get right down to business. Hiten and Kouga spent the night at the your place with the twins. Sessy and Miro are staying at Sangos place with Rin and Kikyo. Its just you and me” he said with a smirk.

“Oh great. Whos the little toad?” she asked pointing to the chauffer.

“That’s Jaken. Sessy’s little helper.” he replied.

“Oh well lets go and get the others” she said hopping in the car. He just followed behind her with an evil glint in his eye.

*~*~* 15 minutes later*~*~*

Kagome was looking out the window being in her own little world.

‘Damn she’s beautiful. Its gonna take all my strength not to take her now’ Inu Yasha thought while he was staring at her. She felt his eyes drilling holes in her.

“What” she said. She looked like pure innocence He couldn’t take it anymore. He leapt on her and slammed her with a kiss. She was shocked. He never did anything like this to her. He was nibbling her bottom lip, begging for an entrance. She didn’t let him. Finally he bit down so hard Kagome let out a scream, or at least tried. Inu Yasha shoved his tongue in at once. It was just like river coming through a dam. He tasted every corner, teasing her tongue. Kagome just sat there. Half of her wanted to let him take her. Fast and hard. But the other half was refusing. Her body instincts took over before she could decide.

‘Damn she tastes so good. I wonder what the rest of her tastes like’ Inu thought

‘What the hell am I doing.’ Kagome was thinking

‘Who cares it feels good to let go’ her other half said

‘But I hate him’ Kagome replied

‘Does it matter now?’ her other self asked

Kagome didn’t realize that Inu was kissing down her cleavage. When she did it was too late. He had taken off her bra and was sucking on her right boob, hard, and massaging the left. When he left she moaned, she didn’t know why though. He switched. He could smell her arousal so he started to kiss down to her belly button. They didn’t even notice the car stopping. Inu was licking around the line of her pants when he heard something. A cough.

“ Um….its not like I don’t like seeing a good chest but I thought you hated him Kagome” They froze at the voice.

‘Of all the people to see Kagome without a shirt on, it had to be him’ Inu thought. “ I’ll kill you Moushi” Inu growled.

“Kagome?” it was Sango.

“Yes?” she replied.

“Why are you sitting bare chested with Yash straddling you?” Sango asked. She struggled not to laugh.

“I’ll tell you as soon as you get your perverted boyfriend from staring at me!!!!!” She shrieked.

SLAP! “Hentii!!!!….Please go on” Sango said

“ Yash kissed me and my body instincts took over and things got out of control” she said simply.

“WHAT!!!!! You mean you didn’t feel any thing? It wasn’t you who was shivering at my touch?” He yelled

“ no things just got out of hand.” Kagome said “ Now you 4 get in here so we can get the others. Bye Kikyo”

“Bye” Kikyo yelled as she watched them leave. She silently wished them luck.

~*~*~ At Kagome’s, Ayame’s, and Kyame’s Place~*~*~

BEEP!!!! BEEP!!! “Hiten! Kouga! Get your asses down here!” Inu Yasha yelled.

When they came down with Ayame and Kyame, they looked worried. Inu Yasha never used bad language in front of Kagome.

“Are you all right?” Kouga asked.

“Feh.” Inu said.

“Whats his problem?” Kyame asked.

“Come here….” and Sango told them.

“OH” is all they said.

The rest of the drive was pretty quite except for the occasional “ Would you like some food?” from Ayame. Each time anyone would ask Inu Yasha some thing he would reply with his o so famous ‘Feh!’

When they reached the destination they were expecting an old house. Not a pier.

BUM BUM BUUUUUM!!!!!!!!! Ha ha. Whats going to happen to them. Did Kagome really feel nothing during the lemon? Where are heroes going now? Only I hold the power to tell. [of coarse I’m the one writing the damn thing.] Sorry for the delay. I had a five day writers block. And I’ll probably have another one. PLZ REVIEW!!!!! The lemon was for InuGurrrl. Thanks some how you helped me.

