InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Killer Money ❯ Asylum ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
*grumbles* FINE I’LL DO IT!!!!!*yelling at men in black suits* I don’t own the gang………how ever I control them MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........ HAPPY!!!! *mumbles* I hate you……

A/N: Kikyo isn’t evil!!! I don’t hate her. She just annoys the shit atta me….

Last time: When they reached the destination they were expecting an old house. Not a pier.

~*~*~Chapter 4~*~*~


“Uh……wheres the house?” Kyame asked.

“Oh.. Your not going to a house. Your going to an abandoned asylum.” someone said.

“I know that voice… that’s Kagura Windors” Inu Yasha said.

“Congrats Yash, that’s the most you said all day”
Miroku said.

“Feh!” came the reply.

Kagura came into view. “Your going to an abandoned asylum in the middle of this lake. It was first a childrens hospital a long time ago. That was when there was land connecting the two. But one day, they say that the Doctor treating a young girl with a fatal illness went mad. He had grown to love the girl like a father. But her case was hopeless. He killed her many weeks later. He took her to a room where he tortured her. He wanted to show her the pain she was causing him. Just before he killed her she put a curse on him saying these exact words

‘You may kill me but I’m taking you with me. You will give others pain like you gave me pain. You will never die yet never live. You torture those who live until you can fill your thirst for blood, suffering, and death. Only then will you finally rest in peace. I hate you.’ she said.

He lost it at her final words. She was sent to suffer the same curse she had put on that man. Together they haunt that place. Together they kill.” Kagura said this in such a way as if it didn’t matter. As it weren’t true. But the others will find out soon enough on how true it really is.

Later they learned they turned the old building into an asylum, so it had many rooms that had very strange devises inside. Of coarse they had to close it because in mates started to disappear.” Kagura said this very… mysteriously.

No one was worried [except Rin] because they either had Miko powers, was a demon slayer, or was a youkai or hanyou. “So…. What do we do now?” Hiten asked, breaking the silence.

“You will go on a boat to the island. When it leaves it will not return until the morning. Not even for an emergency. So do any of you have an allergic reaction?” Kagura asked.

“No.” came their reply.

“Well then you should get going….. In the boat now…. All right ba-bye now… ba-bye!” she said smiling “…..for good” she murmured, smiling cruelly.


[ In the shadows in the highest tower]

“Hehehehehehehehehe. It seems that we have some visitors” someone said to no one.


There were 2 boats. Each could carry 5 passengers. So all the girls went in one boat and all the guys went in the other. The guys, being over protective, went first.

“ I can’t believe them. They think that we can’t take care of our selves” Kyame complained.

“ Ugh! Men are so over possessive. The other day I was talking to Ah and Un and Fluffy started growling at them. They’ve been my friends way before I even met him!” Rin said.

“ Isn’t Ah and Un the reason you met him?” Kagome asked.

“ Well… yea but I don’t think every one needs to know that.” Rin replied.

“ First of all, every one all ready know. And second of all, that is so cute.. I mean child hood friend sets you up on a date who ends up becoming your hus…..” Sango said. Everyone glared at her.

“ What?…. Am I missing something?” Rin asked.

“ Uh…… no. Just the fact that Sessy’s gonna kill Sango.” Kyame hissed.

“ No kidding” Said….. Sessy.

“ Uh…. she didn’t realize what I said” Sango said in a voice only demons would hear.

“ Lets hope so.” he replied. “ Rin lets go in and find our room.”

“ Ok!” she said brightly. No one had noticed she was actually deep in thought.

‘Was Sango about to say husband. Is Fluffy really going to propose? Good Lord I hope so!’

After everyone was safely out of the boats the drivers quickly sped away.

“What was that all about?” Kagome asked, Eyeing the drivers.

“They were getting away before you could change your minds” a crackling voice said. “ There is a one way radio that transmits through out the asylum. So no matter where you are you will hear me. Only I will never hear you. He. He.

You will find that there are 5 room in one hall of the asylum that have your names on them, the people who won, that is. If you make it to your rooms you will be safe through out the night. Nothing can penetrate those rooms. Not demons. Not ghosts. Once you leave these room, though, you can get hurt by anything. The person staying in the room with you is the person you brought. Only you two can go in the room. Also there is a dining area with the same standards, the only difference is that you all can go in it. There are 2 bathrooms. One for girls. One for boys. Good bye……………. Oh one hint on where your rooms are. They have a high standard view.”

Everyone was confused by what she said.

“ What the hell did she mean? ‘They have a high standard view.’” Inuyasha complained.

“ I don’t know. But she put an emphasis on high.” Kagome said.

“High….. Maybe it’s the best view in the place” Kouga suggested.

“ Na… it had to mean something else.” Ayame said.

“ I got it!!!!” Hiten suddenly yelled.

“ Well out with it man! I’m tired.” Sessomerou said, yawning, [ every time I write yawning I yawn]

“ It means its high up. You know like one of the highest floors.” Hiten said excitedly.

“ Well that’s a first…. Hiten actually used his brain” Miroku said

“ Hey!… so sad …. Yet so true” Hiten said.

“My smart cookie!” Kyame said giving Hiten a kiss.

“ EEEWWWWW!!!!!!! GET A ROOM GUYS!!!!!” Rin yelled.

“Well now you guys can get a room cause I know which floor its on.” Inuyasha said.

“Which?” Kagome asked.

“The top floor. The stairs are crumbling and I’m not using the elevator…. So us demons are going to carry you humans.” Inuyasha had that look in his eye.

“Ayame and I are demons so one of us will carry Sango. Yash… you’ll carry Kagome… Sessy you’ll be carrying Rin” Kyame said

“Hey what about us?” Kuoga yelled.

“ ih… you get the privilege to carry Miroku.” Ayame said.

“Oh joy” Miroku and Kouga said at the same time.”

“ Last one up is a rotten egg!” Kyame yelled once everyone was ready.

First Fluffy was leading, then Inuyasha snuck up behind him and ran in front.

“Think you can beat me, little brother?” he called.

“Yea! And I’ll be a whole floor ahead of you!” Inu replied looking over his shoulder.

“ not if I make it up there first!” Hiten yelled.

Below them Miroku, Sango, and Kyame were talking…… well actually making bets.

“ 100 yen if Hiten wins” Kyame said

“Nah…. I think Fluffy will win.” Miroku replied.

“ Both of you are wrong. Inuyasha will win.” Sango said smugly.

With to floors to go kyame yelled, “ HITEN YOU BETTER WIN!!!!! I HAVE 100 YEN ON YOUR ASS!!!!” After she said that he ran outta sight…. Fallowed by Sessy and Inu. Once the rest joined the top they found that Sessy and Inu were scowling and Hiten had the smuggest face in the world.

“All right.. 100 yen…. Cough it up!” Kyame said to Miroku and Sango. Reluctantly they gave it to her.

“That wasn’t so bad. Coming up here.” Inu said. “ So lets all unpack?”

“ I’ll be down stairs making dinner. It will be ready in about 15 min. I’ll call you when its done.” Kouga said. And with that he ran back down stairs.

“ All right people chop chop! Lets start unpacking!” Ayame said. They all went to their separate rooms.

Hiten found that his room was at the end of the hall. He led Kyame into the room, and shut the door quietly. There were two futons on the floor and a stack of comforters on the floor next to them. There was one window in the room with a vase underneath it full of flowers. Dead flowers. In fact all the plants in the room were dead. Everything else was quite nice.

“ Dainty little place isn’t it?” Kyame asked.

“yea….. I guess. Wanna give ‘em a little heat?” Hiten asked seductively.

Kyame rose an eyebrow. “ok… as hott as you are… I didn’t picture us doing sex in an abandoned asylum.” she replied.

“oh yea..” and he tackled her so she landed on a futon. He started to kiss her roughly. “ I need you” he moaned. Coaxing her lips open, he began assaulting her mouth, tasting every inch of her. Trailing kisses down her neck Hiten started to undo her shirt.
“unn” Kyame moaned. She took his shirt off a while ago and was working on his pants. She stopped suddenly because Hiten was sucking on her breast. After he was done she resumed her job. She threw his pants off and cupped his manhood through his boxers. Hiten gasped suddenly.
“You don’t know what you do to me.” he said. “ I need you now.” With that Kyame tore his boxers off with her claws.
“ I know very well what I do to you.” she replied. Kyame pushed Hiten down and started to kiss his inner thigh and up his manhood. When she got to the top she stopped and made him moan in disapproval. Getting what she wanted she smiled and sucked on the head. Hiten struggled not to but he bucked into her mouth. Hiten then pushed Kyame down on the bed and assaulted her nether region. Adding another finger he realized that she was tight.
“Will I be your first” he asked her. Eyes glazed over with a combo of lust and love Kyame nodded her head.
“ So will you” Hiten said in turn placing himself at her entrance. He was just about to enter when……..

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHH!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Say it. Say it. I’m evil. Evil cliffy!

Hiten: Dammit woman. I hate you.

Kyame: no u don’t

Hiten: ur right I don’t

Well I gotta go now……. ; )


Kyame ^.^

P.S.: five pages! I made it longer to make up for lost time