InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Killer Past ❯ Trust me not ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]






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Last Chapter:


"Well let's just say the doll is done being played with and all games are over with". The last thing those in the room saw was a bright light.




Chapter 5: Trust me not




Miroku, Inuyasha and Sango saw a bright light and then silence suddenly the music from the club began again. Soon Kagome came back out with smiling and got into the car they had her ride in. Inuyasha looked at the others then walked over to the car and got in then they were off.


"Did you get what we asked for?" Inuyasha asked staring at Kagome. Kagome smiled as she handed him the wanted information then looked out the window to see Miroku and Sango in the car behind them.


"Why didn't you follow the plan?" Inuyasha asked putting the file away in a compartment. "Because if I did I would have gotten caught," Kagome replied nonchalantly. "How?" Inuyasha asked curiously.

Kagome smiled, "Too many people would have seen that coming, especially Yura" Kagome said stepping out of the car, since they reached Sango's and now her apartment. "How would you know?" Inuyasha asked sticking his head out of car.

Kagome grinned then closed the door on his face walking up the path with Sango. Miroku soon got into the car with Inuyasha. Inuyasha could tell he wanted to laugh but valued his life more than that.

"There is something not right about that light we saw" Miroku said out of nowhere a few minutes later. Inuyasha nodded, "Kagome from what it looks like never was going to follow our plan though but get the information her own way" Inuyasha said looking out the window.

"I could tell from the moment I told her the plan, she wasn't that is why I had you go in as a bodyguard but it turned out fine; Kagome doesn't look or act like the type of person to be in the spy/assassin world" Miroku agreed. "There are things about Kagome, that don't fit in and that is what really has got me worried" Inuyasha whispered softly thinking.


~~Sango and Kagome's Apartment~


"Kagome, you did an excellent job on you 1st mission," Sango said smiling throwing her coat on to the back of a chair.


"Thanks, I almost thought I might actually get caught" Kagome said smiling wearily walking into the kitchen. "Yeah, but you came out a few minutes after that bright flash of light, what was that light?" Sango asked leaning again the wall.


"A light bomb" Kagome said after taking a big gulp of water. "We didn't and don't give 1st timers light bombs, you might blind yourself" Sango said watching Kagome. "They used a light bomb on me to try to disarm me but I was too fast and I ran out before they could get me," Kagome said smiling.


"And the silence?" Sango asked unbelievingly. "DJ must have stopped the music when the light bomb went off" Kagome said coolly smiling.


Sango looked at Kagome suspiciously for a second then walked out of the kitchen. Kagome frowned once Sango was out of sight, "Still don't truly trust me, huh", and Kagome's frown slowly turned into a small smile, "Good".




This is it for now, love ya all.