InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi watashi ga natsukashi ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kimi watashi ga natsukashi.

Chapter 2

Kagome's alarm clock went off and she snapped awake. It was the day she would leave for her father's. The man she hadn't seen since the night before her 10th birthday. It would be the understatement of the year to say she wasn't nervous. Quickly taking a shower and putting on a dress, she loaded her two suitcases and one backpack into her mother's car. Yes, her family was taking her and seeing her off. All to soon, it was time to leave.

After three hours at the airport, two and a half of which she went threw security, it was time to board her plane.

"Hiragashi Kagome, flight 98, seat B4," the woman at the ticket counter said, handing Kagome back her ticket and telling her where to go. Kagome rushed, for they were boarding for her flight at that time. She sat down in her seat, a window seat and sighed. A guy about her age sat down next to her, and another guy joined him.

"Hey, I'm Louis and this is Jerk face," the guy next to her introduced themselves to her. The guy on the edge, Jerk face, looked like he was going to kill Louis.

"My name's actually Chad," he told her.

"Well, Louis, Chad, I'm Kagome," she told them.

"Where you going?" Asked Louis.

"I'm going to see my dad," she told them.

"Really, cool. We're going back home to Chi town," Chad told her.

"Yes, though we may not look it, we're twins," Louis explained to her.

"That's cool, and what the heck is Chi Town?" Kagome asked, feeling stupid.

"Chicago, the best city in the world," both guys said at once.

"Oh, this is my first time going anywhere out of my county," Kagome told them. "I'm really nervous, I haven't seen my father in over seven years."

"Okay, why haven't you seen him in such a long time?" Chad asked.

"He left my mother," she replied, face looking out the window. "Say, why are you guys here anyways? If your from Chicago, why aren't you there?"

"College," both said simultaneously.

"Do you go to the same school?" She wondered.

"No, mines about an hours drive away from jerk face's," Louis told her. Just then, the attendants went through the whole emergency routine adn safety procedures. For the rest of the trip, she talked to Louis and Chad.

"Kagome Hiragashi!" A man's voice yelled out, joining the others. He was waiting for his daughter. "Kagome!" He yelled, seeing her. She rushed over to him, leaving the two young men she'd been talking to behind.

"Daddy?" She asked.

"Kagome, you've grown so much," he told her as they hugged.

"You've changed too," she told him. They walked over to get her luggage and instead of heading outside like she expected, he headed to a different part of the airport. He stopped adn they got on a train.

"What's this?" She asked.

"It's the South Shore train adn it'll take us to where I live," he explained.

"I thought you lived in Chicago," she told him.

"Nope," he answered. She shrugged, then looked out the window and saw the Indiana country side for two hours. "Well, here we are, South Bend," her father told her when the train stopped for a final time. They got off and he took her to a small brown car. He then drove through a place that Kagome found scary. All sorts of things that shouldn't have been were going on in daylight. She couldn't believe the amount of crimes she saw in the fifteen minutes or so she was in the city.

Finally, to her relief, her father drove out of the city and into the countryside. He drove for half an hour or so, then announced as he pulled up in front of a house that they were home.

"Hi, I'm Cathy," a woman introduced herself to Kagome. "I'm the woman who's marrying your father."

A/N: Hello, this is RGC, or Revenge Girl Cece. You see, I have taken over this A/N because I'm bored.

I am the beta of your authoress, and as you can tell, I don't do a very good job of it. Yes, I do have my own account, but I don't have anything up because the stuff I write sucks, but then again, AJ feels the same about her stuff, and she loves my work. Oh well, who knows when I'll get something up. South Bend is not full of crime, but a friend of AJ's a mine thinks so

By the way, fir those who don't know, Chi Town is pronounced Shy Town. That's whatever almost everyone of our friends call it and that's what a lot of people in the boring town AJ and I live in call it. Oh, and just so you know, the town this is set in will be the town AJ lives in.

Maybe it's because we both have lived in SB before. Oh, and the South Shore is a real train that connects Chicago to South Bend.

I do not own any one or thing, and I don't care!

Peace, RGC out.